
Chapter Three


I couldn't go to school the following day because that was when I had my period. For me, menstrual period was more like monthly pain.

So, only Iman went to school and my mother stayed back to look after me and wait for Naja'atu's arrival. Not that she was even needed at her shop anyway, she had competent hands managing her business for her.

I was in the room, twisting and writhing with pain on the bed when I heard the door open and someone came in.

"Layla, are you awake?"

It was my mother. I groaned a reply.

"Get up and try to eat something".

I reached for the glass case on the floor and removed my pair of glasses from it.

My mother placed something on the table where the laptop was and came to me.

"Sorry dear. If you don't eat anything, how do you expect to get better?"

I struggled into a sitting position and placed the glasses on the bridge of my nose.

"What did you cook?"

"Fried yam and pap", she brought the food to me on the bed and urged me with an indulging smile.

"Why do women have to go through this sort of pain? It's quite unfair", I complained and began sipping the hot pap, enjoying the warmth in my belly.

".. and yet we are called the weaker sex"I snorted.

"The phrase is ironic wallahi. I can just imagine how some boys would complain if they should go through only a quarter of- "

A phone's beeping interrupted my tirade. It was my mother's. She answered the call and immediately started towards the door.


"Naja'atu is here. Let me go and open the gate for her".

With that she left, leaving me to wonder if Naja had come alone or if Isa was with her.


I heard the front door open but I did not get up from my sitting position on the bed. I was still in pains and my pap was just too good to abandon it to welcome anybody. My lovely sister included.

Some minutes later, the door to the room creaked open and in came Naja, looking nothing like the dejected woman in the hospital days ago.

She was well dressed and a radiant smile on her beautiful face boasted a dimple.

"Layla, how are you doing?", she asked and took a seat beside me.

"I've been better".

She patted my hand and said,"Mummy told me that you are having your period".

"Yes and I'm also paying for all the sugar I have been taking this month".

Naja'atu chuckled softly and shook her head, "Serves you right. You like junk food too much".

There was a brief moment of silence in which I thought of something to say. It was something I loved doing; filling in silent gaps. So I settled on an easy question that would quench my curiosity without me appearing too nosy.

"How's uncle Isa?"

"He's fine my dear. He was the one who dropped me off but couldn't come in because he was almost late for work".

"Oh, okay", I took a sip of pap.. and remembered something else.

"Sister, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Naja'atu was working in a Bank. She told me that she was still on leave.

"So Banks also give vacations. I thought all bankers are workaholics".

Sister Naja laughed, the sound warm and rich, warming me like a cup of nice tea. Or pap.

"Do you know I am now a senior student?" I asked rather proudly, "I entered SS1 yesterday."

Naja'atu beamed,"That's good".

Then another moment of akward silence passed which, thankfully, she broke


I looked up from my almost finished pap at my sister who was looking serious all of a sudden.

"Be careful, okay? You should know how to comport yourself among your peers. Set a limit on how you interact with members of the opposite sex".

I nodded and adjusted my glasses.

"Yes, sister".

"It's important. Friends can be evil. You can be easily influenced at this volatile stage of your life and before you know it, things happen that are not supposed to".

"I understand sister" I answered uncomfortably. Issues of this sort often made my skin crawl.

Satisfied by the docile look on my face, Naja'atu got up with the excuse of helping out our mother with the chores.

"Even when you are alright, you are next to useless. Mummy has spoilt you too much" , she said without a bite.

I shrugged ; it wouldn't be the first time someone would tell me that. Iman was always chanting it like an anthem to me.

With a smile, I finished my nice pap.


Pain and period aside, the day turned out great. Naja'atu prepared something delicious for me which I ate to my heart and stomach's content. She also did all the chores including Lawal's staggering pile of clothes thus saving me from the horrible task.

After which,we stayed in mummy's room and talked about random things never moving close to the issue of the miscarriage.

"I wonder how she copes at times" mused Naja once we had cleared out of our mother's room in order to let her rest.

"Who? Mummy?"

"Yes. I don't know what I'd do should Isa die". It was then I understood what she was saying.

Our father died shortly after Naja'atu's wedding. A heart attack,they said.

"Well,then don't think about it".

"I can't help it, Layla. Life is short. What if I never give a child before the inevitable happe- "

"Sister. Stop it".

"I am not getting any younger. Some of my mates already have children close to your age".

"My age?! You are not that old. How old are you? Twenty five?"

Naja'atu snorted,"I wish. I'm clocking thirty five this year".

I emitted a low whistle and said sincerely,"You look younger. Much."

She waved the comment aside,"You are only saying that to make me feel better".

Naja pursed her lips and batted her lashes once, twice. I knew then that she was holding back tears.

I went to her and wrapped my arms around her torso.

"It's not too late you know? Anything can still happen".

"It'll take only a miracle for- "

"No, it won't. Wait and see, you'll give birth to so many children you won't know what to do with them".

"Aunty Layla... I like the sound of that."

"Lay- "

I got to my feet and started ranting about what I would name the children, preferably triplets.

So excited was I that it took me a while to realise that Naja had completely broken down.


Moonlight is streaming in through the slitted opening in the window. I pulled the curtains aside earlier and now, the room is bathed in silvery white light.

It truly feels angelic now.

I am lying on the bed and staring at the plaster of paris ceiling, trying to make sense of all the decorations engraved on it.

I am done writing for today.

My eyes are burning with unshed tears. It's during moments like this that I wish I have someone to comfort me. Being locked up in this room does nothing to help at all.

Should I call Kudirat? Will she even come?

If I were her, I wouldn't. So I let it be and I keep on lying and staring all the while praying I sleep peacefully tonight.

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