
When You Find Him Bleeding And You Are A Doctor (Tae) Pt.4

"Oh no you didn't," You exclaimed as you watched him go over to the sink to dump the dishes in the sink. Your eyes followed him around in anticipation as you waited for him to say that he was joking, that he didn't actually call a friend over at her house! The house of a person that he barely knew! Well yes, she was the one that saved his life but still, she saved other patients as well but none did the same that he did.

But, you have to admit…he wasn't just another patient to you.

The doorbell echoed again in the apartment and you knew that it wasn't a joke. She sighed as she got up to get the door, the second she opened it she was welcomed with the figure of a man that was a little taller than her, his blonde hair had white flakes from the snow that was outside.

As he turned around, she was captivated by how beautiful he looked. He was too pretty to be a man…he looked almost like an angel or a Disney prince. This was just how she pictured them to be. She stared for too long that he turned around to look at her and was forced to smile awkwardly at her.

"Hey, I'm Jimin," he said with the same grin. "I came to check up on Taehyung."

You blinked a couple of times as you stepped out of the way while opening the door wide. He nodded a thank you and he entered. Taehyung was waiting for him with a genuine smile on his face, one that he didn't show you before…well you only ever met the other night.

"Woah," Jimin exclaimed. "I don't believe that they let you live." His eyes were wide as he examined his friend.

"They didn't exactly let me live," Taehyung objected as he pulled his shirt up to show the white bandages wrapped around his slim waist.

Jimin faked awe as he took a closer look. "Well, this is what you take for working for gangsters," he mumbled out loud. "are you going to crash here for a while." He eyes you up and down, and you frowned.

"No, he isn't," you replied for him. "can't he just go with you?!" you raised a hand of protest.

"Unfortunately, they already know where he lives and they have probably looked over there," Taehyung stated. "Bear with me for the next couple of days.

And that was how you lived with him for the next week. Every day you went to work and returned home to that tall figure laying carelessly on your bed. You have to admit that during these few days, you have become accustomed to his presence. Every time you arrived you home and you would annonunce your presence and he would welcome you home.

You finally felt that there was warmth in the apartment that you felt never met the sun.

"How was work?" he asked like usual with his head resting on the balm of his hand.

"As usual," you answered, even your replies were no longer awkward and it seems almost like you were a couple. The thought always put a smile on your face at night as you went to sleep. "Did you change…"

"Yes, I changed the bandages," he finished for you as he lifted his shirt. You smiled at him as you set your bag down, and that was when that crazy idea got to you.

"Hey," you said as you turned around to look at Taehyung who was busy watching T.V. He hummed without taking his eyes off the screen. "Do you want to go out today? I think that you are stable enough to do that."

His dark eyes were finally on you without saying a word, you took his adorable state in his sweats and hoodie. "You think that I can go out?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I mean why not?" you shrugged your shoulders. "You have been inside for a week now. Don't worry I won't abandon you at a construction site." You giggled at the end. The sparkle in your eyes was so bright that it was almost blinding him. Something in his heart longed to say yes but also part of him was worried.

He was about to say that he was fine, but as he took another look at you…he knew that it wasn't about what he wanted. It was what you wanted.

And there was no saying no to that look on your face.

"Alright, let's go out and have dinner," he said with a wide grin that was boxed shape as he pushed himself off the bed. The sight of him made your heart flatter, your mind was roaming somewhere it shouldn't.

You were thinking if you were to perhaps confess these uneasy feelings that you have been experiencing, and that perhaps you both stay aquatinted even after he leaves. You didn't know what his answer would be but you didn't care, all you wanted was to get to know more of him…to see more of him.

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