
Tolf Leader: Aria (1)

My body turned numb, and then I reached out for a light, forcing me to appear in a new unknown place that looked like a normal metropolis with towering buildings and bustling streets. 

There was a heavy scent of smoke wafting through the air, and before I knew it, a woman with green hair greeted me, her sister with dark blue hair standing right beside her. 

The green-haired one looked to be about six feet, while the dark blue hair one was just a bit under six feet, yet she was the oldest. 

"H-Hello," I stuttered, intimated by the onlookers from behind the two women. 

"Welcome to New York City!" The woman let out a big toothy smile. "And welcome to your new home for the rest of the week… well, hopefully." 

"Stop scaring her and let's get going. People are already staring," The blue-haired woman muttered before gesturing for us to follow. 

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