
Capsules (2)

"All students, we'll be doing some custom training with a few presets, but at the end of class, we'll have a final round against an Abyss Dragon where you can choose whatever power level you want, as long it doesn't pass your current level," The teacher says as we all nod for confirmation.

You don't really need to say that last part, as you can't set your power to something higher than your IRL power unless you modified the capsule.

We then line up in a single file line as we fill out some basic information in case something goes wrong such as the capsule overheating us, causing us to die, or maybe exploding from an unknown reason… this form basically says that it's not the school's fault if we die.

"Alright, students, please follow me to the next room, and then I'll explain the presets," A female receptionist says as we soon follow her down a long white hallway.

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