

[Ancient Body 1% Completed]

What? Ancient Body? What's that?

I looked up at the notification in front of me, confused.


[Name: Lucy]

[Race: Ancient Snake (Half)]

[Level: 17/50] (45/100) XP Needed

[HP: 109/109 MP: 109/109 SP: 67/67] - Above Average

[Strength: 129] - Above Average

[Defense: 129] - Above Average

[Magic: 129] - Above Average

[Speed: 129] - Above Average

[Skills: [Ice Fossilized Snake Necromancy] [Royal Ice Crown] [Ancient Sacrifice] [Drakes Bloodthirsty Rage] [Flood]

[Variant Skills: [Lesser Quetzalcoatl's Ancient Fire (Black Lava)] [Drizzle (Black Lava)]

[Summon Servants: [Fear]

[Passive: [Photographic Memory] [Black Drakes Blood] [All Language Perception] [Acid Immunity] [Black Drakes Regenration] [Fire and Lava Immunity]




[Stored Souls]

There's nothing on my status… Maybe it happened because my body reached a certain degree of strength. It's not stat-wise but something else… I have many skills that enhance my body, plus I just took something that strengthens my bones, so…

"I don't know,"

"What?" Mia asks.

"Nothing, let's get going," I say before standing up.

"Wait, I need to give you your masks," Mia says, stopping everybody who was about to leave the room.

She pulls 12 full face masks out of her bag and places them on the half-melted coffee table. Going from top left to bottom right would be a green snake, two ravens, a goat, a light blue horse with lightning-bolt-shaped patterns, a white eagle, golden boar, a blackish-red wolf, green squid, dark blue dragon, and finally a skeleton.

"What a weird selection of masks," Astra says,

"I just picked the first 12 that I saw," Mia shrugs.

We all pick one, and there were some disagreements, but we all got one in the end. I decided to take the goat since I found it the most interesting.

We then changed into our own thin armor, which I used the Abyss Drake Set. On top of the abyss drake set, I put my white hoodie, white and light green pants, my white baseball cap, and then I pull over my hood on top of the baseball cap.

"You've got good fashion sense," Celestine says as I walk out of the bathroom.


"Yeah, I think you look better in this type of clothing instead of a dress," Celestine compliments once again.

I could feel Mia's glare, and it seemed Celestine noticed as well, so she popped into the bathroom instantly.

"Stop flirting with another girl," Mia says.

"Huh, shes just complimenting me,"

"W-well… just… don't compliment her back,"

"I didn't,"

Mia didn't accept my answer and stormed off to change in the bathroom upstairs.

We were currently a few meters away from the targets mansion. The mansion was made right in front of a massive mountain that we could use to our advantage. And just like what Mia said, the mansion was half-covered by the shadow of the mountain…

What a stupid place to put your mansion.

"Okay, this is who we have to kill," Mia says, pulling out a tablet with 2 faces on it.

A beautiful middle-aged woman with long brown hair, pale skin, and black eyes. Next was a handsome middle-aged man with short black hair, tan skin, and gray eyes.

"Do they have kids?" Charna asks.

"Nah… just remember these two faces and kill them on sight,"



"Let's go,"

"This is gonna be fun,"


"Let's go,"



"Anybody else hungry?"

"This is why you're fat,"

"Too bad we had to split the check,"

"*sigh*... Alright, let's go," I say, pulling down my mask with the rest of Tolf doing the same.

(Butler POV)

I've been serving Misstress since she was a kid, and she hasn't changed at all. The same stuck-up kid that does anything she wants with people below her. But that doesn't make me hate her in the slightest.

Her arrogant attitude has caused a lot of trouble for her and her husband, but they get away with it most of the time due to their status and money. Her husband keeps her in check most of the time since she does sometimes goes too far.

"Brian, can you make me some coffee?" Mistress asks.

"Of course," I reply.

I make my way to the kitchen and make her some of her favorite coffee. After about 5 minutes, I returned to Mistress's workroom and placed the tiny plate on her desk. Next, I carefully placed the hot cup of coffee on the tiny plate and drizzled a bit of creamer in it.

"Thank you,"

I move back to my usual spot, which was right beside Mistress's chair.

About 1 hour had passed, and it was around lunchtime. Mistress continued to work even after noticing it was around noon, which was when she usually ate lunch.

"Mistress, would you like me to bring your lunch up here?"

"No thanks. Also, can you tell Arlo that I'm not going to be able to eat lunch with him? I have so much stockpiled work that I need to finish at least most of it by the end of today," Mistress says.

"As you wish,"

As I make my way down the hallway, I hear a loud explosion come from the mansion's back. I immediately run back to Mistress's workroom to check on her. I fling doors open and see Mistress had fallen off her chair from shock.

I immediately help her up and set her in her chair.

"Please stay here," I say, pressing a metal button on her desk, causing the room to lock down after I exited the wooden doors.

I ran to the back of the mansion and saw a massive hole that spread from the first floor all the way to the fifth floor. My mouth couldn't help but gape in shock at how this could've happened. We have so many guards surrounding the mansion, and an explosion of this magnitude was able to be set up and even blown up.

I peer down the massive hole and see most of the guards gathered near it. I jump down and land with a massive spiderweb-like crack below me.

"What happened?"

"Somebody was able to plant a 4-H19 and blow it up," One of the guards says.

"What! How is that even possible! Aren't they supposed to be extremely loud once planted?"

"Yes, and we did hear the piercing sound, but they blew it up as soon as they planted it,"

"Then how come we haven't caught them yet? They should be close by,"

"We are already searching for them. For some reason, there haven't even been any traces of activity such as footprints or even a scent. The most reasonable conclusion we can come up with is that it was a shadow user… but we would've been able to detect them easily… It's such a strange situation,"

"Well, find them quickly! The mistress is stressed!"

"We are trying. Just give us some time, and we should be able to find them-"


Another explosion that sounded even larger could be heard coming from the front of the mansion. We were stressed and panicked, and the first thing we could come up with is that their real attack is coming from the front.

They used the first explosion to bait us back while they raided from the front.

"EVERYBODY, HEAD TO THE FRONT! ELIMINATE ALL INTRUDERS!" I shout, but I didn't need to give them the order since they were already on their way.

We ran as fast as we could towards the back, and the front of the mansion was gone. It was crumbling into pieces, and you could see each floor.

"Everyone, get ready!" A guard shouts.

We waited… And waited… And waited… but nobody burst through the front gates, and nobody tried to climb over the walls. There weren't even any bombs dropped from the sky or powerful stone users obliterating us into ashes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING! SPREAD OUT AND FIND THEM!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

Everybody quickly follows my orders while I went to check on Mistress.

"Mistress, are you alright? We're finding the intruders as of now. Please don't worry," I say while knocking on the metal door that encased her work room's wooden door.

There was no response.

Sound is easily able to travel through these doors, so she should be able to answer.

A bad feeling sinks into my stomach.

"Mistress? Hello? MISTRESS! ARE YOU IN THERE!?"

I grab onto the metal, and with the influence of my earth-based power stone, I ripped the metal door off. I broke the wooden door down and then ripped the other metal door off as well.

"MISTRESS!" I shout as I run into the room.

My heart sunk, and I felt nauseous.

My Mistress's head was sitting on her table, and the rest of her body was still sitting in the chair. Blood was sprayed against the wall, displaying the suffering she had to endure before being decapitated.

Tears flowed down my face, and the last sight I saw before I fainted was one word in an unknown language written in spray paint.


Hello! If this novel can get 500 Power Stones by the weekend, I will be writing an extra chapter for Saturday and Sunday! Sorry, it's so high, but writing so many chapters is super hard! See ya!

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