
The sudden encounter

"Do you know what Andy is doing now?" I asked him.

Who shook his head to say he doesn't know.

"To be frank Gin, I am a little skeptical about this hotel project you got," I said.


"It's just a gut feeling, but don't worry we all are in this together, so no one can harm us." I patted him on his shoulder and gave him a brotherly hug.

With all these things happening, we got together and finished off the initial draft and plan for the hotel project.

"OH my... At last, it's done," said Lu.

"Hi... we did the hard work, you just helped with our snacks and meal" complained Yin.

"That's an important part of an Assistant sir. If I wasn't here, do you think you will have anything to satisfy your grumbling tummies" answered Lu.

"You..." said Yin.

"Well, what he said is true... I can hear your tummy from here," Laughed Gin looking at you.

"OK ok... Lan what time is the meeting?" asked Yin already getting ready for a nap.

"Tomorrow at 10 am. Does any of you have a clue about that other party he talked about?"

"I don't know. But I sure do have a little uneasy feeling about this," said Yin.

"We'll know tomorrow. I only pray this design is accepted with fewer modifications," said Gin.

While Yin and Gin freshen up before bed, Lan and I collected all the details for tomorrow's meeting.

After all is done we all headed to our beds to have a good night's sleep, hoping that everything will go well tomorrow.


"Hi...Lu.... Where's Gin?" I asked as I woke up and I couldn't find him anywhere.

"I think he went home to check on Nuo.. He will be here by nine, so we can go to the meeting together," He said while yawning and waking up Yin, who was tightly hugging a Big Teddy bear. (Yes.. this was a five feet teddy won at a games park.. so comfy and cuddly.)

Gin was waiting for us near the car with all the details, but his look was not too optimistic.

"Good Morning.." said Yin.

"Good Morning," he said.

"Why the gloomy face?"

"Hmmm...nothing much... It's that Nuo was acting strange today," said GIn.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"She won't let me go.. so I had to give her some medicine to calm down and sleep,"

I could see a pool of tears piled upon his eyes. I went to him and hugged him to make him sure we are there for him. "Hi... don't take it to heart... we are all here with you..."

We arrived at the prompt time for the meeting. The Manager was eagerly waiting to start the meeting and to introduce us to the other party.

"Mr.Lan, Mr.Yìchén, and Mr.Genghis let me Introduce the Project coordinator - Ms.Andy."

And she turned to us making us shocked to see Gin's ex-fiancee.

"We meet again Mr.Genghis. Why don't you introduce me to your friends?" She said without any hesitation.

"What are you doing here?" asked Genghis.

"I came to see you and especially your little sister Nuo."

"You don't have to see her or at least show your face in front of her."

"Oh! really...Then I must see her.." she threatened.

"Mr.Lan, may I know what's going on? Seems like they knew each other but things don't seem peaceful." said the manager.

"Ms.Andy is the ex-fiancee and the culprit of Genghis sister's brutal accident. His sister is still recovering from trauma after two years," I said explaining things short.

"Sir, if Ms.Andy is going to be the coordinator, I think we will have to refrain from going further with the project," said Yin, who already hated Andy'd attitude and threatening ways.

The manager looked surprised. And looked at Genghis as for an explanation.

"Sir," Genghis looked at the Manager, "what if your sister was bullied and thrown in front of a lorry. But luckily she survived, with lifetime trauma and was in a coma for almost a year. The little cheerful sister you have known is gone but there is a new sister, who is unable to talk, always scared. Because someone was jealous that everyone loved her for who she is and didn't realize, the matter was only within herself but plotted a plan to murder your sister."

The manager looked confused.

"Will you ever see that person? or even work with them, sir?"

"I... I will never do it, Mr.Genghis. But I really love your design and Ms.Andy was sent from the head office. I am really in a situation right now."

"We'll get another designer," said Andy.

"I am sorry we cannot, the head office requested to officially invite them, Ms.Andy. I hope you know that these three are the best in the field," said the manager.

"Yìchén, Lan", I am sorry but I will definitely not take this project. I feel bad that I wasted your precious time. " said Genghis.

"Mr.Genghis, can't we talk this through." said the manager. As he knew without a contract he was unable to use our design proposal.

I looked at Andy's face. So expressionless. Maybe she anticipated this situation beforehand. I need to find out how she managed to get a hold of this. My main reason was something she said, she might really harm Nuo, as she is the only witness that can send Andy to prison.

As we left the place Yin said something surprising,

"Gin, did your sister, knew about Andy coming back?"

"There is no way for that to happen." He said.

"Then it must be a premonition. That's why she didn't want you to come."

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