

Before I walked out the front door, I wanted to change out of this dirty dress so I asked the same receptionist,

"I want to change here. I'm just going to the changing room," I said.

"D-do as you please," she says, unable to make eye contact with me due to her lack of judgment.

She probably has the wrong idea of me. If she looked at my bank account she would probably laugh at my face. But I'll let it continue, for now, this treatment is pretty nice…

As I walked into the changing room, I opened up one of the stalls and sat down on the bench. I then proceeded to take the clothes out of the bag and put them on one by one. It would've been nice if I could take a shower, but no apartment is going to accept me with such ragged and torn clothes.

I finished putting the set on and felt like something was off. The hoodie with the T-shirt fit nicely but the sweatpants seemed a bit off.

"I should replace these with leggings. Also, when did I become such a fashion freak. I do remember scanning the web on mom's laptop for clothes out of my reach, but that should've been the limit. I've never gone to an actual clothing store in person," I muttered to myself while removing my clothes.

I put it back in the large bag and brought it to the same cashier.

"I want to return these sweatpants and replace them with some leggings," I say, handing the sweat pants back.

"Y-you don't have to pay for it, it's fine. Really," the receptionist says while pushing the white leggings I placed on the counter back towards me.

"Whatever," I say while folding it up and placing it in my bag.

I wasn't about to complain about free clothes.

There's no point in being righteous with trash all around you. Even if you save them they won't even return the favor, that's the kind of world I live in. Everyone's trash and if you try to act righteously you are trash in the trash's eyes… if that makes sense.

I walked into the changing room with a battered and torn dress but walked out with an oversized, white, hoodie that had light green tassels, tight white leggings, and a t-shirt that you could barely see. I still wore my white sneakers that were slightly dirty because my mom only recently bought them a month ago, so I don't want to replace them just yet.

As I walked towards the exit, I got many stares with different emotions. Some had lust, fascination, respect, and mainly awe. They were stunned by the beauty who was wearing streetwear that surprisingly fit her.

"Now it's time to find an apartment and then go back to school… then kill James," I mutter while exiting the clothing store.

I'll probably go to a higher-level dungeon once I find an apartment so I could have a 100% chance of killing James. It wasn't going to commit some petty murder though, I wanted him to experience the same pain that I felt when I saw my mom hanging from the ceiling.

I could try and grow stronger for a few more days, but I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back once I see him again. Right now my rage is containable, but it's only temporary.

"You are room 268 on the 67th floor. If you need anything then just press the button next to your entranceway and an employee shall help you with anything you need," says the receptionist for the apartment I will be staying in.

It's one of the grander apartment complexes with only 4 rooms per floor. It's about 1500 US dollars every night but that price comes with a set of maids that monitor the floor, 3 meals a day, and access to all the entertainment centers on the bottom floor.

The receptionist hands me my keycard with a blueberry flavored lollipop. My face became slightly annoyed at how I was being treated as a kid so I wanted to fix this problem. Well... my way of fixing this problem was slipping my keycard into the pocket of my hoodie and then throwing the lollipop behind me.

I'm in highschool plus my new height isn't that short. Before I looked like a middle schooler but now I just look like a shorter highschooler thanks to the system.

The receptionist smiled wearily as she saw me walk towards the elevator.

I pressed the button and waited about 5 minutes before it opened. The ding soon dissipated as I walked into the empty elevator. I pressed the button that said 67 and decided to check out the rest of the new options for my system.

I had a quick look around the elevator to see if there were any security cameras and was able to find 4 in each corner. They were barely visible but if you looked hard enough you could see small, flashing, red lights.

This meant I had to mentally use the system which was much harder work than just pressing the options I wanted.

"Status," I whisper very softly.


[Name: Lucy]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 2/25] (1/25) XP Needed

[HP: 10/10 MP: 10/10 SP: 4/4] - Below Average

[Strength: 5] - Slightly Below Average

[Defense: 5] - Slightly Below Average

[Magic: 5] - Slightly Below Average

[Speed: 5] - Slightly Below Average

[Skills: [Weak Quetzalcoatl's Ancient Fire]

[Passive: [Photographic Memory]




I focused on the [Inventory] option and a few seconds later, my status screen was moved to the side with a new black panel appearing in front of me.

A green grid with the word "Inventory" at the top was displayed. The grid made at least 50 boxes in total with nothing inside of them. I couldn't test it out right now, but I assumed I would have to hold something and then move it into the panel in front of me. If not I'll probably have to think of it going into my inventory and it would display there, with the item disappearing from my hand.

Now I kept it open while thinking of the [Map] option that was displayed on the panel to my left.

Suddenly a green map similar to the Lucky Maps that I saw on my mom's phone appeared. It showed a map that was 5 miles in radius around me. It also displayed the streets and buildings in that radius. The buildings had all their respectable names but that was the most advanced it got.

As the elevator continued to rise, I tried to find out if there was anything left for me to know about the system but couldn't find anything in the end.

After about 15 minutes, I heard the ding of the elevator as I stepped out into a large, circular, white lobby with 4 doors. It was also decorated with many pieces of expensive furniture, grand paintings, and well taken care of plants.

"Welcome, if there is anything you would like us to get you, then please ask away," I hear as a beautiful maid stepped out in front of me.

"Can I get out of the elevator?"

"M-my apologies," the maid stutters after bowing and making away for me.

As I walked past the maid, I scanned the room and found room 268 was at the very right of the lobby. I ignored all the maids and butlers that bowed towards me as I placed my keycard over the metal panel that was on my white, ceramic door.

I pushed the door open and saw an apartment room with stairs in the corner that leads to a second floor. The entire place was already furnished, including the kitchen, living room, dining room, and my bedroom which was on the second floor.

I didn't explore much of the place but if I could sum it up in one word it would be… expensive. It was nothing grand but it gave off the modern feel that New York's buildings provided. It also provided the common color of white that made up the entire building.

Since I wanted to possibly level up a bit more and gather some more money, I put down my shopping bag on the coffee table in my living room. Without even checking out my apartment a bit more, I left my room.

"Are you displeased with your apartment," asks a different maid from before.

"The apartment is nice, I just want to do something and not sit on my ass all day. Since I decided to take a day off from school I thought I should do something productive." I responded, without even batting her an eye.

Of course, that was just an excuse in case anybody got suspicious of why I'm not at school.

Also, the reason why I have to go back to school is that if you are out for a long period without notice, you will be instantly expelled from my school. This might not be the same for other schools, but the school I go to wants to keep its reputation which is why it does this.

I have taken off today but for somebody who's the trash of my school, they probably won't wait a week to expel me.

Also, that's assuming James was arrogant and decided that he didn't need to report my "death".

I can't wait to see his face when I come back to school…

I was currently in front of a D-rank portal and I could feel the difference in mana pressure. Before the goblin dungeon was like a nice breeze but this was like being in an open field during a windy day.

There was a raid team of about 20 dungeon runners which included the government supervisors. Every single one of them was a D-rank besides the leader who seemed to be C-rank.

Ruffled dark brown hair with slightly tan skin. He was well built and about 6 feet in height. His armor was very shiny which attracted most of the women in the raid team. I could only assume he was a rich "young master". But since he is C-rank he might be a reject or his family is just not as wealthy.

Ugh… I hated those two words,

"YoUnG MaStEr…" I mumble, mocking how James's servant called him.

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