
Chapter 23

Jenny was in April's kitchen enjoying breakfast. April made two cups of herbal tea and they sat out on the back porch and listened to the birds chirping in the trees, feeling the morning heat, and blowing into their cups and sipping their tea. They talked pleasant stuff at first: their kids, their husbands, what either had planned for the day . . . the whole time April could not rid herself the crimson flush that lit her cheeks.

"You been having yourself a great time with Max haven't you?" Jenny asked. "The look on your face tells me everything."

April laughed.

"You're reading me like a book. I can't keep anything from you."

"You're not supposed to," said Jenny. "If it makes you feel better, he told me. Or rather he told Dave who then told me. You been enjoying that Asian girlfriend of his too?"

"Is she really his girlfriend? I figured she's like . . . I don't know, like one of us."

"A horny slut, you want to say? She is a horny demon, is what Dave told me. I haven't had fun with her yet, but I imagine I will soon enough."

"You never had lesbian sex before?"

"Of course I have," Jenny answered. "Not once and not twice either. It's all part of the fun; some men just love it."

"That day I met her was a first time for me. I almost didn't know what to do when she fell on me in the car."

"The way Dave heard it from Max, he says you handled it just fine."

"Not only handle it. I got so deep into it I was loving the fuck out of it," April admitted then again broke into laughter; Jenny joined her.

"Virginia Summers is now a true Black Cock slutwife," Jenny declared. "Aren't you loving it now?"

"I can't believe what I've become in such short time," April drank her tea before continuing. "Almost every morning I wake up thinking about Max. I'm like wanting him so bad. I keep restraining myself from calling him this morning but don't know if I should. What do you think I should do?"

Jenny drank her tea before answering. "Enjoy it while you can. But try not to let it take over your mind."

"Yeah, maybe it's best I don't call. I think I'm going to be home all day then go over and pick my son up from school. What about you?"

"Need to go get my hair and nails done. But Dave and I will be going out this evening."

They sat in silence for a while. They sipped their tea and savoured the moment.

"I know I'm crazy for saying this, Jenny," April turned to her. "But thank you for this."

"Hey, don't thank me yet. There's more to come; just get ready for it."

"I don't know what you mean, but whatever it is, I hope it comes. I've never been this crazy horny in a long time. My battery feels so recharged, I don't want it dying off soon."

"That's the way it was with me when I first started," Jenny mused.

"But since you started this thing, you ever had any regrets? Just anything at all?"

Jenny blew into her cup while ruminating on the question.

"Only had one regret and it's something I've never shared with Dave. I always wished I'd gotten pregnant by a black man."

April looked at her friend with open eyes like she had just slapped her face.

"You can't mean that seriously," she breathed.

"Why won't I? I already have my tubes tied so no way I'm getting pregnant ever again. But it's something I would have loved to have. Just never got around to making my mind up on it." She produced a sigh. "Well, I guess for us horny slut wives, we can't always have everything we want."

April said nothing to this. She instead drank her tea and continued speculating whether to dial Max's number or not.

April left her friend's home and returned to hers. She had the house to herself—Howard had taken their son out to enjoy a baseball game; she had professed a headache and wanted instead to stay home. A headache was the last thing she had on mind. Thinking too much about Max was taking over her thoughts hence she'd gone to seek counsel from the only person she knew who could give her one.

She was throwing in her clothes as well Howard's into the basket to take them downstairs to the washing machine—she would do the same for her son's later—but stopped when she felt something in his pants pocket. Horror lit up her face when she slipped her hand into his pocket and unearthed what it was. It was a DVD disc similar to the one Jenny had mailed to her before, except this one had Howard's name on it.

April held it to her face and let his pants fall from her hand. She felt herself swoon for a moment, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. She forgot about the clothes and went downstairs to the living room and inserted the disc into the DVD player. It was the recording she had made of Jenny getting fucked by the mystery client of hers. She watched it to the end, almost expecting to see some other recording beside that one. When she found none, she ejected the disc out of the player and sat thinking. Done with thinking, she went searching for her phone.

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