
Dukedom of Frosty Planes vs The Second Dark Army (6)

The branches and clouds served as a cape for our plan as shadows were practically everywhere. 

"If you had to choose between your girlfriend and me… and we were both severely injured… who would you choose?" 

The silence was deafening, and even the small breeze was unable to wake us up from our almost insignificant trance. 

"Definitely you," She replied with a wide smile. 

I couldn't suppress my smile either as we both stared up at the sky. 


(Tiana POV) 

"There they go," I muttered as I saw the adventurers hold their own against the waves of dark elves and massive fire giants who crushed towns with a single step. 

The cries of slaughter and mayhem ran throughout the air and lingered in our chest as a bad premonition of the day which had just started. 

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