
Vol. 2 - Chapter 46


"Uh, and what the fuck is a necromancer?" Ash asked. 

"It's someone who uses Dark magic to resurrect the dead," Satsuhiro clarified, barely hiding the disgust in his tone. "And uses them as their own personal slaves." 

"That's a rather cynical way of putting it," Vermia said, "I prefer to see it as allowing them to be useful one last time." 

Ash raised a brow, but she didn't feel too different after knowing that.  Uh, okay, so she brings skeletons back to life? Is... Is that, like, bad somehow?

Her confusion reached its peak when she saw that even Kaori, who up to this point Ash would have to award with the mark of "friendliest person she'd met", was looking at Vermia with a mixture of apprehension and scorn. 

Vermia shrugged. 

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