
Vol. 6 - Chapter 3

Kaori had been fine before. She genuinely believed that. She might have been a little bit disconnected because, in her mind, she had just been in Onyx, fighting for her life and it was tough to get over that, but she really thought she would be okay. 

Now, she wasn't too sure. 

"We'll send them a letter as soon as we're back home," Ash said in an attempt at calming her nerves. Kaori wondered if she looked as bad as she felt at the moment. "For now, though, do you wanna head anywhere else?" 

"I need a drink," Kaori replied instantly. 

"Yeah, yeah, sounds good," Ash agreed. "Where do you wanna go? Or, if you just wanna bring some drinks back home and chill there, we can do that too. It's fine either way. Right?" She asked the others. Keiko nodded quickly, Sinneah showed no reaction at all, and Yumi just shrugged. Hearing that, Kaori decided that was probably for the best. 

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