
Compound Attack And Unleashing Hell

(Genetics Lab)

Genetic sighs as she continues deciphering the secrets of Overhaul's quirk bullets "Not a bad counter measure but far too drastic quirks are not diseases that should be eradicated but evolutionary traits we should accept with gusto" she grins slightly "If only I could get you to see the light that I see Shie" she sighs and goes to look at her monitor when her phone goes off. She smiles and picks it up "Hello…of course Shie…meet you there and don't be late" she puts the phone down and gets up from her chair, "This is gonna be very interesting".

(The Mansion)

Genetic walks deep into the mansion walking by Toga and Twice who she greets before walking to Overhaul's office "Glad you finally accepted my invitation to talk freely" she sits down as does Overhaul. "I'd rather know what your game is then just taking you at your word" Genetic frowns slightly "You think me a dishonest person Shie…I'm hurt.

But regardless since you want me to be clear I will be…my belief and goal is the opposite of yours" Overhaul looks at Genetic with narrowed eyes and Genetic senses the anger behind his gaze, she grins and leans in close to his face "Quirks are the next step I wish you could see that" she plants a small kiss on his forehead before teleporting away leaving Overhaul enraged and shocked. "…Just what are you up to Genetic?"

(The Mansion)

Genetic smiles to herself and runs simulations in her head "I hope he sees it my way soon or else he won't be able to help me much longer-" she is cut off by a small muffled scream, Genetic teleports to the source of the scream and finds Mimic and a young girl with white hair and her leg and arm wrapped up with bandages. Genetic quickly stuns Mimic and he falls to the floor while the girl freezes from fear as Genetic approaches her and closes her eyes only to feel herself be pulled into a soft hug.

"You young girl will be one of the many generations who will benefit from my goal in the long run. Stay strong you will be free soon" Genetic smiles and pats the girl on the head "And before I leave…what's your name?" The girl fidgets nervously "Eri…it's Eri" Genetic smiles "Don't worry then Eri you will soon be free and in better hands" Genetic stands up and leaves while Eri ponders what Genetic means.

(The Mansion, Near The Exit)

Genetic goes to leave when she spy's a lot of heroes and police outside using her sonar quirk and groans "I didn't wanna be in here for when this happened but so be it" she walks back into the complex and heads towards Shie.

(The Mansion)

Genetic hears the noise and sounds of fighting along with seeing the whole place begin to contort and shift Genetic sighs as activates her visor "Now where are you Shie…there you are" Genetic yawns and charges up and a red and green energy ball "Let's clear a path shall we?" She fires it at the wall breaking it apart only to see two villains from Shie's group land next to her.

She looks at their unconscious bodies with a confused look until she looks up and sees Suneater and grins widely "Oh hello hero", Tamaki gasps internally "Genetic?!" Genetic spots the other villains about to sneak attack Tamaki and blasts them all nearly killing them "No interruptions I wanna deal with you alone" Tamaki growls and uses his tendrils to try and attack Genetic only to have them severed by Genetic conjuring of an energy blade.

Genetic smiles "Your quirk is so unique I must archive it for the future" she manipulates the ground and traps Tamaki who struggles fiercely as Genetic approaches with a needle in hand "Your quirk will be remembered for years after your gone" she smiles softly and stabs Tamaki with the needle before pulling the stopper up and lifting the needle out, she then puts the needle in her suit's pocket. "See you round Suneater" she grins before walking off and letting Tamaki out of the trap after she leaves the room.

(The Mansion)

Genetic sighs as she speed walks down the rooms and follows the pulses of her sonar quirk to try and find Shie "Where is that man?" She is interrupted by the walls on her left though some distance away shifting and then she sees Overhaul and Eri along with Lemillion. Genetic grins widely and thinks to herself "Lemillion…the perfect example of quirk compatibility" she cloaks and decides to watch the fight between Shie and Lemillion out of interest and curiosity.


Genetic grits her teeth as Lemillion is hit with the quirk destroying bullet "Damn you Shie…I'll make you pay for that…dearly" she collects herself and goes to get involved when she sees Izuku smash through the wall and thinks to herself "Oh…go ahead Izuku show me why All Might has such vested interest in you" Genetic remains cloaked and watches the fight between the two with great intrigue.

(After, The Mansion)

Genetic laughs to herself seeing Shie in a mess on the floor while Eraserhead, Uravity and Izuku talk, she carefully walks up to Shie from behind and stares down at him before deactivating her cloak shocking Shie and making the three heroes unnerved "I got a feeling you wouldn't see it in the end…such an unfortunate mistake on your part" Shie growls "Don't act like your any better Genetic" Genetic smiles "I never had a hatred so great that it caused me to abuse my own flesh and blood…I've done bad things sure but never once have I tormented a child for my own gain…Kai" Genetic kicks Kai in the side of the head before looking up at Izuku "You have my attention now Izuku…I hope to see more of you soon" she smiles winks at the three before leaving the area and watching the convoy take Kai away.

(The Van)

Genetic smiles she teleports into the back of the van Spinner and Dabi are in "Let's have some fun shall we?" Dabi nods "Agreed" they open the doors and Dabi fires a burst of flames at the convoy while Genetic charges up a powerful beam in their hand which they fire however the police car next to the convoy gets in the way of the beam and is destroyed however Tomura and Compress quickly move in and cause the convoy to crash.


Genetic smiles and he and Tomura walk up to the convoy to talk with Kai who looks up at the two with fear in his eyes "Have you come to kill me?" Genetic laughs "No…that would be to good for you" Tomura and Compress take both of Overhaul's arms "A pity I couldn't get your quirk before it was destroyed" Genetic walks away with a frown on her face "His quirk would have been better used in my hands but…oh well you win some you lose some".

(Genetic's Lab)

Genetic smiles "This has to be one of the best ideas I've ever had, infiltrating UA in person and I barely have to alter my appearance aside from my hair colour and eye colour. Wish I could keep my green and red but both colours would draw attention so I'll go with red for my hair and green for my eyes" she smiles and alters her form accordingly before grabbing her long hair and tying it back into a long ponytail which she then braids. "Now all that's left is the history of this new persona and to submit my application to UA" she smiles and begins writing the file


Name: Utsu Mottomo

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Laza

Height: 6,5

Hair Colour: Red

Hair Style: Braided Ponytail

Eye Colour: Green

Birthday: October 24th

Sign: Scorpio

Quirk: Laser, allows her to control, manipulate and fire lasers from any part of her body such as her finger tips, palms and eyes as well as manipulate lasers from natural sources and absorb their energy to enhance her own lasers however her quirk can cause her skin to begin to blister due to the heat of her lasers and so she doesn't unleash volleys at once at our dear of being burned.

Appearance: (Casual) She wears a white undershirt with a green suit jacket, green skirt, red tights and green heels along with red gloves and red sunglasses.

Hero: She wears a red bodysuit with green gloves, green boots and a green cloak along with a red visor. Also has reflective green body armour to enhance her lasers.

Personality: Utsu is a rather calm and joyful woman who is very out going and helpful and tries to make everyone feel welcome and safe under her watch and care though she can be a notorious flirt and has had some issues with accidentally distracting heroes while they are on duty.

(Back To Genetic)

"This is perfect now just need to submit it…and done now I just need to wait for my contacts to get it on priority and then I can get into UA and start wreaking some havoc internally". She grins to herself "I think I might also treat myself to a few pros quirks while I'm at it as well as take their pride by robbing their quirks while in an "intimate" position" Genetic laughs to herself before she feels one of her seismic sensors go "Ooo…looks like the big giant has finally come out of hiding this means things are about to get quite spicy very soon.

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