
Give me a chance!

Chapter 2

Homeschooling, I homeschooled my way to the position I’m in. It was easy, being a the lazy bum I am…I surprise myself a lot. If it weren’t for my foster mother, and half sister I don’t think I would’ve made it through the first semester.

I brushed my teeth at 4am preparing for my shift, I couldn’t sleep, mother always told me to abstain from sleeping tablets or any possible medication that could be addictive, and before prescribing something of that sort I try my best to solve the problem using other means.I prayed till 7am then took a bus to the clinic, I wasn’t keen on driving. Arriving at the hospital I immediately rushed to my office checking the progress if my patients. He walked in after a short knock on the door, ne still flipping through the documents at hand.

“ your finally back, it wasn’t easy running the place alone, ” he says placing a beverage on my desk.

“ I don’t drink foreign things but thanks for the gesture, I have work to do anything else?”

“I, umm…”

“is it work related?” I ask looking up to him

“kind off, meet ne at the old place will you…I mean when we both free.”

“ we'll see…I’m a busy woman..”

Her shop was across my office, everyday after landing a new deal or going to a party unwilling I would watch her sew through the glass window of her tiny boutique. Punctual, always there, 5 out of 7days a week…I admired her silence, her hard work, and most certainly the smile she gave every customer that walked into her world.

Intikaab, Intikaab, you still haven’t shot your shot at the pious designer? words my friends sing out for me on a daily basis. What else could I do but watch, ut would be strange if I just walked up to her and ratted out my feelings.

“We need new uniforms sir.”

I look over to the employee who handed me a contact list, “why don’t we ask the designer opposite us, ” I say

“ she’s not that we’ll known, and has rejected your offer 3years in a row.”

“ you know what they say, 4th time the charm.”

“They do not say that sir.”

“just do as I say, and if it doesn’t work out. I’ll choose whatever factories you have in mind.”

He nods leaving my office, I question how I got some of the employees in this industry. I continued watching her as I sipped on a bottle of water, maybe this year I should approach her personally, can’t really trust these dimwits.

After freshing up, and waiting at the reception of her boutique she walked out sighing.

“ do you have a moment?” I ask quickly standing up

“ jee, she says walking up to me.”

“ dinner, ”

After shooting her an awkward smile she led the way to a café near by.

“ How can I assist you?”

“I need a tailor to help me with this new uniform design.”

“ I won’t be of any help, you should contact a professional specializing in this field.”

“ our company is currently facing financial issues, it’ll mean a lot of you consider the offer. We still looking forward to offering a decline amount.”

She grabbed the folder, “ill think about it then.”

I couldn’t help but smile

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