
The Rift

Aisha woke up to a light, heavenly feeling that permeated through her body. It was warm, and soft, and made her face feel light, her lips so easily curling up into a smile, as she nuzzled deeper into her lovely, lovely pillow.


The pillow was such a nice reprieve from the pain of her training. Such a soft pillow. Such a warm, squishy, fragrant... lovely thing. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with it. It made her feel so good, so happy, like she was enveloped in a warm hug from a loving caretaker. Like-


Aisha's eyes snapped open, and the memories of the previous day came rushing back to her. Oh no. No no no no no no! How could she have - no! How could she have lost control like that? How could she have voluntarily hugged - this stupid, stupid, STUPID COW!


Her face contorted into a grimace, displeased at her own lack of willpower - now she would never hear the end of her teasing, never be rid of those amazing, soft, comforting hugs-


Dammit! Those traitorous thoughts, those unwanted sensations - why was her body so weak to her!? That damn woman, so shallow, so unfairly beautiful, gifted, so pretty - so kind, when she should be bitchy, so sweet and caring, when she should have just been lustful, she...


Aisha almost cried in frustration. It was just so unfair. This woman stood for everything she hated, so why couldn't she hate her? Why couldn't she muster up the self-control to do even this?


(Why is it like this? Why do the people who deserve it the least, get what they want?)


Why did it have to be...


Gods, why did it have to be someone her type? Tall and busty, soft and sweet but still playful and energetic... It was comical how - how perfect she was for Aisha, and- and-


(It's just a crush.) She thought desperately. (You don't actually care about her. She doesn't mean anything to you, you just want to fuck her, that's all!)


But a small part of her, one that was growing larger, told her - no, even that... back in the jungle, her mistress had been her reason for going on. It wasn't just that she was her type. Aisha had cared about seeing her again. Aisha had cared about not making her sad. She had wanted to see her happy.


It was getting harder and harder to muster up any anger, any frustration. It just felt... undeserved - for such a kind girl, she didn't flaunt her beauty or powers, she lived humbly, didn't ask for much, cared for other people. Her smiles were genuine, without any maliciousness, or rather - the girl was too simple and stupid to be anything but-


It was just so stupid! It was like she was a fairytale princess. Someone too perfect to actually exist - who existed only as someone for the hero to fall in love with.


She had sacrificed her own pride and beliefs to take care of her. Her games... Even though she could just force the information out of her, she chose to let her get some in return. To make her feel better. She was willing to give up what she wanted, for Aisha.


She had cried for her.


Her efforts were so... patronizing... But Aisha just couldn't bring herself to hate her mistress for it. After such a long time of denying her gifts, refusing her food, she still kept going anyways. Almost like she... cared.


But why? Why would she care about her? She was... Worthless.


Maybe she should just accept the gift that fate had given her. Close her eyes and go back to sleep, bury her face deep into the squishy, wrap her legs around it and enter bliss, oh that sounded so nice, she wanted to so bad she wanted to hug her so badly -


Aisha took a deep breath of frustration.


(Weigh the pros and cons. Giving in:



- Amazing hugs

- Loving partner

- Food, and a nice home

- Cuddles, snuggles, and games

- Soft body

- Squishy

- Pretty

- Kind

- Fun

- Energetic

- Perfect in every way



- You'll feel stupid

- She might tease you, for being stupid

- You're going to fall more in love




- She might leave you.

- You'll break all the principles you stand for.



Aisha shook her head violently, biting her lip as the motion unintentionally rubbed her sensitive ears against mistress's perfect chest. Was it even worth keeping the shit person she was? 


(I-It's just my hormones. No! N-not even t-that! She charmed me! She must have... charmed me. With magic. There's no way I would... feel like this otherwise.)


Aisha took a sigh of tiredness, taking in a deep breath, trying to clear her mind, but found that she just couldn't. Rather than a breath of refreshing air, she took in a deep breath of cloying, sickeningly sweet... girl smell.


"Ugh." She mumbled, realizing that her face was still buried deep in her mistress's chest.


It smelled like warm candy, like taffy straight off the hook. She hadn't had any in a long, long time... they didn't produce it in her village, but sometimes the hume traders... The first time she had eaten any, she had gotten hooked - it was just so deliciously sweet, so mouthwateringly chewy, and...


Aisha's eyes went wide as she realized that she had been huffing her mistress's scent, her own traitorous body a single millimeter away from licking her mistress. She tried HARD to not imagine how it would taste - maybe it would taste just like the candy, her mistress was really squishy and soft, just like a candy, so - 


Ugh, why did it have to be so good!? It was so sweet, it made her feel so nice, and she already was feeling really nice, and her mistress was so soft, it was like she was the candy, sweet and pliable and melty -


Aisha let out a whine as all of a sudden, her heart started to race, and her breaths started to quicken and hitch, only succeeding in taking in more of the sweet, rich, ambrosial scent. She wanted to lick her mistress so badly, she was just so pretty and Aisha really liked her smell and her hugs, she couldn't help but gaze up at her mistress's sleeping face, and blushed.


Aisha let out a whimper, her attention instantly drawn to her mistress's beautiful features. She had never taken the time to really examine her features before, but now, so close up - she was so ridiculously pretty, so beautiful, Aisha wanted to kiss her so badly, she wanted so badly to curl up in her arms and have those soft hands and lips hug and kiss her and pamper her -


Aisha began to struggle weakly, attempting to escape the hellish, melting, fluttery feeling in her chest, but failed, the butterflies in her stomach sapping the strength out of her limbs. The only thing that she accomplished was jostling Lorian a bit, prompting the girl to squeeze Aisha lovingly in her sleep, smiling and rubbing herself against the smaller girl.


The hug and sickeningly beautiful smile only made Aisha feel even more hot, as she began to hyperventilate, letting out an embarrassing whimper as she just lay in her mistress's arms, completely helpless to escape the sleeping girl's affections, and her own unwanted, infatuated feelings.



It was a while until Lorian woke up, to a twitching ear tickling her mouth and nose, and an absolutely adorable whining noise coming from buried within her bosom. She loosened her grip on her hug pillow for a second to wipe at a bit of saliva on the corner of her mouth, grinning. Her dream had been quite good, with lots of hugging and kissing... she had almost been disappointed to wake up, at least, until she had remembered that the real Aisha was in her arms, ready to be teased and kissed and pampered.


Searching for the source of the whimpers, Lorian's heart bloomed with loving adoration as she saw the wide, doe-eyed expression on Aisha's face, the girl clearly feeling, at the very least, some affection for her - it made her happy in turn, despite not knowing just how much infatuation the girl was feeling.


She beamed in delight, rubbing her cheeks against Aisha's, relishing the shuddering whimper that escaped the little fey's throat. It made her want to tease and cuddle Aisha more, but she also didn't want to overwhelm her, so she settled for loosely draping her arms over Aisha's back, close enough that they were touching, but with a little space for playing. 


Lorian never stopped smiling, feeling too happy to stop. She knew she looked silly, but well, Aisha already thought she was silly, so it was fine.


"G-good morning." Aisha whispered, taking in her first breath of non-contaminated air. She hated that she wanted to go back in - back to the sweetness, to the soft, fluttery feelings - even the faint scent still made her head light and face hot, and she resisted the urge to start panting at the sight of the beautiful girl dangerously close to her... with that pretty smile, ugh, she was too pretty... "Did... dyoudosomthingtomelastnight?"


"Oh, um... no?" Lorian said, her face tilting in a small expression of concern. "Something wrong? Do you feel weird?"


Yeah, Aisha felt weird. The tingling in her chest still hadn't gone away, even after she had tried to convince herself she didn't like her mistress.

"You smell weird." Aisha muttered, biting her lip.


"Oh. I'm sorry... It's been such a hectic few days, I haven't showered..."


Aisha had thought she was going to die before, but now she actually wanted to die. She felt her cheeks start to burn, and her face began to redden. What she had been huffing, her ambrosia, had been the multiple-day-old smell of this stupid, stinky, pretty - FUCK!


She buried her face in the closest thing she could find to hide her embarrassment and humiliation. But it didn't last long, as the thing her face was buried in giggled, as the thing wrapped her arms tighter around Aisha, in such a pleasantly comforting way, and squeezed in such a loving...


Lorian giggled mirthfully as Aisha pulled away again, horrified at what she was doing. It had just been a slip up, but it had felt so good, all she wanted to do was go back to hugging her mistress.


It was a terrifying level of power that her mistress now had over her. If she knew how good she made Aisha feel, how much Aisha's body and senses liked her, against her own will -


She shuddered and blushed at the thought of the teasing, at the affectionate comments, the bombardment of nuzzles and soft feelings - at the absolute power that her mistress had over her


She could even - she could even make Aisha love her. Yeah... if Aisha fell in love, it would be mistress's fault. Entirely her fault.


It wouldn't be because Aisha was stupid and kittenish and love-struck and absolutely smitten with the hugest crush in the world, that was definitely not it.



Lorian gazed at Aisha's soft little face, squished into a defiant expression and suppressed a giggle. Oh, the things that the girl made her want to do - hugging was just a start, she wondered just how cutely she would react if she kissed her...


Lorian considered herself lucky. Her Aisha had two sides to love - after she melted away that adorably defiant, childish front, an even more adorable, scritch-loving, lovey dovey little puppy revealed herself, aggressively affectionate and adoring.


The defiance was cute too - just because of how silly Aisha looked, all relaxed and blushy, but still trying to pretend she had a shred of pride left in her. 


"Nyeh." She mewled softly, in an imitation of the little sounds that Aisha made sometimes as she pulled her close - it was nowhere as cute as the original, though.


Nothing was cute as the original, gosh, Aisha was so cute, it made her want to squeeze her so tight!


But after a while, she pulled Aisha up towards her face so they could talk. She frowned at the angry little red marks she had all over her arms and chest, touching them gently with her hand. She felt a pang through her heart at the wince that the motion elicited from the girl.


"So what's been happening these past days?" Lorian asked softly, reaching up to caress a reluctant fey's cheek with the back of her hand. "Why were your ribs broken? Why are you cut up like that?


Aisha squirmed away from the caresses, groaning.

"I hate you..." She mumbled.

"But I like you!" Lorian pouted in protest, her voice playful and sweet. "I like you a lot!"


"Whau?" Aisha whimpered, her eyes widening and her chest growing hot, first with butterflies and affection, and then with anger, once she realized she was being teased. "Wha-HEY!"


Lorian began to giggle uncontrollably, ignoring Aisha's angry little squeals and upset expression.


"Please?" Lorian begged in a caring, affectionate manner. "I'm worried about you."

"No! I-I don't wanna!"


Lorian pouted, giving Aisha a look that sent heat into her chest.

"Let's play our game then." She suggested.

"H-huh?" Aisha whispered, her eyes wide.


"I'll start. Yesterday, I went to my university and took my casting class, fire magic theory... and then I went to 276 with Fen and Akasha… Now I'm here, cuddling with my adorable little girl."


Lorian accented the last part of her sentence with a loving squeeze and a kiss to the top of the head, making Aisha squirm in her embrace. Lorian grinned and kept peppering Aisha's head with kisses, giggling as the squirming grew more violent, but never getting strong enough to break out of her hug.


"Okay, okay!" Aisha begged. "I'll tell you!"

Aisha reluctantly began to tell Lorian all she knew. The fight, the voice, the jungle, Xelos. Lorian didn't say a word, but Aisha could feel the concern and worry leaking out of her. The worried and hurt expression her mistress gave her made her turn her head away, abashed, as she finished the rest of her story.


"...I don't want you to go there anymore."

"It's my only chance."

"Chance for what?"

"For me to get stronger."


Lorian's heart filled with sadness. She knew the girl hated being weak, but she couldn't bear the thought of losing her. She pulled Aisha back into her chest, rubbing her cheek against her head affectionately. She whispered into her ear.


"You don't have to be stronger. Just stay here in bed, and cuddle with me."

Aisha's voice came out muffled and quiet.

"No!" She said angrily. " Fuck you! S-stop teasing meeeee!"

"But you're so adorable..." Lorian whined. "I just want to pamper you alllll day. Hold you on my lap, rubbing your tummy, while I give you headpats, and I would just tell you that you're my goo-"

"Stop it stop it stop it!" Aisha wailed, wanting to tear her face off in embarrassment. Lorian giggled and kissed her on the top of head, eliciting a mad blush.


God, what was wrong with her! She was like a teenager with a crush! Why was she so - so -


"At least stay safe. Please don't die." She said, booping Aisha on the nose. Aisha made a displeased expression, but at her mistress's playful and smiling face, threatening more touches, Aisha hastily agreed.

"Ok ok!" She said. "Fine."


"...I promise."


Lorian responded with another kiss on her ear. Aisha felt her face heat up.

(How does she make me feel like this? She makes me feel so good…)


Aisha finally decided it was an opportune time to leave, given her mistress's weaker grip on her waist. She was slow to get out of bed, her body screaming at her to return to the amazing warmth and cuddles, but she willed herself to leave, blushing intensely. Lorian just looked at her with half-lidded eyes, watching her predatorily, like a lioness toying with a rabbit that she knew couldn't get away from her. Aisha felt those eyes on her, hastily picking up her clothes and running into the living room in her underwear.


She went out into the living room, and started to get dressed, at the disappointment of Lorian, but soon, she faintly heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Her heart leapt in her chest, and she blushed again, as she felt a warm body press against her back, and arms encircled around her waist.

"Mmm… At least eat something before you go."

Aisha complied and picked up one of the many boxes of food lain on the counter. Lorian was constantly bringing home food for her, but she had never eaten them. She took one off the shelf, but Lorian stopped her. She took the box in her hand and sat down, patting her lap. Aisha sat down in the space offered, her face once again turning red.

(I'll be red forever, at this rate, haaa...)

She continued to blush intensely as Lorian fed her. She hadn't thought much of the gesture before, but now… It was so intimate, the way she caressed her tummy, her breasts pressed into her back, the warm cuddles... The food was also really good, warmed by Lorian's naturally high body temperature.

She finally finished eating, after 30 minutes of heated ecstasy. She got up to leave, when Lorian gave her one last hug for the morning. She placed her hands on Aisha's cut arms.

"Let me heal you..."

Aisha made a weak noise of protest, but she reluctantly let Lorian rub her warm hands over her arms. The healing magic was just as hot as the first time, but all she felt was a warm, soothing feeling, instead of a searing pain.

"Stay safe."




"Hey, do you even wonder why we're here?"

"It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Why are we here? Do the gods really exist.. or are we just here by chance?"

"No, I meant, why are we stationed here, guarding the woods to some girl's house?"

"Oh. I don't know."

The guards spotted Aisha, walking down the hill. They waved to her, and she ignored them as usual.

"Do you think she looked a little different?"

"Yeah.. She looked.. I don't know. Not angry."

They looked at each other and shrugged.




Aisha returned to the empty lot again. This time, she arrived to see Xelos waiting for her. He looked into her eyes, and tossed a dirty button-up shirt and pants at her.


"You forgot this. It's important to you, isn't it?"


She clutched the oversized shirt and pants to her chest. It was the clothes that Lorian had bought for her... She had forgotten to get them yesterday. She wanted to prove him wrong, and discard the clothing, but something stopped her from doing it. She just chose to stare back at him.


Xelos chose to break the staring contest by kicking Aisha's legs out from under her. She fell on her back, and he stepped into the empty dirt square, teleporting away.


Aisha fumed and quickly followed him into the lot.


Aisha found herself in the same room as the last day. She looked around. Twenty people, just like yesterday. Everybody was still crowded around the priest. She guessed that they were vying for her attention. She was somewhat attractive, she suppose-

(Not as pretty as mistress.)


(Stop thinking about her! Stop thinking about her!)


Aisha instead focused on the indignation that she felt, little dirt particles still stuck to the ass of her pants. Where was that bastard, she would, would -


And surprisingly, she found him. Just leaning against a wall casually, just staring, like usual.


He was... in the room. There was something off about that. Twenty people… She had miscounted! There was someone missing! He hadn't been in the room the first time she had kept count!


She hastily scanned the room. She didn't have a lot of time the last time she was there, so she didn't recognize most of the room...


But the inconspicuous boy was gone. He was not in his corner. Nobody else seemed to notice.


He could have just not shown up, but in her heart... she knew that he had died in the jungle. It was just a guess, but something told her that Xelos had no inhibitions of just killing them. Her mind went back to the morning's promise, and instantly, she turned wary… she would be the last person in the room at the end of the year, despite the circumstances.


She tuned into the conversations around her.


"So what was yesterday about? Was that a test or something?"


"Probably?" Someone else mumbled, a younger-looking boy with blonde, sandy hair "It was pretty easy! I didn't actually run into any monsters, he must have took them out beforehand!"


"It was seemed a little dangerous though."


"I'm sure he would have saved us if we got into any trouble, somehow."


Aisha shook her head. That assumption might get them killed. Everyone else was so stupid, how could they not see how sketchy this whole thing was? How had they even-


"Hey!" Someone called out.


-gotten here? Did Xelos also scout them out while they were dying on the streets from a fistfight? Did-


"Hey?" Someone shouted again.


-everyone here just have a propensity to listening to strange voices and cryptic notes? What was going on, why did-




"What!?" Aisha snapped, twisting her head to the side to address whatever moron was next to her.


Her eyes met the soft blues of a red-haired boy, looking curiously at the girl with a slightly amused expression. His shoulders were broad, and his body was huge - clearly the teenager went to the gym, or something. Or maybe he was just naturally that big.


"I was just trying to make conversation." He said defensively. 

"I'm thinking." Aisha mumbled back.

"About what?"




"Alright, fine the-"

"How did you get here?" Aisha asked suddenly.




"How did you get to this place?" Aisha repeated, before clarifying. "Who told you about this place? How did you physically get here?"


"Um. That's a lot of questions." The boy laughed slightly. "Can I at least get a name, first?"


"...Aisha." She said slowly, the words dripping out of her mouth like poison.


"Er, well, my name's Laika." The redhead said cheerfully. "My... uh, well my parents sent me here, actually. Apparently, this guy's like a pretty reputable combat instructor! I've never heard of him, though. But he's gotta be super strong, I mean, setting up a teleport nexus is unheard of. Even the capital has theirs barely working, and this guy is just one person!"


"I see." Aisha mumbled. "You've never heard of him?"


"Nope." Laika frowned, before turning to his side. "Leo, you haven't either, right?"


A sandy-haired boy turned to Laika, and instantly, Aisha pegged the two boys as brothers. They shared the same facial shape - although Leo was a little more on the smaller side - as well as the same nose, eyes, and ears.


Leo shook his head.


"Yeah, honestly..." Laika continued. "I think it might just be a way for mom and dad to get rid of us. They don't really have a lot of time nowadays... and they spend a lot more time with our older siblings. Honestly, I..."


Aisha tuned out the boy's voice as she tried to process what he had said. The man had set up his own teleport nexus for this. Got twenty students. Or well, nineteen now. The kids were most likely loners, or didn't have a lot of connections...


Her musings were once again interrupted by markings moving below her feet. Blue light again filled the room, followed by that oh so familiar sensation of weightlessness.



After the spell finished and the lights dimmed once more, Aisha looked around herself to find nothing but dark ash, and dead trees all around her. It was a complete wasteland, for what looked like miles - even the sky seemed dreary, the air tainted a muddy brown, blotting out the natural sunlight.


Massive, jagged chasms sat in front of her, scarring the earth like massive lightning bolts in the ground. They seemed to stretch for miles, and looked just as deep. Treacherous. Instantly, she took a step back, away from them - with the expectation that she might get pushed into one by some unseen force-


"Are these the wastes?" A voice said right next Aisha, prompting her to jerk around, looking for the owner.


Only to be met with many familiar faces. It seemed like the entire class had been sent to this location, instead of being split up like they had been before.


"How are we... how are we here??" Someone gasped, in awe.


"Would anyone like to explain where we are?" Xelos said, his voice cutting through the group like ice.


The blonde boy, lightly armored with chain vest and gloves, spoke up.

"The wastes are the result of the god wars, fought hundreds of years ago. The rifts are rumored to be the sites in which the gods themselves clashed, leaving the ground scarred, and poisoning the surrounding area with chaos magic, rendering most life uninhabitable, and creating the wastes..."


Xelos did not acknowledge the boy, instead placing a hand on the ground. Another glyph soon surrounded the group, blue light filling Aisha's vision. She squinted, blinded.


She looked around, and… nothing. She had not moved, but her training-mates were gone. Also there was Xelos, who walked closer.


Aisha hastily backtracked. She did not trust him. She took step after step until… her foot met air.


Adrenaline flooded her body as she fell backwards, weightlessness familiar to her but definitely lethal in this situation - and somehow managed to get a grip on the ledge of the hole she had stumbled into. She looked behind her, and instantly regret it - instantly her stomach felt sick seeing the distance beneath her.


The fall to the bottom was probably 100 feet! She couldn't believe she had made such a stupid mistake!


She felt her hand slipping. and quickly attempted to raise her other arm to get a better handhold, but stopped. Her arm wouldn't move, and as the adrenaline pumped through her veins, she had at least the clarity of mind to look at what the hell was cramping her hand, forcing her to freeze up.


It was the stupid clothes. Mistress's stupid oversized clothes, that for some reason, she was clutching to her chest desperately, like they were the things that were going to save her from that fall.


(WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?) Aisha screamed in her head. (LET THEM GO!)


But try as she might, no matter how hard she willed the muscles in her arm, she couldn't. Why? WHY!?


But, as it turned out, she would not have to make the difficult decision.


Xelos's impassive face entered her vision, and Aisha's heart filled with dread.


Dark red irises met black.

She barely had time to curse him, as he kicked her hand, sending her falling into the pit.




Aisha groaned and sat up. Somehow… she had survived the fall. Her entire body hurt, but… she was alive.


(I can still make it home to mistress!) An excited, puppy-like voice echoed in her head, and this time, Aisha was too concerned with the pain in her body to even deny it.


She looked to her side. The clothes were still there, smelling faintly of mistress. God, god! If she just could have let the things go! She could have pulled herself up, or rather...


"Everyone else made it back up an hour ago." echoed a voice at the top of the chasm.


Damn. Everyone else had been teleported to the bottom. She had been kicked in and forced to take the fall. Why did Xelos choose to target her? He definitely knew that she was the weakest in the group. Was she just here for him to beat around?


Did he enjoy torturing her? Putting her in situations that were trivial for other people, that she would struggle through, while she saw the others run past her with ease. Why?


(What a terrible teacher.) Aisha fumed indignantly. (Fuck him. What a waste of my time.)


Aisha made up her mind. Screw him. She was going to just stop going. Tomorrow, she was just not going to show up! Let him play his stupid games with the others. Aisha would return to her home, and...


When had she started to think of that place as her home?


She picked up the clothes and stuffed them in the back of her outfit. They were heavier than before… probably a product of his doing. Slowly, she began to scale the sides of the chasm. She grabbed a protrusion in the walls and began to pull herself up. Her arms and legs were sore and painful, but with her entire body working towards the climb… she could see herself making it out of the chasm. There was no way it was just going to be that easy though.


She gripped the face of the chasm, wincing as she felt the rough texture of the rock wall on her hands. She attempted to pull herself up, using her foot to push herself off the ground, but instantly felt a soreness in her chest, that made her stop climbing to gingerly touch at the sore spot. It was bruised badly.




A long, long time later, she placed a hand out of the pit, breath wheezing and arms and legs covered with cuts and bruises from falling repeatedly. Initially, she had landed with no serious injury, but now her nose was shattered, and her right wrist was clutched painfully by her left hand. In her vision were two black boots. She looked up at Xelos's face, non-expressive as usual. She was beginning to think that it was a mask of some kind.


"*gasp* you - haa - going to - *gasp* going to kick me in again?"

"That depends."

"Depends on-*gasp*-what?"


"Did you forget anything down there?"


His face did not change expression, but she could picture the smug smile on his face. She pulled herself completely out of the chasm with the last bits of her strength, laying down on the ashy ground. She took a minute to catch her breath, before turning an angry expression onto the tall man, his face not smug at all, instead, somehow, stuck with an even more infuriating, completely uncaring face.


"Why are you doing this?" She demanded weakly, panting.

"You're going to have to be more specif-"


"You know what I mean!" Aisha interrupted indignantly, her voice cracking with petulant anger. "Why kick me into the pit? Why give me these weighted clothes? Why give me the outfit? Do you enjoy watching me struggle?"



"Compared to the others, you are remarkably weak. To compensate, you have to train harder than them."

"This-this strength training is not going to make me as strong as a mage. I could do this myself!"


"And yet, here we are." The tall man said quietly. "You're so small. So arrogant, and yet so worthless, at the same time..."


He kneeled down to look at her face to face.


"Look at you. For 22 years you've been this way. But, you haven't changed. You say that you hate being weak, but you haven't done anything about it. You don't want to change. You just want to complain, to hate the people around you. Because it makes you feel better about yourself."


Those words stung like red hot iron. They were the exact same words she used against her mistress - the words she used in her own head to justify hating. It made her stomach sink, it made her want to throw up - because it mean she had nothing against this man.


"I didn't chose to be born this way!" Aisha argued, bitterness welling up inside of her chest. "What's the poin- OW!"


He grabbed a fistful of Aisha's hair, pulling her up, painfully, to look at him at eye level.


"You're still just a child, in body and spirit. What do you want? You seem reluctant to accept help, and yet, you acknowledge that you can't do anything without it. You curse the people around you, when it's only through their graces that you can even live. Why act so prideful? You have absolutely nothing to be proud of. Except for your own remarkable petulance.


Whether or not you were born like this won't change reality - the present. And the reality is that you're weak."


Xelos let go of Aisha's head, taking a barely-audible breath before looking away, into the distance.

"You think you're far more clever than you actually are." He said scathingly. "You think you're the only one who knows that life is unfair. That everyone else is just living blissfully unaware. It's the opposite. It's just that most people choose to live on, despite knowing this."


There was a long pause as the tall man's words sunk in, like knives into Aisha's back. Physically beaten, and brimming with anger, but despite that, she found that for the first time in her life, she had no clever comeback to throw.


"You are special. You are exceptionally conceited. Just because you haven't been blessed with everything in your lap, you think that's a good reason to stop trying? To just complain?"


Aisha balled up her fists, but she could still find no words to throw at the man. The frustration rose up in her chest like lava - FUCK, she wanted to say something clever, to prove him WRONG! He was WRONG! WRONG, DAMMIT!


But a small part of her was whispering to her that he was right.


And she hated it. For all the physical weakness that was imparted on her, Aisha had never lost a battle of words. It was the one thing that she was good at. Tearing other people down.


But now she had nothing. Absolutely nothing.



Xelos dropped her head painfully onto the dirt, looking back down at Aisha.


"There will be no more strength training." He continued flatly. "You will be responsible for that. I do not desire nor have the time to babysit you. I did not have you take the uniform and your old clothes for no reason."


"Like I said." He continued. "You'll need them later."


Aisha tried to respond, but her mouth was dry, and her breaths were shallow. Her vision began to distort, a familiar sensation enveloping her body, followed by a weightlessness in her limbs, that usually felt strange, but now felt painful.


She just moaned on the floor for a few seconds before getting back up, tired in both body and spirit. Usually, after an argument, thoughts would start pouring into her head, reaffirming herself - she should have said this, or that - she could have won that way!


But there was nothing this time. Just an unbelievable bitterness, that made her want to cry.


And for a while, she did, tears leaking down the sides of her cheeks. Because he was right. She had nothing. At some point... maybe she could have done something different... but now?


Crying alone in an abandoned lot. She didn't even have a good attitude.




Or well...


Maybe something.




"So what are they doing now?"

"God, damn! I am getting sick of answering that question!"

"You're the one who's got the scope, they didn't give one to me!"

"I have the scope because my performance was better than yours!"

"How could you possibly have a better performance than me? We've been at the same post for years! Nothing has ever happened!"

"Yeah, well, I do nothing, much better than you. And to answer your question, they have been doing the same thing since sunrise. Just standing there, and talking. When you ask me again in 2 seconds, they will still be doing the same thing!"



"So what are they talking about?"

Aisha walked past the two bickering guards, still clutching her nose.




Aisha returned home, shivering in the cold night air, and rubbing the sides of her arms. Her entire body just felt... tired and beaten.


This was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. This stupid, warm, cuddly, hug-happy girl. She could already imagine what she would say...


She would probably be worried about her. About her broken nose. Maybe mention the tear stains that she so desperately tried to wipe off her cheeks.


And then she would hold her.


No! Force her! Force her to accept those hugs, those... those hugs. Maybe pet her.


Dammit dammit dammit! She didnt even have the willpower to resist this dumb girl! Why was she trembling with excitement, as her hand slowly twisted the doorknob!? Why did she want to leap into her arms so badly!? Why why why!?


She tried desperately to suppress it, but she could not stop her trembling arms as she twisted the handle to the house, being blasted by the warm heat of her home, as well as that amazing smell, that came from... from...




Mistress. The girl was lounging on the couch, reading something in only her undergarments, as was usual, showing off her creamy, soft skin, adorable, squishy tummy, and her long, slender, legs...


Aisha resisted the urge to drool over her. She was so beautiful it was unfair. It was unfair how much power she had over Aisha, just from... existing. The worst part was...


"Aisha! You're home!" Lorian said excitedly, giving her a wide, beaming smile, closing her eyes and showing off her long eyelashes.


"...Hi, mistress." Aisha whispered. It was part of her contract. She was obligated to say it, she had to everytime she came back after not seeing her for more than an hour.


So why did mistress look so happy? Why did the fact - the fact that she made her happy - it also made her a little happy -


Lorian's smile and curious tilt of the head made Aisha sick to her stomach. It was so cute, it made her want to hug her so bad.


Maybe it was for that radiant smile... that radiant smile that always appeared on the girl's face, whenever she expressed the smalledt amount of happiness or affection.


Looking at Aisha's beaten down expression made Lorian concerned beyond belief. That, combined with the tear stains, made her worry. Aisha so clearly wanted a hug. Needed a hug. Needed somewhere where she could just break down and rest, where she could feel good, let go.


But it almost seemed like she didnt even want that for herself. That was why Lorian had to want it for her.


So, as Aisha started to make her way past Lorian, the tall girl stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. The limb was dirty and cold, but Lorian paid it no mind, looking softly into Aisha turmultuous expression.


Aisha wanted it so bad. Why couldn't she just ask? She was sure that... that if she asked, her mistress would touch her more, comfort her, hold her...


And when Lorian's hand got closer to her face, her eyes went wide, ears going flat on her head. That hand was comfort. Aisha knew that - that her mistress would take care of her. But at the same time, she was terrified. She didn't want to start relying on this girl, only for her to get bored of her.


But despite that, she couldn't stop herself from leaning closer to the hand. Trying to get it on her face. Get that warmth, and more importantly, get those loving, calming feelings in...


And when Lorian retracted her hand, Aisha almost burst into tears.


"NO!" She screamed, before her eyes went wide, processing what she just did. Lorian visibly flinched at the reaction, and Aisha felt her world falling apart, felt the last thing she had, slipping away from her.


No. Why did she take the hand back? Did she not want to pet her anymore? No no no no no no no no no no no no no no if she didn't want Aisha anymore, then she really had NOTHING, was truly alone -


"Please hug me!" Aisha begged desperately, eyez wide in panic, adrenaline flooding her body. "Please, I - I'll be your pet, Ill do anything you want me to - please don't leave me, please don't - I'm begging you please I-I-I'll never n-never... please don't leave me mistress - y-y-you're y-you're the only thing I have left im begging you please, please - p-p-p-please..."


And for a second, there was no response, and Aisha felt her breath seize up, tears beginning to flow freely. She was terrified. Had she fucked up the only thing she had left? The only person left, in her entire life, who would love her?


She was about to collapse, begin wailing, like the pathetic, disgusting person that she was. What else could she do, but attempt to get just the slightest amount of pity out of her, so that maybe, she would forgive her, so that she wouldn't leave her.


A soft hand cupped her cheek.


"Please look at me." Lorian whispered.


Aisha didn't want to. She didn't want to see the disgust. The loathing. But she did anyways.


"I'm... I'm sorry." Lorian whispered, her face filled with nothing but concern and care. "I was just teasing you. Aisha, you don't have to do any of those things for me... I'll take care of you no matter what."


Aisha couldn't stop the tears. Even as she was pulled gently into an embrace, even as she was surrounded by warmth, as she felt her worries melt away, she still couldn't stop herself from dirtying her mistress's breasts with her filthy tears.


"Aisha..." Lorian whispered. "I'll always take care of you, okay? As long as you want me to. I'll be there for you. Don't cry."


Aisha tried her hardest to stop, but found that she couldn't. She was such a failure. Couldn't even stop crying for her mistress.


The worst part was, Lorian didn't even hold it against her. She just continued to hold Aisha in her arms, squeezing every once in a while to let her know she was still there. Until the tears stopped, and Lorian let her go, much to the dismay of Aisha.


"Do you want me to cuddle you?" Lorian asked softly. "Or pet you, or squeeze you? Or anything like that?"


Yes. Aisha wanted to say. All of it. She wanted Lorian to pet her for the rest of her life. She wanted to grow old being cuddled and hugged.


But all she could manage was the tinest, "Ok."




"...Please..." Aisha whispered slightly louder, her voice cracking.


"I can't hear you." Lorian whispered softly.


Was this the girl's revenge? For being such a brat all this time, she was going to force Aisha to beg, at her lowest?


"Please." Aisha begged. "Please pet me mistress. Okay? I-I... hhhhnnn... nnnn....."


A deep breath was forced out her Aisha's body when finally, that hand descended upon her head and began to stroke. It still felt amazing.


But it wasnt enough. Gods, Aisha was so greedy. But she also wanted her mistress to wrap her arms around her.


"C-can you..." Aisha whispered shyly. "Nnh..."


"Hm?" Lorian asked, gazing down at Aisha with that expectant expression.


"Y-you... I... W-we always... do more... than this... right..."


"Ask." Lorian said softly.


"Y-you've never asked me for permission before..." Aisha whispered, trying desperately to keep a hold of her last shred of dignity. She wouldn't beg for cuddles, dammit. Please, gods, she hoped Lorian wouldn't make her beg...


"I've changed my mind." Lorian smiled evilly, stretching backwards and showing off her chest. Aisha swallowed a load of saliva in her throat. Oh god, why, why? Did she know? That Aisha would do anything for those hugs, those loving squeezes...


"P-please." Aisha begged quietly.


"Please what?"


Why did she have to be so beautiful, so kind? Why did she have to torment her like this? Did Aisha really have to break herself down? Lose all remaining shreds of pride, reduce herself to nothing, so she could build herself up?


(Pros and cons!) Aisha thought in a panic. (Pros and cons!


- IwantitIwantitI want it so bad I want her to hug me and pet me It's going to feel so good I want it so bad I want her I want her she's so pretty and warm and im so cold and I want to hug her and she's so perfect I love her I love her I love her






"Please cuddle me." Aisha whimpered. "I'm your cuddletoy, please hug me! Please hug me mistress i need it i need it ineeditineedit!"


"Come here, Aisha."


Aisha launched herself at her mistress's body desperately, losing all self control and burying herself into her mistress's plush, amazing body, wrapping her arms around her curvy waist and feeling her hands being warmed. She felt her cheeks heat up as her head was cushioned by her mistress's squishy breasts, and her wonderful heat began to fill up her tired, cold body, suffusing through her body in a wonderful, tingly wave. Her head felt light as she took in the amazing scent from that morning, whimpering. It was even stronger, even more sweet, decadent! She buried her face with embarrassment in the chest pillows as she looked up, seeing the amused, loving smile that her mistress gave her.


"You're quite the silly girl, huh?" Lorian teased as she hugged Aisha back, squeezing the small girl tightly. "Only a week, for you to stop your nonsense. Now you're begging me for hugs. Begging me for headpats."


And while a part of Aisha wanted to just accept those words for the truth they were, and fully give in, Aisha hadnt completely discarded her pride... yet.


"N-no!" Aisha squeaked pitifully, words completely meaningless as she clutched Lorian's body close to her, rubbing her scarlet face into her softness. "I-I-I-I'm just using you! For your body! I'll milk you dry of headpats, and then- and then..."


Aisha realized, with absolute horror on her face, that she had revealed a terrible, terrible, deadly secret to her mistress.


"Oh." Lorian smiled wide, practically glowing with mirth. "So you want headpats? You think I'm beautiful?"

"No no no!" Aisha squealed. "You're ugly! You're not pretty, I just like your boobs and hug-oop!"


Lorian smiled, giggling uncontrollably at Aisha's terrified face. Her expression was a mix of softness, amusement, and affection - and gods, Aisha couldn't help but find that smile so radiant.


"Do you really think I'm ugly?" She asked softly.


Aisha's cheeks burned, almost as much as her heart.

"No..." She admit.


"Good girl." Lorian cooed, stroking the back of her head. Aisha only let out a soft, needy whine at that, as Lorian's other arm ran itself up and down Aisha's small body, sending warmth wherever their bodies made contact.


Aisha turned even redder at those words, and squeezed her mistress as hard as she could in order to quell that sinking feeling of embarrassment. It was so degrading. She wasn't a pet! Even though she was completely dependent on her mistress, even though mistress fed her and loved her and played with her, even though she LOVED being called a good girl, loved being good for her adored mistress....

Lorian cooed in response, resting her chin on top of Aisha's head, not quite melting her head with lovely heat, but the affectionate gesture still sent flutters into her chest. Aisha whimpered, a needy sound escaping her throat, not even knowing what her body wanted so bad.


There was a long pause before Lorian removed her head from on top of Aisha's and took the girl's head out of her bosom, letting her look into Aisha's eyes and see her adorable expression, mouth slightly open, and panting heavily. So submissive. So loving... So adorable.


Aisha felt her heart fill with terror, and she looked at mistress's hand with horror as it lifted from her back and started to make its way to the top of her head and towards her huge ears, twitching erratically in want.


"Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait!" Aisha squealed, impending doom approaching her. She didn't know what would happen if Lorian pet her, but she knew that if she did, Aisha would never be able to live without her again. "I- h-h-hhhhaaaaahhhh ohhhhhh..."


Aisha let out a shuddering moan of delight at her mistress began to stroke her ears like an adored pet, every motion sending pleasurable sensation shooting through her body. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body lost all strength as it was filled with hearts and lovey-dovey feelings, her arms and legs going limp. Her mind went completely blank as she sank into her mistress's body, eliciting a giggle from the woman in question. She was just so soft, so warm, so... so lovely and sexy, and soft, and lovely, and... Aisha loved her so much.


Lorian stopped petting her after she felt a bit of saliva on her collarbone, lifting the girl's head up and wiping at the corner of her open mouth with her thumb.


"That must have felt really good." Lorian purred, rubbing her cheeks together with Aisha.


"W-washhn'ttt that goooooood." Aisha slurred, her head still tingling from where her mistress had stroked her. Her cheeks were so soft too...


Lorian giggled, kissing the top of Aisha's head. "Okay then."


Aisha didn't respond, taking the deep breaths that she had been holding when mistress had been petting her. Her entire body was just filled with... mistress. Her heat. Her smell. Oh god...


"You know, I bought an odorless soap." Mistress purred. "But people at school still say I smell."

"What? But you smell so good..."

Aisha clamped her mouth shut.

(Why do you have such a fat mouth! Stupid stupid stupid stupid-)


Her thoughts were interrupted once again as mistress began to pet her again, melting her brain and sending ecstasy shooting through her chest and stomach.


"S-sstopp itt feels toooo gooooddddd" Aisha slurred. Mistress giggled in delight at that. She kept petting Aisha's head, but reduced it to just a light patting, letting Aisha recuperate her senses.

"You're so adorable~" She cooed. "I could pet you forever~"

"Mmmmnnnnnn" Aisha mumbled.


Lorian just hummed softly, rocking her head side to side as she enjoyed Aisha's suppressed mewls and moans. She removed her hand from her head, and raised an eyebrow as Aisha whimpered in protest, leaning her head back into her head.


"Oh? Do you want something?" She teased.

"Why do you like teasing me so much?" Aisha wailed. "J-just pet me!"

"Now why would I do that?"



"F-fine! Fine! Fine! I-I-I-I like it! I love it! You smell really good, a-a-and your pets feel amazing! You're beautiful, a-and you're different than anyone else I've met, and I don't hate you! Okay!? Is that what you wanted to hear!? Is that good enough for you?!"

"Mmm..." Lorian smiled. "Don't hate me? Would someone who only... doesn't hate me... be begging me for headpats?"


Aisha just gave her an upset look, but it quickly melted away as Lorian's hand returned to the top of her head, her eyes fluttering in mind-melting bliss. She loved mistress so much. Every stroke on her ears was like mistress was stroking her brain, stroking in loving feeling.


"What's up with your ears? They're so sensitive..."

Aisha blushed, looking away in response, at the full weight of their exchange sat on her.


"Our ears are how we listen to the voice of the wood. They're only supposed to be touched by someone you lo- someone... important to you. Th-they're... they're... they're sensitive..."

"Aww, you're important to me too!" Lorian replied, smiling brightly.


Aisha's face lit up. She didn't think Lorian knew exactly what the implications of that phrase were... Her heart pounded in her chest, as she buried herself deeper into Lorian's soft body.


Aisha let out a pleasured mewl as Lorian began to scritch softly behind her ears, scratching spots she didn't even know she wanted rubbed. Her eyes shot open, and her face turned mortified, as Lorian giggled above her at the embarrassing sound.


"Aw... does that feel good?" Lorian teased, her chest softly shaking from laughing.

"...Maybe." She muttered bashfully.

"Fufu... Anything for my good girl." Lorian purred.


Aisha blushed deep red at that. Something about that phrase just lit a fire in her chest, warming her entire body and making her squirm in Lorian's embrace. Why could mistress control her so easily!? With just that stupid phrase, she just set Aisha's heart alight, making her feel so happy... How it made her want to keep being a good girl, to keep being cute for her mistress, so she would praise her.


The buxom woman laughed, pulling Aisha up face-to-face and rubbing their cheeks together. This only made Aisha go even redder, the heat in her tummy growing even-


She quickly covered up her stomach as it let out a low, quiet growl. At the sound, Lorian laughed and got up for food, as Aisha mewled in protest behind her. She wanted more head pats. She needed more head pats. She was absolutely smitten. She needed mistress.


Lorian picked up a small package, her fingers brushing against an old shirt.

"Oh! It's your old clothes! I'm surprised you kept them! Hm?"


A small packet of dark spheres fell out of the folds in the clothing. Attached was a paper with a message. Lorian motioned Aisha to come over.


"Eat 1 per day… you have tomorrow off?" Lorian read.


Aisha didn't know about the second message… but there was one thing for sure. She sure as hell wasn't going to eat those pills. She got up from the couch, swinging her legs over, and angrily tore the label off, revealing a message on the back.


[Eat the pills.]


She tore up the label into tiny little pieces and threw them on top of the counter. Lorian watched her with a smile, amused. Aisha turned around, walking towards their bedroom, when Lorian stopped her.

"Aren't you going to eat one?"



"Why would I eat one?"

"Well, they look like the little pills that they give to young knights so they grow bigger. Did your teacher give them to you?"


Aisha paused, thinking back to Xelos's words… she would be responsible for her own physical training from now on. He said that explicitly. And she had no doubt that she would need to be physically stronger for the next trainings… She looked down at the little pill with disdain.


She supposed that if Xelos wanted to kill her, he would have just let her die back in the streets. The pill probably wasn't poison. Tentatively, she took one, about the size of a bead, and put it into her mouth whole, swallowing. She opened her mouth as Lorian took a spoon and moved it slowly towards her mouth, chewing the bits of rice and washing down the pill.


She waited a few seconds. Nothing.


(What was I expecting.)

Aisha sighed.




Aisha squeaked adorably as Lorian scooped her up in her arms, carrying the poor girl all the way back to their shared bedroom. Aisha just gave her a helpless look as their close proximity once again made Aisha's arms and legs weak, unable to resist the woman's affections. Lorian dumped her on the bed, before joining her and pulling the covers over them, wrapping both their bodies close together, their faces almost touching. Aisha blushed red, but there was nowhere for the embarrassed fey girl to turn to.


Aisha had no escape as mistress took her head in her warm, soft, smooth hands, and pulled her close, rubbing their cheeks together and cooing loving words.


"You're so adorable..." She whispered. "Mmmm... you're my perfect, good girl..."


Aisha hugged Lorian's waist for her life, pressing her eyes shut in an attempt to draw her attention to anything but the amazing, soft feeling that was permeating her head. When her mistress started to pet her, sensation shot through her body and she sandwiched one of Lorian's legs in her own, squeezing with all her might and letting out a pitiful whimper.


"NNnnngaaahhh... Stop..." Aisha said weakly, her voice cracking, feeling her heart blaze up in an inferno. At the sound of her small and weak voice, Lorian instantly separated herself from Aisha, looking at her with concern.


"Are you hurt?" She whispered. "Should I stop?"

"Nnn... mistress..." Aisha whispered, opening her eyes a crack but not meeting Lorian's face, instead locking her gaze on her lacy brassiere.

"What's wrong?" Lorian asked. "Please look at me!"

Lorian tilted Aisha's head up to meet hers, and all of a sudden all her worries went away, her expression forming into a mischievous smirk.


The look on Aisha's face was one of complete infatuation and love, her eyes wide and pleading, her mouth slightly open, and her ears drooping adorably, despite the girl's weak protests. She whimpered as Lorian smiled, reaching a hand up to pet her again and sending that fluttery feeling down her chest again. God, even after she had gotten what she wanted, she still cared about her. So kind... so... gods.


"Hyah!" Aisha yelped. "ouuuuhh...."


Aisha's voice began to leak out of her mouth as the pleasure began to melt her brain, rendering the girl unable to form any coherent thoughts, the only thing in her head being the amazing warmth that was flooding her body. Her grip relaxed on her mistress's chest and legs as she began to rub herself up and down Lorian's body, basking in the amazing feelings, the love that was permeating her body. God, Lorian was going to turn the girl all lovey-dovey, it just felt so good to give in and hug her...


"Is my good girl feeling good?" Lorian teased, slowing her pets and letting Aisha regain control of her limbs, he girl closing her mouth in embarrassment as she wiped the corner of her mouth with a hand.


"Wuh?" She whispered quietly.

"Are you feeling good?" Lorian asked teasingly, smiling wide.


"Uhhh..." Aisha muttered, turning her head away abashedly, blushing. The girl was still full of pride, but a increasingly massive part of her wanted to just give in to her mistress and start licking, kissing and hugging her all over. Like a good pet. She wanted mistress to call her a good girl again.

(She makes me feel so good!) One part of her said. (And she's so pretty, and she smells nice, and she treats me so nice!)




There was usually another side.


But it didnt end up mattering, as Lorian answered her own question, starting to pet Aisha again, each stroke so sinfully light, and yet, so ridiculously pleasurable. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her brain began to melt. Why why why did it feel so good? Why did it have to be this woman?


For a while Aisha squirmed, but despite the mind-melting, toe-curling pleasure that her mistress's hand gave her, Aisha felt her eyelids droop, and her mind start to go fuzzy.


She didnt even know if it was because she was tired, or because her brain was melting. Or if the petting was making her sleepy. All she knew was that the desire to curl up with her mistress, hug that big waist and lay her head on that tummy, warm, and safe... it was overwhelming. And so she did, sinking, deep, deep, into that cozy embrace, just so comfortable. And as she started to drift off to sleep, she felt the tension in her body melt away, and all the bad thoughts clear from her head, save for a single word.



Thank you to Torrablack, and lufuzz, who gave me a power stone! I have no idea what it does, but I appreciate the support.

Lithkrencreators' thoughts
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