
Chapter 178: Falling Out

"Oh my God! Minshi!"

Su Ning was startled by the commotion behind her and she turned to find Minshi with glazed eyes staring at her bloodied hands. Rummaging through her bag, Su Ning quickly pulled out a pack of napkins and pressed them onto Minshi's wounds.

"Minshi, I think you should go to the infirmary first." Su Ning said quietly. Her brows were furrowed and she wore a worried expression on her face. Several 'mhmms' and 'yeahs' could be heard in the background from their classmates. 

But a second passed and then another and Minshi made no move to stand. Su Ning frowned. Something's wrong with Minshi. That's what her intuition is telling her. So Su Ning took Minshi's hand and led the girl out of the classroom herself. 

"Can you let the professor know we'll be a few minutes late to class?" Su Ning asked a male classmate on her way out. 

The man appeared surprised for a moment before energetically responding to Su Ning.

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