
Unexpected Help


Viper spat on the floor and Jerlina still looked unwaveringly at him.

"Just now this baby watched her mother working hard to please our men... She was..." Viper ran his finger through his lips, cocking his head. "... very obedient once I threatened this thing," he shook the baby once more making Jerlina's heart shake with the baby. 

Cia was raised with so much care and love. Every time Jerlina has seen Cia, she'd be either on Scar's hips or on Bobby's chest and at times on Jeremy's shoulder. No one would let her cry for more than a minute. Cia would act spoiled but no one cared. 

For her to be treated like a doll, no, worse than a doll, it broke her heart.

  "Should I give the same chance for you?" Viper sneered among the jeers of his men making Jerlina think about the other thing.

Scar was...

Jerlina gulped and her hands started to shake. She fisted her hands.

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