
Chapter 1

Evan's POV

"Evan, get up." My uncle, Karl, said.

I groaned and rolled to my side. Its way too early to get up.

"Give me an hour." I grumbled, pulling up my blanket and tried to get back to sleep.

"No way, kiddo." My uncle said, pulling my blanket off me.

He knew very well that I really don't like it when my blanket is taken away from me. It helps me sleep. I finally sat up and glared at him, annoyed at his innocent smile.

"You know I hate it when you do that." I said, snatching my favorite blanket back from him.

"That is why I did it." He said. "I've got to use desperate measures to get you to school."

My ears perked up when I heard the word "school" coming from his mouth. I groaned and laid back down.

"Why school?" I groaned.

My uncle laughed and patted my stomach.

"Besides, don't you have a part time job to get to after school?" My uncle said.

My eyes shot up and quickly sat back up again, feeling awake.

"Shoot!" I said. "I start today!"

"I can't believe that you've forgotten." He said. "After telling me for weeks about being excited to work part time for Saint of Music store."

My uncle stood up and kissed my forehead.

"Morning, boy." He greeted. "Breakfast in thirty minutes. And you don't have to wear your uniform until next week"

He walked outside my room and closed the door behind him. I stretched my arms and let out a big yawn. Today is my first day of the last year of senior high school as well as my first day of my new part time job at Saint of Music store, my usual store to buy newly released albums and guitar strings, as well as other music instruments.

I prepared my favorite black cargo pants, my white shirt that has the Chinese characters for "Positive Thoughts" in red, My red and black jacket, my socks that has the design of The Wave by Hokusai, boxer shorts, and my black combat boots. I grabbed my towel and took a shower, feeling refreshed and awake. I dried off and put on my clothes. I brushed my long hair that only reached my shoulders and tied it into a ponytail. I started letting my hair grow longer after junior high school because they won't allow me to keep my hair long. I looked at the mirror feeling satisfied, grabbed my backpack and my guitar in it's case and went downstairs.

I saw my uncle making two cups of coffee. He finally noticed me when I took a seat by the counter. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Two tablespoons of sugar?" He asked.

"And a bit of creamer." I said with a smile.

He sets my coffee and my plate of breakfast in front of me. My breakfast includes an egg, two pieces of bacon, a bagel with cream cheese, and corned beef. I took a bite of my bagel that my uncle made from scratch and moaned when that familiar yet delicious tastes travelled down to my stomach.

"Delicious?" My uncle tease with a chuckle.

"As always." I said, rolling my eyes.

My uncle works as a chef in his very own cafe called Sweet Haven and he's partners with his best friend Bruce. I always hang there after school, sometimes I'd wait after dinner, and sometimes I'd help out as a waiter or do small things in the kitchen like clean up or cut the vegetables.

"You coming for dinner later?" My uncle asked.

"At Sweet Haven?" I asked.

"Yup." My uncle said. "Bruce has to go to city hall later tonight."

"He got pulled over again, didn't he?" I said the obvious.


We both chuckled and we finished our breakfast.

"Do you need a ride?" My uncle asked.

"Nah, I'm goo." I said. "It's a cool day to walk. And I have more than an hour before school starts."

"Alright." My uncle said. "Suit yourself. And brush your teeth before you leave."

I nodded and head back upstairs to brush my teeth. I went back down after said goodbye to my uncle before walking out the door with my stuff.


I reached school in about twenty minutes, meaning I still have more than forty minutes to go. I watched as students enter through the school gates. Some are wearing casual outfit while the some of the old students are wearing their old uniforms from last year. I decided to wait for another week to wear my uniform because why not? I like to feel comfortable and my uniform just makes me feel a bit stiff with the extra blazer for a second layer of clothing.

As I walked through the gates I got tackled by someone who I know very well.

"Hey, bud!" My best friend since elementary school, club member and classmate Jacob greeted with his arms around my shoulders. "How unusual of you to come in this early. Wait, are you even my best friend?! There is no way my best friend would come to school this early, let alone wake up early. Oh my god, an alien has impersonated my best friend!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled lightly and pushed Jacob away from me onto the chest of our friend and third club member Alistair. Jacob fake fainted onto Alistair's chest, which Alistair chuckled lightly and pushed him off him too.

"Alice!" Jacob cried. "I thought you love me!."

"For the hundredth time its Alistair, not Alice." Alistair groaned in annoyance. "And I definitely do not love you. Don't make a scene this early." Alistair said.

"But I have to!" Jacob said dramatically. "Who would keep us entertained during this boring day?"

"Definitely not you." I said, and with that I received a high five from Alistair.

"You guys are cruel." Jacob said, pouting with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Awe, don't worry." I said. "That's what friends do."

Me and Alistair laughed while Jacob continued pouting, trying to hide his obvious smile. We started walking towards the school.

"So," Alistair said, "why are you early?"

"Well one reason is because of my new part time job later." I said.

"Oh right." Alistair said. "At Saint of Music."


"Man, that is so perfect for you." Jacob said. "You spend way too much time there and finally you get to have your dream to spend more time there."

I gave Jacob a teasing glare and he stuck his tongue at me.

"So does this mean you get a discount?" Alistair asked.

"Yup." I said with a smile. "Forty percent off."

"Wow. That big?" Alistair asked with an astonished smile.

"Yup, the owner already knew me before this job of course." I said.

"Lucky." Jacob said. "Hey, can I get one?"


"Wow." Jacob said. "Not even for your best friend."


"Meanie." Jacob said and me and Alistair laughed.

"Hey, what time is music club today? I hope I won't be late for my job" I asked.

"Not today." Alistair said.


"Sir Jason passed by us before you arrived." Jacob said. "He said it might be rescheduled tomorrow or the day after because the headmaster wants to talk to him about the club."

"I kinda expected this." I sighed. "I mean, its just the three of us since last year."

"Yeah, other students aren't really passionate or can't play music at all." Alistair said. "At this rate I fear it might-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Jacob interrupted.

"Okay, okay." Alistair said. "It pains me to admit it either."

The three of us were so caught on with our conversation that we didn't notice where we going. Because of that I bumped into someone. My forehead collided with another a little hard. I rubbed my forehead, feeling a slight burn and looked at the person I bumped into. It was a boy, cleanly dressed smart that isn't a uniform and he had combed and gelled hair. He wear glasses and has a brown leather satchel on his right hand. On his back seems to be a guitar in it's case.

"Sorry." The boy whispered. "I'm really sorry."

"No, I'm sorry." I said quickly. "I should have looked where I was going."

The boy nodded and quickly walked away. Me and the guys looked at him walking away until he was out of sight.

"New kid?" I asked.

"Seems so." Alistair said. "I also noticed his clothes. It looks like this expensive brand I saw when I was vacationing at England. And it looks like the real thing"

"Oooh, a rich kid and someone from abroad." Jacob said.

I nudged Jacob's side with my elbow.

"Don't say that. That was not cool." I said. "Did you also notice the guitar on his back?"

"Yeah." Alistair said. "Hopefully a new recruit to out club."

We continued to walk but my mind was still on that boy.

Next chapter