
E-Rank Dungeon

I looked down at my hands that were bloody and flinched at the sight of them. It wasn't red blood like that of a human but it was a dark green that had a horrible stench.

I was able to burn the head off of the goblin but it didn't cauterize the entire neck so blood still leaked onto me. I held back the urge to throw up while shakily standing and walking away from the disgusting scene.

The materials from a goblin sell for nothing unless it is the boss goblin. You could sell the weapon it has since it usually is imbued with mana. Its teeth are also useful, you can make many accessories that give you buffs when you wear them.

"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this," I repeated to myself over and over again.

It didn't take too long for me to hear the foreign language of goblins in the distance. I slowly approached the area and saw 3 goblins bantering with each other.

2 of them were holding tiny daggers in both hands unlike the goblin from before which was only using 1 dagger. The last one in the trio was slightly shorter than the other goblins but it was holding something that looked like a magic caster staff.

A magic caster staff is something only long-range ability users use. If you have one of the magic caster staff then it can greatly increase the power of your long-range abilities, but that doesn't include arrows.

The other benefit is that it can slightly increase your ability to fight back once something closes in. When a magic caster goes into close combat then it is practically over unless some of their raid team or party helps them out, but by that time they are already dead or severely injured...

Or that used to be the case. Some mages trained with their staff so they can slightly slow down their opponent when they get close, which produces just enough time for their party or raid team to help out. They had to be careful though since the cheaper staffs are very fragile and just 3 swings with it, can shatter it instantly.

Returning to reality, I took a deep breath in which calmed all my nerves. I felt the world around me slow down and the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. The first goblin I was going to take out was the magic caster just in case it is too strong for me right now.

I dashed behind the magic caster but before the other goblins could alert it, I already used [Weak Quetzalcoatl's Ancient Fire] on its head. The goblin's head and neck turned to ashes instantly but I didn't stop there.

I used it again but focused internally on my throat and stomach. The goblins were already in front of me and me trying to use the same moves as before won't work again, since I was just in the perfect position last time.

I took a quick step back and opened my mouth. The goblins saw this and instantly pushed off, lunging towards me with their daggers behind their heads, ready to stab me.


A burst of rainbow fire appeared from my mouth. It turned the front side of the goblins into ashes, midair. They didn't even get time to react because of how quick it was.

When the bodies landed, their organs were spewing out. Making me gag on top of the coughing I was already doing.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

I still wasn't used to the feeling of fire coming out of my throat but my slightly nervous expression turned into a grin when I saw a new notification pop up in front of me.

[3 XP gained]

I continued the same strategy for about 3 more rounds until my stamina completely gave out.


[Name: Lucy]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1/25] (13/25) XP Needed

[HP: 10/10 MP: 3/10 SP: 0/3] - Below Average

[Strength: 3] - Way Below Average

[Defense: 3] - Way Below Average

[Magic: 3] - Way Below Average

[Speed: 3] - Way Below Average

[Skills: [Weak Quetzalcoatl's Ancient Fire]

[Passive: [Photographic Memory]

I felt good even though I was leaning against a tree completely exhausted. Not only did I gain a lot of XP but I felt used to the sight of blood and organs everywhere. I just had to keep telling myself that this was for revenge.

Currently, 1 hour has passed inside the dungeon but that translates to only 10 minutes in the real world.

I was currently making sure that I was hidden in the shadows of a tree just in case anything passes by me. If a goblin were to see me in this state, I would only be able to retaliate with the last of my mana to keep it back.

While I was resting I confirmed the dungeon that I was in. This dungeon is the common goblin dungeon that only appears as an E rank dungeon.

"I have a long way to go if I'm struggling with meer goblins," I whisper to myself.

Suddenly I hear chatter in the distance and the voices were coming in my direction. It wasn't the inaudible chatter of goblins, it was humans that were talking.

I peaked my head out of the shadows to see if my assumption was correct and it was. It was the same raid team that entered before me.

I couldn't get caught being here without permission. The punishment for unauthorized dungeon use was either the death penalty or life in prison.

The punishment was this harsh due to various occasions where people who didn't sign up, stole some of the profit that was used to fund the raid team. Everything was calculated even before you enter the dungeon. There was the estimation of the number of materials you will be able to collect from the dungeons mana signature and then that estimation will be split amongst the raid team or party for them to receive sufficient pay.

Sometimes the number of materials collected could make somebody rich or just give them enough money for rent.

I covered my mouth just in case they might hear my breathing while I pulled my head back into the shadows, occasionally glancing at them. If they caught me but decided to help me out then… I would not trust them.

I still have trust issues from the various types of bullying I received. Some pretended to be my friend one day but the next day, they humiliated me in front of the school. This ended up making me avoid the other students as much as possible.

As I took glances at them I saw their armor and estimated their rank.

A few of them are D rank while the rest are E.

"Something is watching us…" The man at the front says, causing the entire raid team of 12 other ability users to stop.

"Leader, what do you mean? I feel nothing watching us," says another man behind the supposed "leader".

"It's presence is so weak that it makes it hard to detect… It could just be a scout but everybody keep your guards up until we clear the boss," says the leader.

"Yes sir," says the raid team in unison.

I see them finally walk past me but I didn't realize I was holding my breath the entire time causing me to start panting for air once I lifted my hand off my mouth.

"HUFF HUFF HUFF, should I follow them and try to get the last hit on the boss or should I continue to farm monsters... There is very little risk with continuing to farm goblins but I might not be able to level up before they complete the dungeon, but if I get the last hit on the boss then… I guess I'll try it even though there is the chance of me being exposed," I muttered through heavy breaths.

After my stamina and part of my mana recharged, I then went in the same direction as the raid team.

It didn't take me long to find them since all I had to do was follow the trail of goblin corpses and dark green blood.

Once I caught sight of them, I immediately hid behind a tree and stealthily monitored them. They were currently fighting a horde of about 20 goblins which they made quick work of, in about 5 minutes.

As soon as they finished the horde of goblins I heard a loud,


Stomping followed the roar with the ground slightly shaking below us.


A huge 4-meter tall goblin with a massive club in one hand with a shield in the other appeared from behind the trunk of the tree. It was wearing leather armor that protected its most important body parts besides the head.

I could feel the tension in the air as the raid leader took a fighting stance for the first time. I already noticed, but the D-rank party leader hasn't taken any of the fights seriously… until now.

"Damn, this going to be harder than I thought…" I muttered while biting my nail.

I have too many tests today...

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