
Witch City's Forest (10)

Arpious, catching her breath, felt a pang of guilt. "I know, Elara. I'm sorry; I got carried away exploring the city with Venessa. It's just... everything here is so enchanting, and I lost track of time."

Elara sighed, her stern expression softening slightly. "I understand that, but we need to work together. We have a quest to complete, and I can't do it alone. I need you by my side, Arpious."

Arpious nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission. "That's my bad. I promise we'll train now…"

Elara's expression eased, and she extended a hand to Arpious. "Mhm… alright, follow me. Sorry girl, but we got more important things to do."

Arpious hugged Vanessa goodbye before following Elara out of the city, a bit bummed out at how she already had to ditch her new wifey material. 


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