
Intermission: The Maid At Night (2) | (NSFW)

A/N - This next part is NSFW and provides nothing for the story, so if you want, you can skip the rest of this chapter carefree. 

Chapter Tags - NSFW, Sex, R18, S&M, Strap-on, Cosplay, Role Play


It was pleasurable and fun for the first few minutes, and then after another few minutes, you realize how your mind is going blank and how you lose all feeling in your lower body. 

Well... actually... it's still pretty good in the end, and I absolutely love it. 

"Oh, don't fall just yet…." She mutters before using her hand to slap my ass once more, causing me to almost fall. 

I stumble back to my feet as she gets up from the couch and circles around me, and as soon as I closed my eyes for a split second, she grabbed my ass. 

As it was sensitive to the touch, I jumped from the pain, and my eyes shot wide open. 

"Look at me," She says in a cold tone that could've frozen over an entire kingdom. 

Next chapter