
Strike them down

Jin waited for a second to check for the consistency of the guards at the checkpoint. And when he saw the consistency was sure enough, he tapped the comms on his neck.

[Radio: T2 engage, engage]

[Radio: copy that T1]

She let out a soft sigh and aim at the first machine gunner on the right. She pulled the string of the bow and whispered "Bow Master Arts" and her bow let out a soft glow of pink, which gives her a lighter and more impactful arrow added damage when she let loose of the arrow.

After that, she draw an arrow from her quiver and whispered "Silent Arrow," her arrow that she used is slowly being engulfed with wind like flow swirling into the wood of the arrow's body while it emitting a soft glow of orange. She then let loose of the arrow.

*GwoosH* as the arrow fired and fly, there was no sound to be heard as it was in midair it like being camouflaged by the wind that was swirling with it.

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