
Hivemind Tab

As soon as I finished reading the panels, Sophia dropped unconscious, right onto the table in front of us. 


Astra began to shake her body violently, but there was no response. 

Electra even dropped her slice of pizza as she waited for her to wake up… but she didn't. 

Clio immediately went to check her heartbeat, which was still average, and her pulse, which was still average as well. 

"What's wrong?" Astra asks, but Clio just shrugged. 

Celestine gave it a try as well but just came back with the same results. 

"We should bring her to a hospital," Mia suggests, and we all immediately nodded our heads as we had no idea what was going on. 

We immediately paid using the tablet given to us and left the restaurant with Astra carrying Sophia on her back. 

But just as we rushed outside, Sophia lifted her head. 

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