
The Adventurer (27)

The creature, now visibly weakening, thrashed about in a last-ditch effort to fend off the adventurers. It lashed out with a massive limb, catching Amara off guard and sending her crashing into the wall. Thrain roared in fury and brought his warhammer down on the limb with all his strength, shattering it completely. Eldara conjured a massive firestorm, engulfing the creature in flames and searing its flesh.

Keldor, seizing the opportunity, drove his sword deep into the creature's heart once more. This time, the divine energy surged through the blade and into the creature, causing its body to convulse violently. The eyes scattered across its form began to burst one by one, black ichor spilling from the wounds. The creature let out a final, ear-piercing shriek before collapsing to the ground, its form dissolving into a pool of dark, viscous liquid.

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