
The Border (6)

"What a showoff," Mia says.

"Whatever, I just wanted to test my skills and I got what I expected," I replied.

It was currently night and I was in a bigger alleyway than before since Mia brought the rest of her friends. There were 12 of us collectively and we were all girls. I expected some guys to be here, but there were absolutely none.

All of them were from big families such as Balthasar, Porter, Bloodriver, Brollet, and a bit of a smaller family compared to the ones present, the Gaignes family. But the tall black-haired girl seemed to be almost as strong as Mia.

We seemed to create a sort of hierarchy on just the wooden boxes below us. The stronger your family, the higher you got to sit. If your families were close in power, your own power would determine where you sit.

They also seemed to just be wearing techwear. Not a single dress or proper clothing, just streetwear or techwear, but they still gave off the arrogant vibe that all young master and mistresses gave off.

Of course, I sat at the top listening to music while playing a game I downloaded on my phone. I could also sense some discontent at where I was sitting and before I could make a move, a girl with light blue hair said,

"Hey, Mia! Why'd you invite this idiot," she smirks.

That girl is probably part of the Brollet family. That signature light blue hair is something you wouldn't miss, I think they specialize in ice and water power stones. She seems pretty weak though, not even worth getting provoked over.

"Why not," Mia replied, not even batting an eye.

The girl seemed ticked off by Mia's reply so she continued to slander me.

After about 5 minutes of her running her annoying ass mouth, I sat up and saw Mia's eyes shift slightly.

"Are you seriously gonna be provoked by her? You even have headphones on, just turn up the music and try not to kill anybody here," Mia says.

I ignored her and hopped down the wooden boxes. Before I could even reach the Brollet girl, a tall beautiful girl with long black hair stepped in front of me. Now that I took a closer look, I saw that she was Asian.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Shutting her up,"

"I can't allow that,"

I didn't care about her dissing me, it was just I needed to get rid of the annoying stares of discontent and mostly anger. It practically made my skin crawl even though they just took glances at me… and there's only one way to fix that.

I released my bloodlust making some of the girls present to jump in fright while the Gaignes girl in front of me didn't budge an inch. It seems she was also able to use bloodlust but it was nowhere near as powerful as mine.

It was like comparing a tiger to a kitten… obviously, I dominated. I then completely released my bloodlust but directed it towards Gaignes girl, causing her face to go pale. A drop of cold sweat ran down the back of her neck and before she knew it, I already passed her and kicked the Brollet girl, sending her flying across the alleyway.

"Alright, shall we resume the meeting we started yesterday," I project my voice, appearing next to Mia in a split second.

The discontent girls were acting much better now as I opened my mouth once again. The Brollet girl limped her way back to the wooden boxes which I ignored and proceeded with the meeting.

"Alright, Mia, you can explain what we're doing and they can agree whether they want to join or not," I say, placing my headphones back on my ears.

"It's not like you're giving them much of a choice… Well anyway, we're putting together an organization that combines the influence of our families. Of course, we won't tell anybody in our family besides the ones present.

We'll use this organization just to help each other out by combining our forces to get rid of our enemies in secret. Most of our families can't make moves on other families since it would either cause too much loss or they will cause too much chaos within New York.

This will also help us gain access to the underworld which our parents have always told us are restricted from use… but I think we all know they have connections. Since they won't let us have any, we'll just use Lucy to gain connections.

She isn't from any big family so creating connections with the underworld has no risk but she still needs the influence to create those connections, which is why she is creating this org," Mia explains.

"Smartass," I mutter.

She already figured out almost everything I figured out. Well... we'll see how it goes and see how much influence I can wring out of this org.

Some girls decided to think about it while some immediately agreed. To be honest I was surprised none of them joined because they feared I would kill or hurt them badly.

In the end, everybody accepted my offer and Mia explained where our base of operations will be hosted.

After the not-so-long explanation, we then had to create a name for our group.

"Nightbringers," A girl from the Porter family suggested.

Everybody laughed at her edgy suggestion and the girls continued to spew out names that most agreed with but not all. We wanted a name that everybody agreed so even if we were missing 1 out of the 12 girls' confirmation, we didn't go through with the name.

"Tolf. What about Tolf? Since our base of operations is going to be in Iceland, how about we name it Tolf which is 12 in Icelandic," The Gaignes girl suggested.

"How do you even know that?" A girl from the Bloodiver family asked.

"I like to study languages in my free time," The Gaignes girl shrugs.

"... I like it,"

"Seems pretty good to me,"

"Keeping it simple… I like it,"

"Makes sense I guess,"

"So we going with a Norse flow then,"

"I mean it's Icelandic not really Norse but okay. I like the name,"

"Pretty cool,"

"Not edgy or cringy just explains this group in one word… I like it as well,"


"We can go with that,"

"I like it," Mia says.

"I like it as well… Alright, since everybody has agreed let's just name it Tolf," I say.

Everybody nods their head but there was one girl with some discontent even though she agreed to the name.

"What you don't like the name?" I ask the red-haired girl who was clearly from the Bloodriver family.

"I don't understand why you're the leader if we're having a mutual relationship. Shouldn't there be no leader and just have it be a democracy,"


She really had to go and say that. I thought the girls wouldn't have thought about that but it seems one did.

Wait, if I'm the leader then isn't there a higher risk of them coming together to try and kill me? I'm trying to wring out as much influence and power out of this group, so being betrayed a month after creating this group would be troublesome.

Plus now that I think about it… I don't even have any leadership experience. I just leave it up to my teammates or work solo, one or the other.

"Whatever. We'll have no leader and we'll make decisions together. Plus if anybody betrays this group then we'll kill them, I believe nobody objects to that," I say.

Everybody nods their heads in agreement and we decided to come back here tomorrow for another meeting, just in case anybody has any other ideas or suggestions for this group.

Hello! Its time to eat some breakfast...

Also, bit of a shorter chapter

equuipcreators' thoughts
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