
The True Beginning of Tolf (5)

"Should we really continue the creation of these drugs?" Sophia asked.

"*sigh*... I honestly don't care, but all in favor of ending the creation, raise your hands," 

Nobody but Sophia raised their hand. 

I already expected this outcome as she was the only one oblivious to how precious these drugs are… we need them to keep our influence even if what we're doing is a terrible act of humanity… well, we aren't human anymore, so I guess we have an excuse. 

"Next stop," I say as we exit the building and follow the directions Charlotte had given us. 

Despite her not being here, Charlotte is completely carrying this operation as without her directions, we would've spent hours trying to find each building containing a lord as all of them looked the exact same. 


This time, a man wearing a white robe, creaked open the door and, upon seeing us, blasted us with a sharp wind that threatened to cut Sophia in half. 

Next chapter