
Illusionary City

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 14:41

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House

Listening to the heated debate among the audience on whether the trial was fair or not, Chris stood straight without showing any emotions on his face. However, in his heart, he was worried about the upcoming trial. Not because he had managed to abuse the loophole in the trial rules but because soon he would be going up against an opponent whose physique allowed him to split his mental strength into four. 

Facing such an opponent he needs a little edge to ensure his win. And the three random ingredients were exactly that. Therefore, he did not let the audience's debate bother him instead he focused on winning the trial. Since he had used the same set of ingredients to create his signature custom card on numerous occasions he had the what card to create covered, all he had to do was create the card as fast as possible. 

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