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Lorian giggled with scarcely-hidden excitement as Aisha stood at the front doorway reluctantly, a blush on her face as the little Fey's eyes roamed over Lorian's ridiculously soft body. It was so obvious that she wanted to hug her. From the way she held her own arms, the way she swayed shyly side to side, that adorable little lip bite…


They had gone through this ritual many times now. And it always ended up with Aisha becoming a mewling little kitten, absolutely degraded. The worst part was the teasing. After, during… even… before.


"Come hereeee, Aishaaa!" Lorian cried excitedly, rubbing her tummy seductively. Aisha licked her lips, almost drooling - but the look in her eyes stayed adorably defiant, even though her desire for cuddles was so incredibly obvious.


Lorian kept smiling. It usually didn't take all that much to break through Aisha's self control - usually a few caresses of her breasts, or her long, slender arms, or a few twirls of her soft, silky hair, was enough to send Aisha into heat, an adorable little mess, begging her for more. More of everything.


Aisha inched closer, and crouched behind the couch's armrest for cover, nose, eyes and ears poking out, highly intelligent, but also dumb as a sack of bricks. Lorian giggled. She was just like a little kitten. She just had to coax her closer, tempt her with treats - the treats being her hugs, her headpats, her love…


One more should do it. God, she felt so sexy, playing with herself for Aisha. The little Fey's eyes were glued to her breasts, and Lorian made sure that they jiggled enticingly with every single movement.


But… there was nothing. Aisha just… watched her. Sure, she was getting antsy, but… it wasn't antsy enough.


Oh. Lorian licked her lips. It seemed that her little kitten was going to act a little brat. Well then…


Aisha's heart sank as Lorian pulled her legs over the edge of the couch, resting an elbow on the couch's armrest and leaning a head on her hand. Aisha's face fell immediately, a look of intense despair, and fear on her face, scared that she might be denied her cuddles.


"W-what!?" Aisha cried. "N-no!"


Aisha's hands instantly went to her mouth, mortified that she had blurted out, and in effect, admitted her desire for her mistress's warm hugs.


"Something wrong?" Lorian purred.

"No!" Aisha squeaked petulantly, leaving the cover of the armrest, crawling cautiously onto the couch next to Lorian.


Lorian giggled. The careful way that Aisha approached her was just like a cat. A curious little kitten. Eventually, Aisha sidled right up next to Lorian, pressing their thighs together and taking a deep breath of her scent and heat. Lorian made sure not to miss the way Aisha's eyes rolled up into her head, body swaying and relaxing, as she swooned into Lorian's soft body.


But it wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly close to enough - she wasn't nearly close enough! She needed to be enveloped in those soft arms - to bury herself into the softness, to sink deep into her mistress's… love…


Aisha caught herself before she went into… kitten mode. It was becoming harder and harder not to beg, but - dammit, the cow wasn't going to win! She was going to… going to…


Aisha's cheeks burned. There was no winning. Her plan had many holes, but it was only then that Aisha… realized that her "winning…" involved giving into mistress. Involved getting her to fawn and coo over her - to make her feel good - involved Aisha embarrassing herself. No matter how much Aisha resisted, there was no outcome where she got what she wanted and kept her pride. Because deep down, all she wanted was to be free of her pride, to be reduced to a cute little kitten with no responsibilities.


Lorian giggled, and Aisha realized, with horror, that she had unconsciously crawled into Lorian's lap, wrapping her arms around her neck to keep herself from falling backwards. Aisha's face went scarlet, as she realized - this position, it was like - like Aisha was a loving housewife, begging her spouse for physical affection after a long day, and judging by the wide grin on her mistress's face, she realized it too.


"Oh, Aisha…" Lorian breathed, her face so tantalizingly close to Aisha's, close enough to kiss her. "I lo- lo… luv… lub you."


Lorian had physical trouble getting the last word out of her mouth, and suddenly, Lorian's face shared the same red hue as Aisha's, and she laid down, forcing them out of the ridiculously intimate position.


(Why did you do that, dummy!? God, that was so embarrassing! Did Aisha notice? I don't actually - I m-mean… I do lo- lo-... I love… love her… but-but…)


Lorian just buried her face into her hands, letting her heart and head cool down. It wasn't fair! How could she not love Aisha. She was just so lovable! It was her fault that Lorian was so embarrassed. It was her fault, for being so cute!


Suddenly, the red expression on Lorian's face was replaced by one of childish petulance, pouty lips curled down into a pout. She didn't like being embarrassed! She was the mistress! Aisha had to pay! She had to be at least… at least TEN times as embarrassed, as payback!


Suddenly, Lorian pushed Aisha off of her, the fey unintentionally letting out a loud, needy mewl of fear. Aisha clamped her hands over her mouth, even though her body SCREAMED at her to keep hugging her mistress, to leap back into her arms.


"Hey!" She protested, already feeling freezing. Having already felt mistress's warmth, for just a split moment, it made it so much worse, being thrust into the world without her hugs. "W-what are you d-doing!?"

"I just said that I- I… I lub… luh… love… you." Lorian pouted, blushing slightly. "I'm not going to pet you until I get one back!"

"WHAT!?" Aisha blurted out, blushing scarlet, feeling light-headed. "But I-...I- I don't… I don't… luuhhhhhhh…"

"Well, you're going to have to say… it… if you want my hugs." Lorian pouted. "New rule! I only pamper good girls! And good girls do as I say!"


"I'm a good girl!" Aisha protested, blurting out the words before even realizing. "FUCK!"


Aisha hated this bitch, this fat cow of a slut, hated how addicted she was to her affection. She despised how pleasurable it was to be pampered by the big breasted woman - she hated how safe she felt in her arms - she hated how fun it was to be teased by her.


She hated how her heart soared in her chest, how overjoyed she felt in her heart, when mistress told her that she loved her…


It was the happiness she hated the most. She hated how she looked forward to coming home every day. She hated thinking about mistress when she was training.


She didn't deserve to be happy. But… fuck. It was too hard to resist.


"I… I… lub you." Aisha whispered, and instantly her eyes rolled back into her head as Lorian pet her HARD, forcing her head into the couch cushion. It felt fucking amazing - usually her pets were so light, but for some reason, literally everything Lorian did felt like liquid pleasure to her. Drool leaked from her mouth, but the ecstasy didn't last long. When Aisha had her wits about her again, she realized…


"Hey!" She complained. "I-I-I said it! Why aren't you-"

"You said it once." Lorian said menacingly, leaning up to Aisha close, so that their noses were touching. "One time, one pet."


It was in that moment that Aisha felt true fear. She truly felt like the rabbit now, squeezed tightly in the grip of the lioness. Both figuratively, and… literally, the way Lorian's hand was pressed on the top of her head, threatening to melt her at any time, with those amazing, amazing headpats. Aisha's heart beat in anticipation. And yet, they wouldn't come.


"No…" She said, horrified. "You can't… you wouldn't… "

"I would." Lorian growled.


Aisha broke. Placing her forehead on her mistress's feet, she began to beg, worshiping her mistress like a goddess.


"I love you!" She cried desperately. "Please pe-NYAHH! I LOVE YOU MISTRESS! I LOVE YOU! I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I lub you I lub you I luv yu I luv yu…"




It felt like hours after until Aisha finally regained control of her senses, shuffling slightly in Lorian's embrace, warm arms wrapped gently around her head, and fluffy blankets covering her tired body. As Aisha made a small groan of wakefulness, Lorian raised the girl's face to her own, a worried expression on her face.


"I'm sorry, Aisha…" Lorian said quietly. "Oh, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have teased you so hard… are you okay?"

"Luv you…" Aisha drooled brainlessly. Lorian blushed.

"I'm so sorry!" Lorian squeaked. "Oh, Aisha, I broke you… I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry… I'll take care of you for the rest of my life - I'll give you as many headpats as you want - I'm sorry, I'm sowwwy…"

"You better." Aisha said softly, smiling as she nuzzled her cheek into Lorian's tummy, warmth filling her soul…





Aisha smiled softly at the memory, giggling slightly. She liked that one - recently, the memories had been… less happy. But it was okay. All of her memories with mistress made her feel so warm…


Aisha grimaced as the carriage hit a rock, forcing her head to bump against a crate. She heard a wispy laugh from next to her.


"What's your problem." Aisha mumbled, her good mood sapped away.

"It's just funny seeing you get hurt." Feng mused cruelly.

"Have you never been hurt before?" Aisha asked lazily.


Feng's eye twitched, and Aisha raised an eyebrow at the woman's stark change in mood, her question clearly hitting at some sore spot.

"Not anymore." The tall woman responded.



"Something happen when you were a kid?" Aisha asked. "Did you get cheated on by a boyfriend?"


Feng's eyes furrowed, and for a second, as those bright red irises, bright as laser sights, locked onto her, Aisha felt like she had crossed the line. Her hands twitched, ready to run, but after a few seconds of held breath, Feng softened her gaze.


"You know, you're the first person to ask about my past." Feng muttered. "It's been a long time."

"Since what?"

"Since anything."



"You know, thinking about it, I was wrong earlier." Feng murmured, ignoring Aisha's confusion. "You're nothing like Sabrina."

"...Who's that?"

"Sen's kid." Feng said absentmindedly. "She always said that she wanted to be like me."

"Can't imagine wanting that." Aisha muttered.

"Hmph." Feng crossed her arms. "Exactly."





Aisha looked over the tall reaper, watching as her eyes started to wander again, unfocusing and losing a bit of their intense light. Aisha didn't like them, the way they moved so unnaturally, snapping instantly to whatever Feng was looking at… unmoving… hmmm…


"You're a machina!" Aisha exclaimed, pointing at Feng. "You're a damn machina! You're not human!"

"Oh." Feng smirked. "You are only slightly more dull than I thought you were."

"What are you!?" Aisha demanded, hand instinctively reaching towards her hip, but grasping nothing.


Oh. That was right. She lost her sword. Again.


"I'm more human than you think." Feng echoed hollowly. "About as human as you are."

"I'm Fey, not hume." Aisha mumbled.



"Was he also machina?" Aisha asked, after a short silence.

"Not like me."

"What do you mean by that?"


Feng turned to look at Aisha, and suddenly, dug both hands into her chest, ripping it open. Aisha recoiled and looked away, blocking the sight with her hands, but when nothing happened, she slowly turned her head back.


Feng's chest was empty. There was nothing inside of her, just a hollow cavity. The inside of her body seemed to be made out of some metallic material, shifting unnaturally, like grains of sand.


"...Then my teacher, he was also…"

"No." Feng shook her head. "He was… he wouldn't…"


Aisha didn't miss the way that Feng's expression shifted, becoming more wistful, guilty, almost. But mostly, sadness, and regret. It was a strange expression to see, a far cry from the emotionless detachment that seemed to permeate her being like a sickness.


"I doubt Sen would do that." Feng said quietly, her chest closing up. "He would want to pass on."


"What happened between you two?" Aisha asked quietly.

"We had a…" Feng hung her head. "..."


Suddenly, the look of emotional vulnerability on Feng's face hardened, and she glared at Aisha, her eyes once more a brilliant, bright red, brimming with fire.


"Nnnh." Feng mumbled. "Later."


"Wait!" Aisha protested, to nothing but empty air.


All that was left from Feng was a slight discoloration in the air, a black cloud in the middle of the cramped storage carriage she sat in. Suddenly, she lurched forward, as the carriage made an abrupt stop, and Aisha poked her head out to see what was going on.


They were just in the middle of the road, trees flanking their left and right. Kayle and his friends stared at Aisha on tired legs, glaring at her with poorly-hidden jealously at the fact that she got to ride in the carriage.

"We're making camp." Kayle muttered hatefully. "I'm not sharing any food with you."


Aisha shrugged as she hopped out of the carriage, passing by Kayle and his two little adventurer buddies, silver plates glimmering dimly in the forest.


A two day trip. Aisha sighed. She was tempted to just get out and pull the train of covered wagons herself, with how fast the train of wagons was moving, pulled by only a single, over encumbered horse. It was boring, slow, and she had to hang out with… teenagers, on top of that. She hadn't really interacted with them, but from her experience, they probably didn't want to interact with her either.


She decided that she was going to camp out in the woods. Maybe she could find a dryad, or nymph, and share their company - she had always been really good at finding them. Or perhaps… they wanted to be found by the cute little fey.


As she passed by Kayle's adventuring buddies, she took stock of their appearance. Two boys, that funnily enough, shared Kayle's femininity. If Aisha hadn't seen the way that they sat, or the way that they walked, or heard the way that they spoke, she would surely think that they were just flat-chested girls. She wondered if they became friends because of their shared appearances.


Both of the boys were clearly both casters - If the staves and sapphire jewlery wasn't a dead giveaway, their physical builds surely would. There wasn't a hint of muscle on either of their bodies, unlike Kayle, who actually had a decent bit of mass to him.


There was a blonde, and a brown-haired boy. The blonde had shoulder-length hair that he wore in a loose ponytail - similar to Aisha's hairstyle, with high cheekbones, and a slightly soft face that gave him a very… effeminate look. He was somewhat short, the same height as Aisha, and although he wore very standard, leather armor, the boy had decided to wear them over a huge sweatshirt, shorts, and extremely long, knee-high socks.


The other boy was taller, and was also clearly trying much harder to look like a guy, with a much more reasonable pair of long pants, and strapped jacket. However, nothing could hide his squishy, feminine face.


"You three girls have fun." Aisha threw.






Before long, Aisha had a small fire going, burning dimly with her purple mana, without any smoke. Aisha snorted. It was kind of unfair, really. It was easier to make a fire with magic, and the fire itself was untraceable. She glanced at the homemade firestarter in her hand, and without any hesitation, threw it into the fire, wiping off the tree debris from her hands.


Aisha felt a throbbing in the side of her head, and scrunched up her face in irritation as she rubbed her temples.


(What's going on? This shit has been hurting for a while now.)



"You know what's going on?" Aisha asked her shadow.

"Oh. You're getting good at this."

"Of course."


"It might have something to do with this."


Suddenly, the shadow became fully material, her wispy form condensing into a solid, humanoid form. Aisha was surprised. The face was her own, but her shadow was slightly larger, and on the sides of her head…


Aisha rubbed the sides of her head. "Are those…"

"They're from the demon." The shadow nodded.

"Weren't his horns…" Aisha furrowed her eyebrows, pointing two fingers out of her forehead. "Over here?"

"There's not enough room, or something." The shadow muttered. "I don't know."

"How don't you know?"

"I don't fully understand this body. Or you. All i have are your memories, and the ones we've consumed."


Aisha blew a raspberry, sitting down.

"So, I'm going to grow horns?"


"Sounds hot."

"You would think that…"


Aisha giggled. She found that in her mind space, she was always… happier. It made sense, it wasn't like she could mask her emotions inside her own head.




"Why can't you cast spells when you're in my body?"

"Um…" The demon shifted around uncomfortably. ""It's complicated."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not entirely compatible with your body." The shadow mumbled. "Let's just leave it at that."





Aisha laid down on her back, and the shadow followed suit, both staring up into the endless abyss that was Aisha's mind.

"What happened… that time?" Aisha asked slowly.

"You mean…"

"When we were fighting the demon."


The shadow paused.

"I don't know. I only-"

"Just give it your best guess."

"We fused." The shadow shrugged. "I don't know how, considering… I'm your soul, but given that we are separate entities… there's a bit of, well, you, somewhere in me. Kept separate from the rest. When we both tried to take control of your body, these two parts mixed. Giving you access to all the memories stored in myself."

"You wanna do it again?"

"What!? No!" The shadow exclaimed, rolling over on top of Aisha, face suspended directly over Aisha's. "That's really dangerous! Your brain might explode, or you might lose your sense of self, or die or something!"

Aisha giggled, poking the demon's cheek. "Aww, you're worried about me! You do care! Sooo cuteee…"

"I never said I didn't care…" The shadow mumbled, blushing slightly.


Aisha suddenly frowned. "But wait. If we can't fuse, then how am I supposed to learn magic?"


"The same way everyone else does."

"But I don't wanna!" Aisha complained.

"You're going to have to. You already have a huge head start, anyways! You have the knowledge of an advanced spell! Just work backwards from there!"

"But that sounds hard." Aisha pouted. "And I don't wanna work hard."


"Well, you're going to have to!"


Aisha sat on top of her shadow's chest, steadying herself on the demon's flat breasts, a gesture that was returned with nothing but a flat expression.

"You know, I thought you were going to be all mean, and stuff." Aisha mumbled.


"You're my inner demon. You're supposed to want to take over my body."

"Like in those really old, corny books?"



"I don't like fighting. I just want to live my own life. I'm fine if that means… it has to be within you." The shadow mumbled, turning away, before quickly shooting an accusatory glance at Aisha. "I know it's not from you."

"I changed my mind. You are mean."




"Ms. Izec?" A voice echoed in the clearing. "Hello?"


Aisha narrowed her eyes, recognizing the voice of the blonde from Kayle's group of… femboys.


"What do you want?" Aisha asked, carefully sliding her black mask back on.

"Um. Hi."



The awkward silence between the two was broken only by the crackling of the fire, casting a purple light on the both of them.

"Can I sit down here?"




The blonde boy took a careful seat.

"Um." The blonde boy mumbled.

"Why are you here, elf?"


The blonde boy's eyes shot open in a surprised expression. Aisha never really got tired of seeing that kind of expression, when she correctly read people's secrets.

"You know?"

"You aren't exactly hiding it."

"I hid my ears!"

"Well, I'm sure if you hid your face and body as well, your disguise would be complete."


The blonde looked down at his chest with despair, oversized sweatshirt covering his frame.

"Is it that bad?"

"Hume boys don't look like that…" Aisha mumbled. "Uuuusually."

"Kayle and Morgan look like this!"

"Yeah, but they're actually trying to look like men. And you're constantly looking uncomfortable, even though you're wearing the baggiest clothes I've ever seen."


"Ack, it's not my fault!" The blonde protested, scratching his collar. "Hume clothing is so uncomfortable. It irritates my skin."

"Elf." Aisha rolled her eyes. "What, are you missing your moon-silk and fawn-cotton?"


"What's your problem with elves?"

"You elves always think that you're better than the rest of us. In those damn crystal towers… looking down on everyone." Aisha frowned. "Why do your men and women look exactly the same? "

"That's racist, Ai-sa."


It was Aisha's turn to look surprised.

"That's not my name." She muttered.

"It was, at some point. I'm guessing. Or maybe Ai-se?" The blonde elf shrugged.


"That's not my name anymore." Aisha mumbled dismissively. "If they want to throw me away, I'll throw away their name as well."

"You know, I heard a rumor once. Of a Pharos-Fey, born without a soul, and exiled from the feywood. And then I came here, and heard of an adventurer, rising through the ranks, without any magic."


"What's it to you, elf?" Aisha narrowed her eyes.

"I'm just interested." The blonde boy pleated his mouth. "And my name is Aryl."


Aryl sighed, soft, platinum hair blowing gently in the breeze. "You could at least take off the mask."



Aisha slid the black mask off her face, and tugged down her hood, sharp, red eyes piercing through Aryl's green ones.


"You are so beautiful!" The elf boy gasped. "Blessed by Serith herself!"

"Ha ha." Aisha rolled her eyes. "What a flatterer. I bet you get a lot of girls at the playground."

"Hmph." Aryl smirked, running his hand through his soft hair. "I'll have you know that my charms have worked on many elves. Of age."

"How old are you?"

"I am older than you, probably."


"...You look fifteen." Aisha muttered.

"So do you." Aryl laughed softly. "In Illinia, we would probably mistake you for a male! A very beautiful man. Men and women would be throwing themselves at you by the dozens."

"Tch. You elves and your… culture."

"Something beautiful is beautiful, no matter what form it takes." Aryn smiled. "What is the point of something so trivial as sexuality? Other than to deny yourself such a large portion of the world's treasures."

"Some people just have preferences." Aisha rolled her eyes. "Besides, it's easy to say that when both your men and women look like women."

"To you, maybe." Aryn shrugged. "I can tell the difference. Um. Mostly. But it doesn't matter. If you love someone, does it really matter?"


"Can you call it love when you just want to get your rocks off?" Aisha mumbled.


Aryn giggled, putting an oversized sleeve to his mouth in a way that really made him look like a girl. Compounding this factor, the elf crossed his legs, showing off his smooth, creamy legs, soft, long and well taken care of.


For a while, he just sat with Aisha, sharing in her intense fire-gazing.




"...What made you pursue this career path?" Aryn asked.


"Nothing." Aisha muttered, picking at the grass and throwing it into the fire.

"Surely that isn't true." Aryn scooched closer to Aisha. "A girl as beautiful as you would never have to work a day in your life!"

"It's not for the money."


"Then what is it for?" Aryn asked, lolling his head around. "If I'm to be honest, this is quite the thankless job."

"The prestige."


"Wow!" Aryn exclaimed, rising to his knees, grasping Aisha's hand in his own. "That's so inspiring! I would have not thought of that! You wish to prove to the world that you belong among the best? That a soulless little fey can best the odds?"


"Sure." Aisha mumbled, tugging her hand away, moving away from the elf's fantastic, amazed gesturing. "Why do you care, anyways?"

"I'm just trying to make conversation." The blonde smiled innocently. "Because you looked lonely."


Aisha stared directly into Aryn's eyes, boring a hole straight through his skull, before speaking in a low voice.

"And because you're trying to get in my pants, right?"


Aryn didn't flinch. The look on his face told Aisha that he had been with many stern women before. Aisha found that confidence slightly annoying.

"Is it such a crime to want to bed such a beautiful woman?" He asked flirtatiously.


"It wouldn't be, if you didn't look like a 16 year old girl." Aisha shot.

"Besides, I'm taken." She mumbled.


"Ah, what a shame." Aryn frowned. "What's he like?"

"It's a woman."


"And it's none of your business."


"Hey, to be honest." Aryn smiled. "I prefer the same sex as well. But you are just so stunningly beautiful that I-"



The blonde boy pouted, before unexpectedly throwing his arms around Aisha in a loose hug, blonde hair mingling with Aisha's soft black strands. Aisha frowned as his oversized sleeves wrapped around her waist, but didn't push the boy away yet. Truth be told, Aryn wasn't terribly unpleasant. He smelled good, and was decently cute, although Aisha had zero intention of sleeping with him.


At least, sexually.


"Pwease?" He begged, his voice becoming girl and cutesy.. "It's so cowd."

Aisha rolled her eyes. "I said no."


"Mmmh." The elf grumbled, smoothing out his short shorts. "Finee. I guess I'll go share Morgan's bed."


The elf boy got up and started to walk off, hips and legs swaying femininely, as if he was a runway model in high heels. Before he left the radius of the firelight, he turned around, bending over and giving Aisha a girlish wink. Aisha rolled her eyes in response.


"Wait, the other kid-"

"He's also an adult." Aryn pursed his lips dismissively. "Don't worry."


Soon, Aisha was alone again.

These next few chapters are going to be a bit more focused on character development and world-building. It's occured to me that we've only mostly dealt with humans, and while I have plans in the future for other places, I feel that it's probably good to visit some other locations before you get bored.

Also, it has occured to me that I should probably get an actual cover art. I don't really know what to do, and I can't draw. But I'll probably figure something out.

Anyways, please leave comments, as always.

Lithkrencreators' thoughts
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