
Teaching Soma


10 chaps ahead on Patre.ron: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Stones pls, plus really trying here guys im sorry for the incosistency


Hiro said "Hey, kid." Soma turned around and said "Oh, hey." Hiro smirked and said "Come with me for a walk." Soma was confused but followed him anyways. They walked out of the Resort building and to the beach, Soma was carrying a clay grill and Hiro was holding a mini cooler.

They sat on the beach and Hiro started up the grill, preparing the meat as he said "Frustrated?" Soma was silent. Hiro smiled and said "Actually, I went through the same thing in my first year. Against someone, even better than Kojiro."

Soma looked at him and asked "You went to Totsuki?" Hiro smiled and nodded "I think.... I graduated in... 72? 73? I don't remember." he shook his head and seasoned the meat before placing it on the grill, adding "Anyway, anyway, It was quite important to me. My enrollment at Totsuki was on the line too. Actually, I put everything on the line. Even myself."

Soma was stunned and said "And you won?"

Hiro laughed and shook his head "First of all, you need context. Before I went to Totsuki, I roamed around the world, challenging chefs. My specialty is Pastries, I'm a Patissier. My best dish is Tiramisu. Funnily enough, every time I've made Tiramisu, I've lost."

Soma was stunned and confused, Hiro continued "The first time was against the old man, Senzaemon. That's how I ended up at Totsuki. The second was against the 1st Seat at the time, Fuji Haruto. He was a Patissier as well. He was also in his third year. The judges were the same and the dish was the same, but I had an extra year of training under my belt."

Soma listened quietly and Hiro laughed "Actually, I lost completely. 3-1 votes. But what happened maybe me frustrated. Fuji, tasted my dish and gave up, conceding to me. The Shokugeki was deemed a 'Draw' and nothing happened."

Soma said "That sucks!" Hiro laughed and nodded "I know, right?! I was pissed too!" he flipped the meat on the grill and said "Obviously, I was upset and I left all my stuff there. I didn't accept my win or draw or whatever, nobody would. So I went back to my... house."

He smiled lightly and said "Then I got a visitor a day or two later. It was Fuji himself. He told me that he was leaving something with me and that he accepted his loss, but that he would be back to reclaim what I took from him. I couldn't understand why he would do such a thing at the time, but I slowly realized it as the time went by."

He looked at Soma and smiled "You're upset that you lost, when you really wanted to win, yeah?" Soma nodded, Hiro continued "Think of it like this, you lost because of experience, but you beat the opponent with your dish. Really, if you beat the opponent with your dish and make them accept defeat, it doesn't matter what the judges think. Kojiro was defeated by your food tonight. You helped him gain his motivation again."

He dug into the cooler and pulled out a knife, saying "You see this knife?" Soma nodded and Hiro showed him the handle, Soma said "F.H?" Hiro grinned "I never lost against Fuji again." before cutting the meat into strips and skewering them with vegetables as Soma was stunned.

Hiro left the skewers there and took one as he said "I might have lost to the judges, but I won against Fuji. Basically, he won the battle, but I won the war. Think about that, Soma. Enjoy." before walking back to the resort, leaving 9 golden brown skewers of meat wafting an irresistible aroma.

Soma gulped and tried one before going into a daze and devouring the rest of the skewer. He cleaned up and brought the other skewers to his friends with a better expression.

Hiro helped him out a ton! What a nice guy!

Hiro walked into his room and punched on Zerotwo, sending the knife into the system space. She yelped and giggled as they fooled around, making the passing blush and heat up from the sounds.

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