
Did you bite me, Nizam?

The car drives to Alena's apartment. Not long after, they arrived at Alena's apartment. Alena looked very sleepy. Her eyes remained closed when Nizam asked her to come downstairs.

"Alena..sweety wake up .." Nizam patted his wife's cheek. Then the door opened from outside. Ali was standing in front of Nizam, who was still seated. Then Nizam lowered his legs. Meanwhile, his hand was still supporting Alena's head which was hanging on his shoulder.

"Fuad. You go inside, then ask permission to enter the apartment keeper asks our permission to enter the apartment. Make sure the apartment is ready for me to use. If the apartment does not meet the requirements for me to live in. We just go to the nearest hotel. And you are Ali, you are. wait here! I'll rent you a room inside."

Fuad and Ali nodded and then Fuad immediately walked into the building where Alena's apartment was. After talking to the apartment keeper. Fuad returned to Nizam again.

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