
The devil keeps his promises


Lucifer flew over Syndebyen in his true form, The towering form of demonic power silently floating above the his Second pillar as he stared down at his amassing army. his blank white eyes taking in thousands of imps apparating in more and more of leviathans men at arms from all over Norway.

The savage muggles dressed in fur and leather, their weapons ranging from bows, swords and axes were excitedly talking among themselves. Some were shivering at the thought of finally meeting their Esteemed lord, while some discussed in hushed tones the cause for such an assembly.

In the end it mattered not to Lucifer, as he had assumed his true form for the sole purpose of its war might and the extra control over demonic power given in his True Form, or rather his Demon form. Its maddening aspects no longer an issue as his mind was forever his own, no matter the state of being he was experiencing

He kept floating in the same spot above the clouds as he took in the army of twenty thousand savages being equipped with ward stones, enchanted weaponry and the Ritual of Tribute being prepared and executed to make sure the damned souls go to their Lord. His demonic smile of jagged white widening as he took in five thousand imps lined up behind the army, now done with their task of maximizing the Vikings combat potential.


His voice came as suddenly and as powerful as thunder, as every single soul from the amassed army to Syndebyen´s inhabitants turned their head up towards the source of the voice.

<b>"They have betrayed my trust..."</b>

They watched the descending being of power, its figure a towering mass of darkness. the only light being what seemed to be stars spread out across its demonic form.

"<b>Shunned their own potential..."</b>

They fell to their knees as they took in the mighty being before them, its eyes a white void and mouth the same, only black jagged teeth defining it in a constant demonic smile


The vikings felt their very soul reverberate in terror as the demonic voice thundered to them, the imps prostrating themselves to their Lord infant of them


It was that declaration that summoned every single one of them from their knees as they screamed their fury with their Demon Lord.

Lucifer nodded, satisfied with his speech and subsequent debut to the common people as he connected to the pillar behind him, setting its teleportation feature. Where it would send a smaller copy of itself to its destination and manifest a wormhole between them.

Said wormhole made itself known shortly after, as a giant portal manifested before the army, who having been previously informed, took that as their signal to march.

Lucifer steeled himself as he disappeared from his previous spot in a sonic boom.

Marvell´s POV

The room they occupied were as silent as can be as they observed thousands of tall Northmen exiting a portal, their march were not uniform but it was a steady confident stroll. He cast his eyes towards the camp of the British, and saw them scramble into ranks.

Marvell couldn't help it, he laughed as he watched thousands upon thousands of bloodthirsty Northmen start sprinting towards the army, his laugh turning manic as he saw thousands of imps, men and wizards under the service of the Demon Lord, dressed in long crimson robes obscuring their face as they emerged behind the now running army, Tears started rolling down his face as he watched the imps in the thousands mount brooms and blot out the sky with their numbers.

<b>"Quite the sight isn't it?" </b>

He was broken out of his manic state of sorrow and happiness by a voice so deep and reverberating in its tone, carrying so much malice that it could only be described as demonic coming from behind.

He slowly turned his head and watched a being fourteen feet tall, its chaotic form eclipsing them all. his head slowly and utterly terrified shifted upwards as he took in the beings long jagged claws, to its horrifying maw and eyes as empty and white as the void. His eyes froze as he took in the beings horns, a pair of curved horns not dissimilar to what a dragon, no what the devil would possess..

The Beings eyes locked upon his shivering form, its head tilting in a far too innocuous manner.

<b>"Slytherin?" </b>

He could only nod his head as he quite simply didn't trust his voice, the atmosphere in the room immediately became a thousand times heavier as a black aura of malice exploded from the being before him

<b>"Just so I can truly delight upon the torture I shall inflict upon your soul, what part of the betrayal did you execute?"</b>

Betrayal? what was this being speaking of?

As if it could sense his confusion, its eyes met Marvell´s as it brutally rummaged though the young mans mind. Taking in every piece of information Marvell remembered.

<b>"An innocent son." </b>

The being shook its head as its form started condensing, shrinking into a figure still at an imposing height of seven feet but now adorning flesh instead of power incarnate.

Marvell stood rooted at his spot, as he took in the near one eighty of the being in front of him. Where before he was a being of Malice, Terror and power, no stood a being of grace, adorned with a head of long hair as fair as the snow with skin to match, a slender yet graceful figure with unmatched beauty only marred by crimson serpentine eyes and the same curly black horns. But what truly made Marvell almost fall over in relief, was the gorgeous black diadem with an emerald embedded at its center.

"My father never stopped talking about his magnum opus, the gift meant for another that ended up in his apprentices hands" His voice came shaken, part from the emotion the sight of the diadem brought him and part still wary of the previous sight.

The man he now knew to be Lucifer smiled softly, it made Marvell truly appreciate the beauty of the being before him. But it also utterly terrified him how such a force of malice could look so innocent and warm.

"Tabula Rasa, an artifact seemingly tailor made for me by a friend I will never forget" Lucifers voice came almost criminally melodious, its tone spoke of elegance and joy with a hint of sorrow and simmering wrath.

"A friend I Wouldn't have to bury today if not for the incompetence of the many" His voice lost all traces of warmth as cold crimson eyes locked upon the forgotten occupants of the room.

He couldn't help but be surprised as he took in the sight of the three founders wilting under the gaze of Lucifer, their wands at the ready and seemingly ready to fight. Marvell had been raised to be observant and could therefore truly see the minute details of the people infant of them, more specifically the minute shaking and twitch of their knees.

"I once told you Godric..." Lucifers form disappeared as he appeared in front of the founders, long slender fingers grabbing hold of the Godrics arms

"That if you ever disrespected me, I would hang you with your own intestines, no?" The Lion Founders eyes widened in agony as Lucifers long slender fingers pierced through Godric´s stomach

"NO!" Marvell watched in an almost detached fashion as a series of things happened at once, first towering figures seemingly apparatus into the room, their towering forms clad in a demonic looking black armor. Second was said figures grabbing hold of both witches arms, instantly breaking them both, leaving them howling on the floor in agony.

Marvell watching in detached shock as Lucifer pulled out a long pink tube of Godric Fucking Gryffindors insides, he watched as the Demon Lord he had heard so much of in his youth wrap the mans intestine around his neck, dragging him towards the open window where the screams of war and suffering resounded.

And it was with a strange indifference that he watched one of the mightiest wizards of his time being pushed out said window, while Lucifer stood, holding fast upon the mans innards. Morbid curiosity filled Marvell as he watched the struggles of the founder through the shaking of the intestine, how did it hold the mans weight?

"I reinforced it" came the melodious reply to his unspoken question "its rather simple to be fair, usually used by my imps to strengthen mundane weapons temporarily, but it serves its purpose well, I suppose"

The utter indifference in the mans beautiful face struck a cord in Marvell, this man had not only disabled three of the most powerful magicals he knew of in a matter of seconds, he had done it without a single spell being uttered.

The intestine stopped its movement as it's owner succumbed to the embrace of death, Lucifers response to this? Tying his end of the intestine to the window frame, his form shifting from the window and facing the two witches on the ground who not only had their arms broken but judging by their glassy eyes, their will to live.

"I was going to spare you, but the fact that not a single invader has been felled in vengeance is a sin great enough to sway my previous mercy"

Marvell fell to his knees, satisfied and utterly in awe of the power the man before him wielded.

Next chapter