
Ichigo is better than Ichigo

The next night

Hiro was sitting outside his shop. Zerotwo was reading inside and Isabella was sitting next to her on the computer. The other kids were asleep and Kisuke was sitting next to Hiro outside, eating more candies.

Hiro pet the cat on his lap and said "Doesn't that feel strange? You're not a cat after all..." the cat said in a male voice "I don't mind." Hiro clicked his tongue and said "Please don't use a strange older man voice with me. It's uncomfortable." the cat spoke in a woman's voice and replied "Whatever."

Hiro scratched behind her ears saying "Much better!" the cat purred and Hiro smiled, scratching in her sweet spots, like under her chin, her belly, behind her ears, the middle lower back, etc. He was a massage god, scratching a cat was no problem.

A while later

Hiro and Kisuke, were standing over the orange haired boy that Hiro saw a while ago. Hiro nudged him with his foot saying "Hey! You alive, kid?" Kisuke clicked his tongue and said "Why are you kicki- MY HAT!" he took his hat back and continued "You don't need to kick him."

Hiro rolled his eyes and said "You take the orange kid, I'll help the Quincy kid." as he walked to the other collapsed kid with glasses, Kisuke nodded and looked at Hiro, who had his hat away and was walking away.

Kisuke shouted "MY HAT!"

A while later

Hiro was sitting in Kisuke's shop, looking at the orange haired kid, named Ichigo. Hiro was a little excited. Bleach was his first anime after all, it had a special place in his heart! Ichigo woke up and said "Huh? I'm not dead?" Kisuke walked in and said "You're no-" he grabbed his hat from Hiro's head and continued "You're not. I saved your life, buddy boy."

Hiro yawned and said "Took you long enough to wake up though... I was about to leave." Kisuke nodded and took his hat from Hiro's head again, Ichigo said "Why? What about Rukia?!" Hiro said "What about her? She went back to the Soul Society to be executed. You got around a month."

Kisuke nodded saying "So you're going to train!" Ichigo said "I don't have time to- URK!" as he held his shoulder. Hiro whistled and said "Well, if you want to die for real, then you can go." Kisuke added "Or you can train and then show those Soul Reapers who's boss."

Hiro looked at him and said "Show 'em who's boss?" he smirked and added "How cringe~" Kisuke clicked his tongue and said "You're cringe. Anyway, you have 10 days to train, 7 days to open the gate to the Soul Society, and 13 days to save Rukia before she's killed." Ichigo was silent and said "So who's this guy?"

Hiro pointed at himself and said "I run the better candy shop across the street." Kisuke said "Hmph! 'Better' candy shop, right. Yeah for sure." Hiro shrugged and replied "Man, it's not my fault, your candies are trash." Kisuke shouted "My candies aren't trash! I focus on Soul Society goods! Or else, my candies would crush your candies!"

Hiro sneered "Oh yeah? I don't believe it." Kisuke said "You bet- MY HAT!" before grabbing his hat and continuing "You better believe it!" Hiro threw a bag of candies to Ichigo and said "Try these." Ichigo caught the bag and said "What are these? Like Special Soul Reaper Candies?" as he pulled out a gummy chili pepper looking candy and ate it.

Hiro replied "Nah, they're just regular candies." Ichigo's face turned red and steam came out of his ears as he said "HOT! HOT! HOT!" coughing and choking from the spiciness of the gummy. Hiro smiled and said "That's the Spicy surprise bag! New stock and only 700 yen!"

Ichigo rolled on the ground and held his throat, Hiro gave him some water and he drank it all in one gulp, shouting "What kind of Candies are you making!?" as he ate another one. Hiro said "Good ones! So spicy they're good! Once you eat one, you can't stop, because it's so delicious, even if you burn a hole in your stomach."

Ichigo choked "It's true..." Hiro stood up and handed Kisuke another bag as he said "I'm going home, call me if you need me... Oh right! Ichigo, tell your friends about my shop! Bye~" before leaving with Kisuke's hat on his head and whistling as he walked out the door.

The next few days

Hiro watched Ichigo train and regain his Shinigami powers, and then even awaken the classic no guard or hilt Zanpakuto! Hiro smiled to himself and crouched on a rock, watching Ichigo send a Getsuga Tenshou at Kisuke.

Hiro flickered and grabbed Kisuke's hat before it could get damaged. He dusted it off and put it on his head, looking down at the long stretch of cut earth. He whistled, he could feel Ichigo's Reiryoku, it was pretty strong! Unfortunately, he had 0 experience, training, or control or else he would be really strong!

Ichigo's training lessons ended with Kitsuke and Hiro jumped down, picking up Ichigo and his real body before saying "I got it from here... Hehe." Kisuke narrowed his eyes and said "I don't like that Hehe at the end." as he took his hat back, Hiro grinned and said "He won't be the same Ichigo tomorrow, I can guarantee it!" as he walked away, somehow having Kisuke's hat on his head again.

Hiro brought Ichigo to the candy shop and Isabella looked over saying "Who's that?" Hiro said "Just a kid, don't worry about it." Zerotwo pursed her lips and Hiro added "He's 15." before going downstairs, leaving Isabella stunned and Zerotwo laughing.

Isabella pouted "I'm 21! I'm not that old! I'm not 3-" Zerotwo narrowed her eyes and Isabella coughed "Woah, where am I? Who am I? I need to sleep! Good night!" before walking in the stairs and humming nervously.

Zerotwo chuckled and went downstairs, Eri and Yami looked at each other before following her.

They all came to the Time room and walked inside.

Hiro slapped Ichigo awake and said "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! He-" Ichigo kicked Hiro, shouting "I'M AWAKE DAMNIT!" Hiro dodged his foot and spun him around saying "Good! Training in hell, begins now!" Ichigo said "Training in hell?"

Hiro stood up and nodded "Mhm! You're going to fight him." as he pointed at Yami, who waved. Ichigo said "He's just a kid!" Hiro added "He's 5 years old." Ichigo was stunned as he looked at the proud look on Hiro's face.

Yami ran over and tripped, falling flat on his face.

Ichigo blinked and Yami got up, before continuing to ran over. He stood in front of Ichigo and looked up at him saying "Hello!" Ichigo's mouth twitched and he said "Hello..." Yami transformed into his Shinigami form and slashed out with red eyes.

Ichigo jumped back quickly, saying "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Hiro said "Hey! No swearing." Ichigo was speechless and Yami held his Zanpakuto, that was bigger than him, by his waist, grabbing the hilt and dashing forward, slashing out at Ichigo with a blank face. Ichigo dodged and had no choice but to slash and fight.

Yami met his sword and slid off the side, spinning around and jumping in the air, slashing down. Ichigo blocked with his Zanpakuto and was sent flying, rolling on the ground.

Hiro smiled and said "One day outside in a year in here, kid. Until I'm satisfied, you're not leaving. Don't you have a fireworks festival tomorrow? You have around 12 hours which is 6 months. So make the most of it."

Ichigo shouted "What's with your kid?!" Hiro smiled proudly and said "Of course, I taught him how to use the sword." Yami stopped and smiled cutely "Daddy is a billion times stronger than Yami." Ichigo gulped "A b-b-billion?!" Hiro waved "He's exaggerating. It's like a trillion times." Ichigo was spooked "A TRILLION?!" as he dodged, Yami's assault.

Hiro watched them, while Zerotwo watched with Eri, who was hugging her Zanpakuto with a cute smile. Hiro smiled softly and ruffled her hair, she scrunched her nose and Hiro smiled happily. He looked at Zerotwo and said "Where's Izzy?"

Zerotwo giggled and said "She 'went to sleep'." Hiro was confused and Zerotwo waved "Don't worry about it." He couldn't say anything after that and nodded before going to train, himself. He made 1000 shadow clones and sent them to the core area to use as much Reiryoku as possible.

Hiro, himself, sat in a rocking chair and had Eri on his lap, rocking back and forth, humming to himself as he watched Yami and Ichigo fight.

It was pretty peaceful.

When Yami was tired, Eri would switch with him and Yami would sleep on Hiro's lap, Zerotwo did the same thing as Hiro but also meditated with her Zanpakuto to get closer to it. It was her only weapon after all. Hiro had Sun the entire time but she never had anything, so she had to adapt, thankfully it was pretty easy!

She praised herself in her mind, she was a genius after all!

Hiro felt Zerotwo getting stronger and smiled to himself, let her protect him in the future. That sounded good to him! He leaned back and fell asleep.

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts
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