
Strange Dream

"You're just like her," I mutter while my new daughter buries her face into my stomach, holding me tightly as if she didn't want me to leave ever again. 

Calculative. So calculative, I wonder how your brain doesn't overheat. So calculative, I can almost hear the gears turning… 

"It's okay… I won't leave ever again," I mutter once again before I hear light snores coming from Lucy. 

Goodnight… Sweet dreams. 


(Lucy POV) 

I opened my eyes and saw my dead mother. 

She stood there with pieces of her body falling off her body as if she was a corpse reanimated by my skill. 

I felt like throwing up. 

I felt like crying. 

But I didn't. 

"Bye… I love you," I say, causing the corpse of my mother to light up, and her original body returned. 

I desperately held back tears as she hugged me tightly before drifting off into the bright blue sky. 

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