
Full Hivemind

"National Intelligence Ranking… First place," She muttered. 

The girl she had been trying to deceive was actually first for intelligence in the United States of America. 

"B-but why did she end up like this?" 

Lucy might not have the highest Battle IQ out of her peers. She may not be the best at fighting. Her control over weapons and magic is still mediocre. 

The only thing allowing her to keep up with her peers was her overpowered sword and skills provided by the system. 

But something nobody could beat Lucy at, even before she obtained the system… Was intelligence. 



I clicked my tongue after scanning my test, which I had just received through our online classroom. 

My computer updated me every time I received an email so I could check it almost instantly whenever one of my assignments was graded. 

It was my geometry/trigonometry assignment… But the grade wasn't what I wanted. 

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