
Dukedom of Frosty Planes vs The Second Dark Army (Final)

My eyes flashed a dim gray color as they moved to the dark elf, who had completely regenerated everything but had a large burn scar across his neck and left cheek. 

"*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*... Motherfucker," He muttered angrily before wrapping himself in shadows once more. 

His twin short swords that he practically used like daggers clashed with my flames, but they soon overwhelmed him in a wave of agony. 

He screamed in pain as his shadows ran ramped, nowhere to escape to under the bright light of my glistening fire. 

"It seems I've underestimated you," A cold voice infiltrated my ear, and I snapped my head to the side, seeing the general still standing on his fire giant… but this time with a cold glare that stared right at me.

"Are you gonna come down, or will you continue to cower in fear up there?" I smirked, and the man's glare was even more intense. 

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