
chapter 8 : update




Job: Musician

MONEY:4000 HGF (-2000)

POPULARITY point (p.p): 201

Fame point (f.p): 21

SINGING: 89/100 « EXPERT »

GUITAR: 85/100 « GREAT »

CREATIVE: 70/100 « GREAT »


EMOTIONS: 45/100



★Third-person p.o.v ★

Minutes turn to hours, hours to days and days to weeks, and the number of downloads, views, and subscribers keeps on rising and in a week the number of views has reached 100,000 and the subscribers reached 15000. which surprised the band because they were expecting the number to reduce but every day the number of views, downloads, and likes doubled which made the band very enthusiastic about their chances of reaching the top 10 or even winning the competition because presently they are ranked 15 behind 'wild dreams' by hydroxy.

The comments on the song were also growing wilder

"This song is gold, you hear me GOLD"

"This song is so sad but hardcore at the same time, how is that possible "

" I don't even know how they did it but I want to see them sing"

"C2H4 being out the music video, we want to see you guy sing (sad)"-

" I have listened to this song 100 times and I am still not tired of the song, what kind of witchcraft is C2H4 using because it is working"

"I played my co-worker this song and now he can't stop playing the song, it even his ring tone God "

As the comments flooded the account frank was also watching the comments and was planning to send a comment telling the views and fans that they don't have the financial backing to make the music video when he got an idea.

★first-person p.o.v (frank)★

After watching the comment I was planning to add a comment when I had an idea. instead of waiting till the end of the month to get their earnings, how about, I update the accounting platform and add some new features but first I need to pay for a developer subscription on the web net if I want to add my code and also it has to be checked by the web net system for viruses.

But After a long time contemplating about what feature I wanted to add first because I have a little bit of money left Available, I finally had a plan.

First I will start with donation software, which will help in collecting money so that we can produce more music and music videos in the future while also providing us with some money for our living expenses like food or rent until we can make a  bunch of money and won't need support for donations but for now we need donations.

Next, I will add a community system that is similar to Reddit so that people can post videos of them try to recreate our songs, talking about news related to the band, get news about a new song coming out from the band or form the band account, and last people will be able to vote for thing related to the band like when to release new songs, etc.

Now that I have a plan, the only thing now is to redeem by programming reword from the system.

"System can you please redeem my programming skill"




"Fuck, that a lot for the information. Gosh system can't you warn me that you are going to start "


After absorbing all the information about programming I opened my computer and open the web net developer platform and started to code for the donation and community system.

-------------------- next day --------

After coding for 12 hours I was finally finished coding and I can publish it on the band platform but first, the code needs to be check by the net system so I send the codes to the system and 10 minutes later it was clean and there was no viruses or mistakes were found.

So I then send the codes to the system again so that it can be approved and I can finish the payment and go to sleep.

30 minutes pass and the code was approved so I paid the 2000 HGF for both codes and published the update on the platform with a message for all the fans and views.

*finally I can sleep*

★third-person P.O.V★

After frank went to sleep the update was successfully send and Jason Terry who was in the class got the update and was ready to download it but because he was in taking an exam he had to wait after school.

also for those who are confused about this web net platform. it is a platform that contains other platforms inside, forming one big Network or one big app with many platforms inside of it so that's how Frank can add some of these coding systems inside of the platform .bit don't worry I will go into detail later in future chapters.

Almighty_flexcreators' thoughts
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