
You just wouldn't understand...

Hiro hair up, along with a tight black Stamen suit as he sat behind Ichigo. The hair band that tied his hair together had BIG changes! There was a little mini Zerotwo plushie on the hair tie. Incredibly, the plushie was an X rarity item...

What a stoke of luck!

Hiro forced Clank to put the doll on the hair tie, so now he had a mini Zerotwo with him. It was nice. He liked it. Nobody had noticed yet. He still didn't have an explanation. What that weird?


But maybe not?

No, it definitely was.

It's fine. Nobody needed to know. It would be his little yandere secret. Did he just refer to himself as a yandere? One step forward, 25 steps back. He was spiraling. It was over, normal life as he knew it was finished. He had become a Yandere. There was no going back from that. Yet he must move forward.

He's going to break his yandere cocoon and become a Tsundere butterfly. No wait, go back. Wait, no. A Yandere butterfly. He was still a Yandere except now he had wings. A flying Yandere? Too scary. Wouldn't you just get picked up and flown off to god knows where?

The Yandere castle.

Is this going too far?

Should he build a castle?

'Why is Ichigo waving her ass in my face?'

Then he realized, he was in a mock-battle. He grabbed the handles and pushed forward with a crazy grin, the Franxx lit up as he said "You ready, Angel?" before blinking, that wasn't right. Ichigo said "En!" Hiro felt it really wasn't right, now 'You're supposed to say 'Yes, Darling~''

The Franxx moved extremely fast, spinning in the air and piercing the training stick towards Zorome's Franxx's head before suddenly shutting down and crumpling to the ground as Hiro went into a daze 'She's not my Angel.' he opened the hatch before looking outside. Ichigo was startled and said "Where are you going?!"

Hiro said "It won't work. There's no connection." Ichigo was frantic and said quickly "We were connected, I felt you! You were so good!" Hiro shook his head and replied "Ichigo, you're not HER. It's not going to work no matter how much you want it to. I'm done."

Hiro stopped and a voice in his head said 'Get back in there! This is our only chance!' Hiro shook his head and replied to himself out loud "You wouldn't understand." he ignored the roaring and got out of the Franxx.

He looked at the giant pink Franxx and said "I only have one partner. That's what it means to be a Jian." before walking off the battle field and passing the group and going inside. Hachi watched him walk away before saying "Code 016 has forfeited. Code 666 and Code 390 win the mock battle."

Zorome shouted "Get back here, you coward! I'm not done with you!" Hiro ignored him, Mitsuru said with a scummy expression "Leave him, he's not what he used to be. We're better off without him."

Hiro laughed and said "Excellent job dealing with the Klaxosaur 3 days ago... Oh wait! That was me wasn't it? That's right! Hah! Never mind. Carry on, 326. You'll do just great on your own, I'll come visit your grave in the future..." he chuckled and added "If you even get one, of course..." before disappearing into the building.

Mitsuru grinded his teeth and clenched his fists, Nana frowned and said "Unstable?" Hachi looked at his clipboard and made a marking as he said "Frustrated. It's normal." Zerotwo squinted with a smile before holding her hands behind her back and skipping after Hiro, her long pink hair flowing behind her.

Hiro took off his uniform and left the changing room with a yawn, he stopped and looked at Nana in front him. Zerotwo was leaning on the wall behind her and Nana said "Are you okay, Hiro?" Hiro was startled and said "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

Nana said with a frown "You've been very frustrated recently." Hiro replied "Well, when you constantly get put down but others who think they're better than you and are unable to use your talents because you can't ride with your true partner, you would be frustrated too."

Nana was stunned and said "You mean?" Hiro said "I severed the connection. On my own accord. She's not my partner." he walked away adding "I only have 1 partner and it's my Angel." Zerotwo's smile froze and her mouth opened wide, looking at Hiro's back.

Her heart felt very warm and sweet, beating fast, she didn't know what this feeling was but she didn't want it to stop. She said "Hiro!" and ran after him, Nana recovered and shouted "Zerotwo! Get back here!"

Hiro stopped and turned around, spreading his arms wide with a warm smile. Zerotwo smiled with tears in her eyes as she flew through the air. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and his arms wrapped around her waist as he caught her and spun her around.

Hiro whispered in her ear "Do me a favor, Angel. Don't show your emotions around Nana and Hachi anymore." he wiped the tears from her eyes and added "We can't kiss in front of other people either."

Zerotwo was stunned and said "Why?" Hiro smiled and said "Because, they'll take you from me..." he stroked her hair and said softly "Nobody can take you away from me..." Zerotwo was dazed looking into his eyes, she kissed him quick, biting his lips on the way out and smearing blood on the corner of his mouth as she punched him in the stomach.

Hiro let out a breath and Zerotwo winked at him nervously before saying "Are you okay!?" Hiro was convinced, this chick was up for an Emmy. Ugh. He loved it.

[Achievement Unlocked: Masochist! You got punched by a girl and you loved every second of it. Rewards:+2 Luck, Mystery Chest]

'Ah. Fuck me. That's not what I wanted.'

[Opening Mystery Chest!]

'I don't remember saying open.'

[Congratulations! You received Hiro Plushie!]

'Is this a cruel joke...'

[Achievement Unlocked! Egotistical! You bought a plushie of yourself... What an asshole. Reward: +1 Luck, Gifting Feature Unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You've Unlocked the Gifting Feature! Reward: Upgrade of a random Talent]

Hiro was completely dazed and almost did cough up blood. He didn't do a single thing and he got a Gifting Function in the end. What happened to the system? Was it Clank? Clank said "It wasn't me."

Hiro was confused and another 'Ding' sounded.

[Due to a glitch, you have lost a Mystery Chest. 2 Mystery Chests are being rewarded as compensation.]

Hiro leaned on the wall and said "Oof." Zerotwo whispered "Did I hit you too hard?" she was feeling bad, though, even her fist hurt when she hit him. It was like punching a rock! Hiro shook his head and said "Not you, something else. Don't worry, Angel. Help me up, I'll follow you."

Zerotwo's eyes lit up and she wrapped his arm around her neck, looking as flat as possible. Nana finally arrived and said "Yo- Hiro! What happened!?" Hiro coughed and touched his lips, wiping blood on his hand as he said "Nothing. I'm fine."

Nana pulled his hand and saw the blood, she said "You're obviously not fine!" Zerotwo said coolly "He coughed up blood and I brought him here." Nana said "Did you see what happened?" Zerotwo shrugged and said flatly "Nope. Probably from riding with a poor partner. Those moves before were too much for her and he took everything on himself. He probably didn't want her to feel bad and held it in, leaving before it could come out."

Hiro was fucking convinced, maybe that's really what just happened? Nana sighed and completely believed her as she said "You really shouldn't do that, Hiro. I understand you don't want your friends to be upset, but you should be more selfish."

Hiro almost really spat out blood for real! 'I'm the most selfish person you've ever met, okay!? Don't give me the nice guy label!' Zerotwo almost laughed but kept a straight face. Nana said "I'll assign you for a check up tomorrow. You were going to get one anyway. Have a good rest tonight. Zerotwo, let's go."

Zerotwo left Hiro and followed Nana, while doing a 'V' with her fingers behind her back. Hiro chuckled and looked at the Hiro Plushie attacked to the inside of her skirt. He stood up and supported himself with the wall as he left, just in case he was being watched.

Though now that he thought about it, if there were cameras they would be fucked no? So that whole play for nothing? He had to admit it was fun though. He smiled to himself, he didn't know Zerotwo had such a playful side.

She was smart, beautiful, cute, sweet, alluring, strong, and so many more that it would take days just to name them all.

A while later he finally got back to his room and flopped onto his bed, taking out his Comms and typing in the Discord.

Monkey Godking: @everyone HEY!

Sage Fishy: hola

YigilliJoker: Hey

Drewcifer234: He lives!

Monkey Godking: hey fishy did you hear, I got isekaid

Uncle Zhang: What?

True Disciple Jack of Diamonds: That's a good time

Sage Fishy: fucking noice, winning yet?

Uncle Zhang: @Sage Fishy Idiot spent a healing potion of a bird

Sage Fishy: im sorry what?

Monkey Godking: Funny story actually..... Me and Zerotwo just put on a show for Nana

Sage Fishy: waste

Drewcifer234: @Uncle Zhang Yep. Biiig waste

True Disciple Jack of Diamonds: Damn not for Ichigo?

YigilliJoker: @Monkey Godking what kind

Drewcifer234 sent a gif

Monkey Godking: so she bit my lips and I pretended to be injured after disconnecting from Ichigo in the mock battle hahahah

True Disciple Jack of Diamonds: Find a way to get rid of Ichigo worse girl ever fuck that bitch

Drewcifer234: ... I'm guessing to hasten being only partnerable to Zerotwo?

Sage Fishy: so you got a pity lip bite

Monkey Godking: @Drewcifer234 Youre reading my mind! @Sage Fishy dude we've been kissing

Drewcifer234: Oohh?

Monkey Godking: okay?! yeah! I'm a big boy

Sage Fishy sent a gif

Monkey Godking: she lips are soft and sweet -sent a gif

Drewcifer234: Ichigo's probably heartbroken... Or still hellbent on tearing you two apart

Monkey Godking: who cares

True Disciple Jack of Diamonds: Yeah fuck Ichigo

YigilliJoker sent a gif

Monkey Godking: LMAO

Sage Fishy: yea, fuck Ichigo

The CrackHead: Does clank or chunk have a gacha?

Monkey Godking: No but he unlocked a gifting function today

YigilliJoker: Then he is weak -sent a pic

Drewcifer234: Ooo. Gift all the things to the Waifu! Build up thine affection points and unlock the Happy End! (The CrackHead and YigilliJoker reacted 🐒)

Monkey Godking: I gifted her a plushie of myself...

Drewcifer234: ...

The CrackHead: ...

Sage Fishy: ...

YigilliJoker: ...

*Uncle Zhang has left the chat*

Monkey Godking: Anyway!

Sage Fishy: Get anything good?

Monkey Godking: ???

Sage Fishy: yea you're in another world, get anything good, other then a waifu

Monkey Godking: like what though I havent even been allowed to ride for real yet! 😭

The CrackHead: Oof

Drewcifer234: Skills! Items! Golden fingers! Are you insta OP? Or is it a build as you go type setting?

Monkey Godking: dude I have talenst I have to build myself hais...

Monkey Godking: talents** fuck sakes...

The CrackHead: Monkey, chance of getting banned if I send a fat monkey?

Monkey Godking: a fat monkey?

The CrackHead sent a gif

Monkey Godking: no self portraits please

The CrackHead: Too late

Monkey Godking: !mute @The CrackHead

Sage Fishy: ha get screwed

Drewcifer234: Oof also You gotta get good quick though. Fucking klaxosaurs'll kill ya.

Monkey Godking: Hahahaah yeah well for now no klaxosaurs more worried about those damn apes ironically

Drewcifer234: Apes? The papa guy?

Monkey Godking: yeah

Drewcifer234: Hmm.. yea I guess if you deviate too much from normal brainwashed standards they're going to be suspicious.

Monkey Godking: Somebody check the wiki is Dr. Franxx a good guy?

*Uncle Zhang has returned to the chat*

Uncle Zhang: !unmute @The CrackHead

Uncle Zhang: I am only line between tyranny and democracy in this server

*Uncle Zhang has left the chat*

Sage Fishy sent a gif

Drewcifer234: "pragmatic and immoral, as he cultivates illegal experiments toward cloning involving human fetuses purely to satisfy his curiosity." By his own admission, he was enslaved by his lust for knowledge and doesn't hesitate to use brutal and abominable methods to achieve his scientific goals. ^ from wiki

Monkey Godking: so a good guy

Drewcifer234: Let's see.. emotionally broken due to the death of his only lover Aaand madly in love with 001 aka Klaxosaur Princess.

Monkey Godking: is she not the queen?

Drewcifer234: Eh, Yea. Technically. But since she looks like a loli, ppl call her princess

Monkey Godking: LMAO

The CrackHead: FBI!

Sage Fishy sent a gif

YigilliJoker: She's legal -sent a pic

Monkey Godking: how tall am i on the wiki

YigilliJoker: 5'6

Drewcifer234: 5'6"

Monkey Godking: 😯 I'M AT LEAST 5'7 FOR FUCK SAKES!! fuck from 5'10 to 5'7 what a life! 😭

The CrackHead: Monkey. Have you taken a look at your little brother.

Hiro got serious and typed...

Monkey Godking: YES! Hehe proud to say i'm rocking a 7 incher pretty respectable size

Drewcifer234 sent a gif

*Uncle Zhang has entered the chat*

Uncle Zhang sent a gif

*Uncle Zhang left the chat*

YigilliJoker sent a pic

The CrackHead: lol

Monkey Godking: lol

Drewcifer234 sent a gif

Monkey Godking: Anyway, Goodnight guys... Hopefully I live another day, don't forget to send help

Hiro closed the Comms and slowly drifted off to sleep, hugging the Zerotwo plushie in his arms with a happy smile on his lips.


Zerotwo looked at the Hiro plushie in her hands and hugged it tightly, laying on her side, looking out the window at the brightly lit city. Her eyelids slowly got heavy and she curled her toes over her foot, curling up into a ball and bringing the Hiro plushie in closer as she mumbled "Darling..." before falling into dreamland.

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