
Tolf Leader: Ethel (6)


Just as the man was about to lash out an attack, Athena held out her hand, creating a large barrier made from the telekinetic force. 

After everything she had been through, she ended up choosing a telekinesis stone which then transferred to her status after I invited her to my own family.

She's loved it ever since, and with the knowledge gathering of Tolf… she's become quite the powerful ruler. 

Though, just not stronger than me. 

"We'll be back!" They shouted like some corny villains from a cartoon and left through black portals, teleporting them elsewhere. 

Then it was just me and my girlfriend who pulled me back to get a good look at me after all the slight rubbing and teasing she had done on my belly. 

I was not only physically drooling, but I was also practically drooling for attention. 

"You're so adorabl-" 


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