
Skill Descriptions

"Kid, do you have a dungeon runner's license?" I ask as she might've been older than I initially thought. 

"Nope, I'm 15," The girl responds. 

"Huh? Seriously? Then why are you so strong? Even the richest and most powerful kids in this state are around high C or low B-rank at your age," 

"That's cool," 

"I'm actually around high A-rank, so it's hard to believe a 15-year-old is close to me in terms of power," 

"'Kay… Want a cookie or something?" 

This kid… She gets on my nerves. 

"Okay, this portal is pretty big. Probably larger than your normal B-rank portal, but it's not something I'm interested in," The kid says before walking off. 

"Somebody investigate that girl and find out which big family she comes from. I want to talk with them," I say out loud, hoping for anybody to accept the mission.

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