

A little while later, Alejandro arrives to see Marianna. She is alone, with her daughter. He looks at the baby with utter annoyance and contempt because she is Hector and Adrianna's daughter. For that reason, he cannot stand her. Alejandro says that he is getting tired of waiting, and he cannot stand seeing Hector and Adrianna together. Marianna says that she understands how he feels, but they have to do things slowly and systematically to avoid suspicion.

She tells him that while they have waited for long, they don't have that much longer to wait and it’s all worth it. Out of curiosity, Alejandro asks Marianna if she feels any guilt over switching the children. Marianna asks him why he is asking. Alejandro says he is just curious. Marianna shrugs and says that it's not like any of the children will come into any harm.

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