
16 Fight

"...if I must be crude some of you might even die..."

The words rang crazily in all there ears. They might die. What was worst than that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everyone was scared of the upcoming program all except one person, Ben. Maybe it was because of ignorance or something else but Ben wasn't too bothered about facing off some fierce beast and demon creatures. Since the information came in the morning there was still a whole day left for self training.

Ben left for one is the training ground to practice his sword skill. If you ask Ben he would say these were just some moves babies could do as they were just the basics. He practiced for a while thinking about the two weeks program. Anna has finally recovered 60% if her previous strength. No thanks to the doctor. Ben had informed his father on his discovery of the doctors but his father turned a deaf ear to it saying he was the best in the city. It was a good thing he brought up those safety measures by bringing in a guard and a private maid. Luckily today is going to be get first day to start her meditation to become and start the road to becoming a wizard.

Ten minutes into his basic sword drill a young man was coming from behind. Ben already noticed him from afar, he kept coming but did nothing. Ben didn't know why the young man came doesn't mean he would be bother.

"Hey Ben, you're training by yourself? May I join you?"

Ben stopped his sword drill to face the person who asked. With a small smile Ben looked at the guy half a head taller than him and about the same age as him. "sure, why not?" said Ben

They started off with the basic offence and defence, there was nothing eye catching but Ben enjoyed it, besides this was going to be the first person to spar with Ben. For the last two weeks he started classes no one wanted to spar with him. Ben felt anywhere they teach not only a specific profession is qualified to be called a class. While still practicing Ben took the initiative to break the silence between them.

"Sorry, but I don't even know your name?" Ben said with a wary smile.

"Oh no problem, I know people like us don't enter your eyes unlike her..." the young man said cocking his head to one side of the field. Ben knew he was talking about Mia "...anyway, my name's Jeremy."

"Oh, I'm Ben by the way." He replied without a care of the world.

"Haha, who doesn't know that here?" Asked Jeremy inbetween laughter.

"I guess it's only right to be formal don't you think?" said Ben blocking a front slash that was coming from his left.

"well you could say so." Jeremy shrugged.

"well, well what do we have here? losers showing off their loser moves, haha."a voice was heard not far from where Ben and Jeremy were training.

"Great Flash's here, you're on your on bro." Jeremy said as he stopped swinging his sword apologetically he stepped back. He might have stood up for Ben if this isn't Flash we're talking about here. Lord Williams' elder brother's son, Ben's cousin.

"I get you." Ben whispered smiling.

"Oh hey Flash came for some practice. Don't worry we'll leave this ground for you and your fans to do your thing." Having some thought Jeremy offered.

"No one was talking to you dickhead," after shooting Jeremy a glare he turned to Ben "since you're here I would like to spar with you Ben, let's pipe up your skill, what do you think?" Flash said with an evil grin.

Everyone was afraid of Flash because he is one of the top 10 best and strongest youth amongst the younger generation in the Williams family and one of the few who could bully Ben and still get away with it. Ben was thinking about the offer until Jeremy stepped up for him, again.

"C'mon Flash, you know Ben isn't that stro..."

"I accept." Ben interrupted Jeremy before he finished.

Jeremy looked at Ben with wide eyes and his mouth agape, even though he didn't say anything he came close to Ben and whispered "are you crazy? I'm busting my ass so you don't get your ass busted!"

"Wow, great! this is going to be fun." Flash looked at Ben like a predator looking at his prey.

The rules around here are simple, you aren't allowed to fight anyone outside the training ground and if there should be a grudge, you can only settle it in the dueling ground, but, that depends if us the person you want to fight against accepts the challenge and once accepted you can't back out.

When people heard that a duel was about to start they weren't that interested until they heard it was Ben and Flash who were dueling. Their interest were immediately piked. The dueling ground was ready to use, Flash was standing on the dueling ground waiting for his opponent, Ben.

"Ben, you shouldn't have accepted the duel. I almost got my ass busted trying to help you, why?"

"Jeremy, if I can't even face Flash in a single spar, how do you think everyone will look at me? I know you guys don't like me because you all think I'm weak or the Ben who always hide behind his father," Ben left Jeremy heading for the dueling ground "besides let me stand by myself for once." Jeremy was lost for words as he saw Ben ascending up the stage.

Ben had many thoughts racing through his mind. He was sure he could beat Flash in at most five moves but that wouldn't be his style, he prefers to stay low key. Now he was stuck between showing off or staying low key.

This was Ben's first time in a duel, this 'Ben' at least. The space was large enough to be set as half a football field. Ben didn't know why they would need so much space if they were going to have a meely match, that's when he remembered. Even though they were all swordsmen, elemental swordsmen didn't need to be in a close range in order to give a fetal blow and could do so from afar too. Kind of like wizards, Ben thought.

Ben arrived at the arena and stood opposite his opponent, Flash. The referee came up the platform when they were ready. He was a senior student.

"are you ready?..." asked the referee immediately Ben got in the stage. Ben replied with a nod, then turning to Flash he asked, ...are you ready?"

"Let us get this thing started Josh."

"Fight!" Josh the referee declared the beginning of the match

"ah" Flash unleashed his broad sword that was two-third his length and as wide as an adult palm. Bringing the sword down towards Ben's head with a faint Yellow-brown glow around it.

Ben knew he could block this attack head-on but at the same time deflect it. Ben stood there like an idiot, while in truth he was calculating Flash's steps. Raising his broadsword above his head to counter Flash's. Immediately the two swords met, Ben slashed with all his might and side step redirecting Flash's attack to the ground beside where he had stood. Ben's hands were shaken by the force Flash used. This would be his ever first duel with an elemental swordsman. It was like the weight is a thousand pounds was crashing down in him.

Flash continued to slash towards Ben. You can see him using half his energy at the beginning of the duel. This truly was uncalled for especially for someone without an elemental seed. Ben had to keep dodging, blocking and deflecting Flash's attack. With every attack he noticed that Flash's every move became stronger than the last.

"Hey loser, why don't you stand and fight like a man, huh, and stop running like a chicken!" bellowed Flash, he was starting to get infuriated as he couldn't even land a single hit on Ben, not even his hair. His hands and sword now had a Yellow-brown glow on them, this shows his stance as an entrance level elemental swordsman.

Ben stopped as though thinking of what Flash said. Seeing that Ben was willing to comply Flash gave a low cry and rushed towards Ben. This time Ben didn't move to dodge. "you shouldn't have provoked me" just as Ben said that's words he stamped his feet on the ground and rushed towards Flash. Flash himself didn't expect Ben's response however, was delighted.


Sparks flew everywhere as two big swords clashed together. Although Ben did not mobilize any of the Starfield in his Universal plane, his Universal plane gave him a natural increase in strength. By a lot. Three steps back. Everyone was in shock at what they all just saw. Flash came to a stop after taking three steps back. Yes, Flash. Disbelief was written all over his face, it quickly disappeared after seeing Ben's situation. Ben was panting like he just ran a marathon, but in reality it was all an act. Ben choose not to be the showoff for now but to stay low key. He knew that to have to stay low key he'll have to eat some dirt.

Flash on the other hand felt embarrassed and his fury raged, he roared even louder making the Yellow-brown glow intensify brightly in his hands. When those youths below saw this they began to panic.

"My god, is he trying to have a breakthrough fighting Ben?"

"He's going to kill Ben without even gaining anything is he does that!"

"He's mad!"

"Someone needs to stop him, fast!"

So many people knew Flash had finally lost it. Ben, inside the dueling ground already knew the 'danger' he was in and thought Flash was pushing his luck. Well he had started the acting there's no way to stop midway.

Ben put up an act of utter terror as he threw his sword and ran the opposite direction in 'fear' "I concede! I surrender! somebody help!"

Laughter resounded across the entire stage, to them they were watching a good show.

"It's enough. It's enough I say!" the senior watching over the match came up to stop Flash from harming Ben.

"I'm going to kill you for this." Flash said with his tomato red face. He was so angry steam came off his head. The senior brought with him another senior to take Flash away. The young man was indeed pissed.

Ben left the stage returning with his indifferent expression as though nothing had just happened.

"Why does it look like you were about to die a moment ago, now you are all 'don't touch me I'm famous'. You should have seen your face 'I surrender, I surrender' haha" Ben heard a familiar voice and looked back to see a familiar face.

"What are you talking about Jeremy, I was really scared shitless. I can't believe you're saying this about me." Ben said faking a hurt face, yet he was smiling.

"Every single person knew you were scared out of your wits bro."

Two weeks after going to training alone Ben has finally gotten someone he could call a friend.

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