
Progression in Interdimensional Travel (6)

Electra gave a small smile. "That's the long-term plan. This energy model is scalable. If we can refine the process further, we can use it to terraform entire planets, creating breathable atmospheres, fertile soils, and sustainable ecosystems all powered by a singular energy source. Imagine entire colonies—on moons, on Mars, on distant worlds—each powered by these energy cores."

The holograms above them flickered, and one of the engineers quickly adjusted the displays to show a visual model of what that might look like: a space station orbiting a distant moon, connected to an energy nexus that flowed from the core to a complex series of pipelines and conduits, distributing energy across large colonies and various terraforming systems.

Ethel took a slow breath, the weight of the possibilities hanging heavy in the room. "You're not just creating life, you're creating entire ecosystems and worlds."

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