
Chapter Ten


The door to our room swung open and out came Lawal,a little frown wrinkling his forehead. I stepped back in surprise at the sight of him exiting our room. My bemusement grew when my eyes fell to his hands and realised that he was holding our bed sheet and pillowcases.

"Morning sunshine. Can you excuse me? You are obstructing the way".

"What were you doing in our room? And why are you with our bed sheet?!"

Lawal stepped around me and told me what mummy had only moments ago told me.

"The cousin is expected to stay with me in my "very spacious" room and I need to make sure it's worthy enough for such a great soul " Lawal added, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Is it someone I know?" I asked and followed behind him as he made his way to his room. Lawal shrugged and told me to leave him alone.

"Look for other means of amusement and allow me work in peace. I'm sure Iman would love to have you around. Go"

Ignoring his sarcastic tone and suddenly filled with the need to see Iman, I left in search of her.


Behind the main house is a boys' quarter containing two rooms and a shared toilet. When Naja'atu was still staying with the family before her wedding, she occupied Lawal's current room and the boys stayed at the boys' quarter. Then she got married and Hamza moved away.

Lawal moved to the main building and his room was converted to an extra store for mummy's many wares and knick-knacks. Hamza's room was left to gather dust under lock and key.

That was were I found Iman. She stood at the threshold,a bucket with the long end of a mopping stick poking out of it. I crept up from behind and blew a gust of air into her ears.

She let out a little yelp of surprise and staggered forward, losing her footing and falling face first into a pile of garbage gathered in one side of the room.

"Layla!!" She barked out on discovering it was me, her face contorted into a mask of fury and gradually dissipating fear.

"Sorry, I had no idea you would react like this. Let me help you up..."

She slapped my hands away and slowly got to her feet, looking comical and deadly at the same time.

"Should I help you sweep back what you scattered?"I asked in an attempt to sound sorry even though what I wanted was to laugh so hard that my heart would burst from it.

Iman reminded me of a cornered animal trying to appear feral. And the bits of garbage that had gotten stuck on her hair did not help either.

"What I scattered?" Her voice rose in indignation. I prepared for the storm of reprimand that was sure to follow.

Never one to disappoint, Iman began:

"Here I was minding my own business, almost finished with my chore when all of a sudden, heavens decided to send an agent of destruction to ruin all that I've done. And yet, you dare open your mouth to blame me?"

" I put in so much effort into cleaning this room and it took you less than a second to reverse my progress!"

"I kept telling this woman but did she listen? Oh no, she didn't. Now that the deed is done, who is suffering um? Iman, that's who! Spoil Layla and let-"

Annoyed and extremely offended by this point, I decided to put an end to her tirade. Here's what I did:

I took out the mopping stick,tipped the bucket over and we both watched as dirty water ran over the tiles and into the pile of garbage. Iman in stunned silence and me in a satisfied one.

She glanced up from the mess at me and back. Her body shook and her eyes watered but still, she remained silent.

"Can I help you now?"


. Iman skipped breakfast. When asked why,all she said was that she needed space alone. To think, she claimed. I knew she was still fuming and was probably trying to save my life. Because honestly, I felt she could have strangled me and it wouldn't have been enough to soothe her angered soul.

Even I had to admit that what I'd done was rather foolish. But you know how anger is; act first, think(and most likely regret) later. All I'd wanted at the time was get her to keep quiet. Needless to say that it worked beautifully.

While I thought of how to make up with Iman without really apologising, mummy went on and on about her son who was on his way coming. Lawal snorted as she began nattering about his superb qualities and how much she was missing him. I'm sure he was feeling sort of attacked. It was like mummy was indirectly ribbing him.

"When will he be leaving?" I asked as mummy's praise singing finally simmered down and we could eat in peace.

She frowned at me over the rim of her cup," I don't think I understand".

"What I mean is,how long brother does plan on staying? I know he's busy with work and might not have enough time to spend with us". What I did not add was, hopefully.

Mummy slurped her tea and afterwards told me to ask Hamza myself when he arrived.

"I hope he gets to stay long" Lawal chipped in, grinning at me," we all know how well darling Layla gets on with him. You would love that, wouldn't you?"

Mummy chuckled and shook her head.

"Better behave yourself around him. You know how he is", she said, pride and affection colouring her voice. I grimaced; Lawal chortled.

" Just make sure you put on a nice smile and don't talk the way you normally do. You'll be fine"

And then he laughed once more.

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