
Chapter Nineteen

I got the news on a particularly cheerful day in March. The weather had been indecisive for days prior, swinging from really cheerful to gloomy and cloudy like it was bipolar. Some days were too hot and others toed the chilly line.

But on this particular day, the weather spirits were in a brilliant mood and so was the weather.

School on the other hand had gone amazing( something to do with a fight and Fred) and the only blot on an otherwise perfect slate was the fact that Lawal had failed to pick me up from school. But so good was my mood that I decided to forgive him and hitchhike my way back home. By hitchhike I mean following Fred and having their driver drop me off. I did not even mind the fact that Samantha was in the same car.

If my life was a movie, this would have been the part where suspenseful music would have begun playing– the exact moment I pushed open the gate and stepped inside.

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