
Colluded Castle Battle (8)

As the celestial clash reached its zenith, the Demon King infused the shadows with a malevolence that transcended the boundaries of comprehension. The dark entities, now animated by an unholy sentience, twisted and contorted in ethereal dances that sought to disrupt the unity of the elemental quartet. Clio, Sophia, Nuala, and Electra, undeterred by the spectral onslaught, stood firm within the sanctified space.

The Demon King, sensing the vulnerability within the elemental quartet, intensified the shadows with a malevolent intent. Ethereal tendrils snaked through the sanctified space, seeking to entangle the cosmic forces in a suffocating grip. Clio, Sophia, Nuala, and Electra, their powers intertwined in a desperate defense, faced the encroaching darkness with a resolute determination.

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