
Chapter 9

When I came to, I saw that the bodies of my family were missing. What happened to them?

My body was still hurting, I felt as if I was run over by a train.

I had failed!

I couldn't beat Lilith!

I just laid down on the ground as tears ran down my face.

I dove into my own subconscious because my conscious mind saw Lilith killing my family over and over again. I was surround by darkness and felt like I was fading away from existence.

What could I do?

I wasn't indestructible!

I could feel cold wind blowing on my body.

I remember all the good times I had with my family, they were all over now.

I was all alone.

I cried so much that I  thought I would be drown by my own tears.

'When you lost you folks then you know you've had it! Maybe I should just give up; I'm just a failure.'

I laid there for a while until I heard the voice of a woman, not Lilith; someone else.

"Are you just going to give up?"

I turned my head and saw Jord, she had regained consciousness.

"What can I do?" I yelled, "All of us couldn't take her down."

Jord kneel down beside me.

I felt so much pain in my heart and it was tearing me apart.

I was an unthinking teenager who thought I could be a hero. I was wrong!

My body began to hurt less but I still felt like I let everyone down. Some hero I turned out to be!

"I saved Thor's hammer." Said Jord.

I didn't answer. It was time for me to grow up and accept the fact that I couldn't do it all.

"It will give you more strength."

Before I could answer, I heard Reggie's voice. "That's not the Billy I know."

"What?" I said. "What happened to you?"

"We are dead." Said Dad, "But that doesn't mean we won't help."

"Here are going to give you our strength my sohn" said Mom

"I'm here too." Said Thor.

"Don't give up boy." Said Odin, "You fought her and now you know how she fights."

"Listen to them William." said Jord, "The universe has not ended yet. Hope! Don't lose hope!"

Jord places Thor's hammer in my hand and I felt the power entering my body.

"We will be here with you William." Said Hermès "Don't give up!"

Jord and Thor's hammer had disappeared, I had absorbed them as well.

"Come on sohn!" Said Mom,  "I'm not a quitter and nether are you."

"Mom, why did I accept this job? I must be a glory hungry-fool? Why was I even born? You were the undefeated champion, you had so much fame and money. You only retired because you got pregnant."

"William!" Said Mom in a stern voice, "Don't you ever say that about yourself! I don't regret having you. I was going to leave UFC at some point anyway, I got bored with it. You are my pride and joy! I would never trade you for any amount of fame or money!"


"She's right," said Dad, " I know you don't want this responsibility, but you have it anyway. You are the only one left you can stop Lilith. You must not allow any other innocent lives to suffer because you did not act."

I sat up. I was going to need a plan.

"Okay Dad," I said, "I'm do it! I'm try again!"

I began to Meditate so I could relax and think.

"Of course," I said to myself, "I have seen her attacks. I must prepare for them so I can counter them."

I stood up to my feet and waved my hands around and two giant logs appeared on either sides of me.

This would prepare me for Lilith's double kick.

"Remember the Kyle family motto," said Dad, "No retreat, No surrender!"

I nodded my head as the two logs threw at me from both sides. I blocked them with my arms but my arms hurt immediately.

The logs rammed into me again from both sides. I wasn't going to give up. I would keep blocking the logs until my arms were strong enough to break the logs.

"Charge up!"

My body was surrounded my a golden field of Ki.

My arms were hurting so much, couldn't I rest for a moment? No. I will rest later!

I charged up once more and continued to block the logs.

Under about an hour, both the logs broke against my arms. I had done it!

"Double the gravity!" I called out and then I felt more weight on my body.

I began to do kicks and punches in the air, i would need more gravity.

I made a punching bag appear as I raised the gravity to five times. The punching bag was made of cement, but soon I was making cracks in it.

My knuckles bleed as I screamed.

'I guess I can rest for now, but not too long. Lilith could return anytime.'

I sat on the ground and meditated again.

I would face Lilith again, but this time I would be ready for her. She was overconfident and that would be her down fall!

After ten minutes, I returned to the punching bag. The gravity increased to ten times.

I attacked the bag, Continuing to break the cement.

"Fists of fury!"

My hands moved so fast as I punched the bags again and again until the bag was destroyed.

The gravity increases to 20 times. Now it was getting harder to move around, but I didn't care.

The ground began to move as I started jogging, just like a treadmill.

As I ran, I felt drops of freezing rain on my head. The rain was pouring down in less than a minute and I felt the pain of the ice cold water, but I kept running.

After a few hours, I decided to rest again.

The rain continued as I went inside our house that once belong to my family. I always loved to play my guitar and watch the rain outside, but I was supposed to be training.

I decided to lay in my bed and a while and think.As my head hit the soft warm pillow, I looked over at my night stand.

The clock was blinking 12:00 with bright green numbers. Sometimes I would look deeply into the green numbers and they would become a grassy landscape. A big beautiful park!

I fell asleep and dreamed about my family on a picnic in the park. It was such a beautiful day.

When I woke up, I decided that I should eat something before continuing my training.

After eating some left over pasta in the fridge, I returned to my training. The rain was still hitting me hard but I was getting used to it.

The gravity must have been increased to 100 times by now, but I was still moving around like normal.

I made Thor hammer appear above me. Now it was time to train myself for Lilith's dropkick.

The hammer hit me in the chest and I cried out in pain.

"Charge up!"

It took me several hours but I got used to the hammer in my chest and belly.

After eating another meal, I trained with Thor hammer so more.

This time I would prepare for that axe kick Lilith gave me.

The hammer came down hard on me as I blocked it again and again.

Finally I blocked the hammer with both hand and then grabbed the hammer and tossed it over my head.

The gravity must been 200 times by now.

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