
Chapter 62 : Out on a date.

Third person point of view

When Joshua woke up again the next day, it was already bright. He groaned and searched around for his phone. He checked the time and it was 1:46 PM. He put his phone away. He sat up and rotated his neck. He sat there for a few seconds. He walked out of the room and checked around. He didn't see Elijah anywhere.

He went to Elijah's room and slowly opened the door. He saw him still sleeping. He closed the door and walked back to his room. He decided to finish his things and then go wake Elijah up. He picked up his towel and went to the bathroom. He felt refreshed and more awake after the shower. He dressed up and walked out of his room.

He walked to Elijah's room and knocked on the door this time. " Elijah. Wake up ". He heard a grumble and nothing else. " You should eat something. Wake up ". He got a response but didn't understand what it was. He opened the door and walked in to find Elijah who buried his face into the pillow, sleeping.

" Wake up Elijah~~ " Elijah shifted but didn't wake up. " I want to sleep more ". He mumbled burying his head deeper. " Eat something and then go sleep again. Come on ". Joshua continued to disturb Elijah without letting him go back to sleep. Elijah finally gave up. He sat up and glared at Joshua.

" I woke up ". Elijah deadpanned. " Good. Now go fresh up, I will order food ". Joshua smiled and walked out of the room. He ordered the food and it arrived pretty quickly. Elijah was also done by then. They both finished having their lunch and sat down in the living room. " You should go sleep ". Joshua said turning to Elijah.

" Not sleepy anymore ". Joshua laughed. " Are you really mad about it ? " Elijah shook his head. " No. I am really not sleepy anymore now ". Elijah looked and Joshua. Joshua felt like Elijah did mean it. He nodded. " We didn't eat anything for so many hours, it will affect the stomach if we didn't eat even now. So I had to wake you up ".

Joshua felt like he should explain it and did so. Elijah nodded. " Don't worry. I understand ". Joshua smiled. They sat in silence for a few minutes. " Shall we go out ? " Elijah asked turning to Joshua. Joshua was a little intrigued. " Out ? Where ? " " Just around here ". Elijah answered casually. Joshua furrowed his eyebrows.

" Why ? " " I want to go out..." Elijah moved closer. " As in a date ". Joshua's eyes went wide. Elijah smiled. " So ? Will you go on a date with me ? " Joshua nodded enthusiastically. " Sure ". " Let's dress up and leave then ? " Elijah asked. " Now ? " Elijah nodded. Joshua nodded and both of them went to their own rooms.

Joshua first took a quick shower. He looked for a dress while drying his hair. He didn't know what to wear and was a little nervous. He finally took out black jeans and looked through for a shirt. He found a printed black t-shirt. He also found a beanie to match it with and shoes to finish it off. He dressed up and styled his hair. He put the beanie carefully and converse too.

On the other hand Elijah stood with folded hands, looking at his clothes. He took out black ripped jeans, plain white t-shirt and a plaid shirt to finish it off. He also took a shower and dressed up. He didn't really style his hair much but made it look decent. He walked out and put on his sneakers waiting for Joshua.

Joshua came out and saw Elijah waiting for him. " You are so fast ". Joshua said standing beside Elijah. " You are so cute ". Joshua laughed. " Thank you. We actually matched ". Elijah looked down to see both of them were wearing black jeans. " Yeah ". Joshua smiled. " Shall we go ? " Elijah asked holding his hand out.

Joshua took his hand and they walked out. They found a taxi. Elijah gave the address to the driver. " Where are we going ? " Joshua asked as they got into the taxi. This question was jumping around and running in his brain from the moment Elijah asked to go on a date. He couldn't decipher anything out of Elijah's words or actions.

He knew the kind of person Elijah is. At least he thought he did. So him asking to go out came as a surprise. He has to wait and watch to know. " There is some cafe which Nicholas suggested. It has some games and all too. So I thought I will take you there ". " Oh. Wow ". Joshua did not expect that answer.

It wasn't particularly near to where they lived. Elijah paid for the taxi and they went into the cafe. Joshua didn't know what it was. As they walked in, he saw people sitting and it looked busy. He liked the vibes. " Let's sit there ". Elijah gestured to a table and they sat down. Joshua looked around observing it.

It wasn't that big nor small. It had good vibes and it looked like people like to keep coming here considering the crowd. " What shall we order ? " Joshua didn't feel like having much so he ordered a drink and Elijah ordered some dessert. " Why this place ? " Elijah looked up at Joshua. " You don't like it ? " Joshua shook his head. " Not like that ".

" Then ? Is the drink not nice ? " Joshua chuckled. " Why are you getting paranoid ? " " It is our first date after all. I cannot afford to ruin it ". Joshua blushed lightly. " Everything is good. I am only asking a simple question ". " Oh. I liked the idea of this place. We can also play some games ". Joshua nodded. " We will go down once we finish then ? " " Sure ". Joshua smiled.

They finished and Elijah held Joshua's hand and they walked through the entrance to one side of the cafe. They got down the stairs and it was a really big place underneath. Joshua looked around with wide eyes. " Wow ". They saw snooker, table tennis and table soccer. There were a few people playing. " It is nice. They even have shooting ? "

Joshua turned to Elijah when he saw the arena. " You want to try ? " Joshua nodded enthusiastically. They went it and Elijah helped him put on the headphones and glasses. They stood in place and Joshua picked up the gun. He had to hold it with both hands. " Why is it so heavy ? " " Really ? " Elijah held Joshua's hands which were holding the gun.

" Not that much ". " Is it so ? " Elijah nodded. " Hold it like this ". Elijah adjusted Joshua's hands. Joshua turned to Elijah. " Shoot ". Joshua turned to the front and started shooting. Once he is done he put it back. Elijah checked and saw that Joshua's targeting wasn't bad. Out of 17 rounds, 10 were the nearest or on the target.

The other were not too far from middle but weren't perfectly aimed. " Not bad ". Elijah commented. Joshua put the gun down. " It is so heavy ". Elijah chuckled. Joshua turned to Elijah. " You don't want to try ? " Elijah shook his head. " Why ? " " I don't really like it ". Joshua nodded.

" Okay. Let me finish one more round and the we can go find something else ". Elijah chuckled. " Didn't you just say it was heavy ? " Joshua smiled. " That doesn't mean I don't like it. Same like it is with you ". Elijah froze at those words. " Huh ? " Joshua didn't understand the change in Elijah's expression. " What happened ? "

Elijah shook his head. " Nothing ". Joshua frowned. " Tell me. What is it ? " " What did you mean by what you said just now ? " " You are tough to put up with, but I like you so I don't mind it ". Elijah nodded. " Why ? " Joshua asked turning to face Elijah. " You just insulted me ? " Joshua laughed and turned to the front holding the gun up.


Elijah is such a sneaky bastard. Haha.

Ohhhhh~~~~ Out on a date during valentine's week I see. It is such a nice coincidence though. I like it.

My BR said that they were all flowery and full of hearts. Hahahahaha

Aaannnddd~ SPOILER ALERT !

It was all sweet till this week, you'll see something spicy next week. (⊙ˍ⊙) Look forward to it. (¬‿¬) I love it actually. ~_~ Hehehe.

But come on, too much love all this week. Like I know. I DO. You are in love. Need not rub it on my face. My BR and me keep chatting about this atleast once a day. lol

You guys are lucky enough if you have a loved one, for now or for a lifetime. Happiness is what is important. So good wishes to all of you. ^_^

My BR is almost done with reading the original draft of this book. And even has exams going on. WISH GOOD LUCK !

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