
Who's That?

I completed all the test with excellent scores. My training and hard work paid off. But What was sitting in my mid the entire time was the thought of failing. I just couldn't erase the possibility from my head

"(Y/N) (L/N)," Aizawa-sensei called for the softball throw.

I hadn't used my quirk for any of the other activities, but this was were I needed it the most.

I stepped up onto the outlined ground of where I was supposed to stand. I took a deep breath and put my right leg back. I stepped my left leg forward and gripped the ground. Preparing my throw. Then at blinding speed, hurled it forward using my quirk.

The ball shot forward with startling speed, causing air drifts and shooting through the sky.

"645.7 METERS!" The machine voice said.

I was breathing really hard, trying to calm myself as I felt my eyes change color and my eyesight enhance.

Deep breaths (Y/N).

I advised myself. I returned to the group next to Kirishima who was gaping at me.

"How did you do that? What's your quirk?!" He asked. He was joined by Mina, Kaminari, a boy with black hair, and the green haired boy.

"Oh, uh my -" Aizawa-sensei had placed a hand on my shoulder and shook his head.

"We'll share all about each other's quirks when we need to. For now, that's it. Let's see your scores.

We all gathered together as he posted the scores. I looked around the end-midway section, expecting my name. But my eyes slowly rose up to see I had gotten third in all of the scores. Right under a Shoto Todoroki.

"Huh. I actually got pretty high up there." I said to myself.

"Of course you did. Your amazing!" Kirishima said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I grinned at him and sighed.

"I didn't use any of my actual skills, but I was good with the basics." I said looking around for a Shoto Todoroki and Bakugou. "Who's Todoroki?" I asked.

"That would be me." A cold voice behind us said. Kirishima and I turned around to see a boy with half red hair and half white hair and a large burn scar on his left eye.

"Oh. Hey. Congratulations on getting second." I said waving.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.

"'Why thank you (Y/N)! How kind of you to congratulate me even though I seem like a total douchebag.' Is what you supposed to say." I said looking at him.

He flushed and walked away. Kirishima was laughing and clutching his stomach.

"Holy crap." He said catching his breath.

"At least he doesn't seem as bad as Bakugou." I said.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU FUCKING EXTRA??!?!?" A voice shouted.

I turned around again to see Bakugou approaching Kirishima and I.

"Oh nothing. Just how you might not be as much as a dick as you seem to be." I said waving him off.

Midoriya came over and gripped my shirt cautiously.

"(Y/N) . . ." He said fearfully.

"What's there to be afraid of? It's just Bakugou." I asked ruffling his hair. He turned a slight shade of red but continued to be wary.


Midoriya whimpered and took a step back but I stopped him.

"Don't talk to him like that." I said.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He yelled at me.

"YOUR FUCKING CLASSMATE!" I yell back at him.

He looked at me and snarled at Midoriya.

"You think your better than me?! I'm gonna be better than All Might himself! The next number one hero!" He shouted.

"Aww. Is your ass jealous of all that shit coming out of your mouth?" I asked shielding Midoriya.

"WHY YOU!" He shouted blasting himself towards us before he was held back by a scarf looking cloth.

"That's enough you two." Aizawa-sensei said.

I sighed and turned away from him and Bakugou.

This was gonna be one hard class.

~Time Skip~

It was the a while after the two vs two team training with All Might when Aizawa announced the USJ trip.

We were filing on the bus when I noticed how tired I was. I looked around to see all my classmates taking other spots and I leaned against the glass of the window. Closing my eyes, I was slowly dozing off when someone gently sat next to me. I opened my eyes and turned to see Kirishima wincing as he sat.

"Sorry, didn't want to wake you." He said.

"Your fine. I'm just really tired. I guess we've been working so much that I didn't realize how tired I was." I stretched and yawned.

"You can back to sleep." Kirishima said nudging me back into my earlier position. "I'll wake you when we get there." I smiled and laid back against the window, dozing away.

~Kirishima's Point of View~

(Y/N) laid back down and closed her eyes, easily falling into a peaceful sleep.

"KIRISHIMA!" Someone shouted.

I cringed and looked at (Y/N) who had twitched in her sleep. I looked at Kaminari who had yelled my name and glared at him.

"Dude, shut up!" I whispered. I pointed at (Y/N). His eyes widened with understanding and nodded. A second later, it turned into a grin. He wiggled his eyebrows and I flushed.

"Oh, knock it off, she fell asleep." I said turning away.

(Y/N) mumbled sleepily and snuggled closer to me. Up close, I could see her pretty (E/C) eyes and long eyelashes.

Her warm figure was against mine as she sleep, getting rest I guess. She looked o tired, I hope she wasn't working too hard.

We arrived not too long after that and I gently nudged her awake.

"(Y/N)." I whispered to her, trying to to startle her.

"Kirishima, go back to bed. It's so early." She said nudging me back.

I chuckled affectionately and shook a bit rougher this time.

"Were here dork." I said.

She woke up completely and sat up straight.

~(Y/N)'s Point of View~

I got off of Kirishima's shoulder and laughed.

"Sorry bout that Kirishima. Guess I was really tired." I stood up as everyone filed off the bus and into the facility. My hero costume wasn't too flashy. Just a plain black suit with white slash designs on it. It had a black mask that was tipped white on the ends and a small belt pouch was on my hips.

"You know (Y/N). We still don't know what your quirk is." Midoriya said approaching me.

"Oh. It's a power type but Aizawa wanted to wait until my power came into an important role at UA. I don't like thinking too much about it because it has too many mental difficulties. The power I have is unbelievably complex, but that's what makes it even better as a power for a hero. I tell you later."

I explained to him. He nodded and smiled. Kirishima had heard our conversation.

"Sounds like it takes a pretty amazing girl to take this power. You definitely will be a hero." He said coming over.

I flushed and ducked my head.

"Thank you Kirishima, you have no idea how that means to me."

We walked into the building and was greeted by the space hero thirteen whose gender I had no idea about with such a neutral voice.

They explained some things about the facility and spoke.

I was examining our surroundings. Worried about what the day would bring when Aizawa-sensei panicked.

And I knew something was wrong.

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