
I Really Hate The Cold (Ethel POV)

"Yeah… Even if you did practice as hard as you could… it would just bring down your fighting capabilities. It would be best if you focused on hand-to-hand combat as I've noticed you're quite talented at that," Auntie says before walking back in front of us. 

Lucy looked slightly depressed with a single tear running down her cheek as she stared off into the abyss.

I giggled a bit before Auntie came over to me first.

"Okay, I used a bow for quite some time before switching over to the sword, so I should be able to help you… First, let's see your form," 

I raised my bow and pulled back the stretchy string made from ice. 

It was a strange cold sensation, but I held the position firmly while Auntie adjusted my form. 

A few hours then passed, and our weapon session had ended much faster than we originally anticipated. 

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