
Sexy dress

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Viona and Frans left for the airport. They will travel by air to Switzerland because tomorrow is New Year's Eve. According to the plan, Frans will propose to Viona in front of his entire extended family there and will enjoy New Year's Eve by making an unforgettable moment for his lover.

"I'm already nervous now, even though I'm just about to leave," said Viona while walking hand in hand with Frans towards the plane.

Frans smiled faintly, then embraced Viona from the side as he continued walking. "No need to be nervous or afraid, my family will not bite you," he said.

"I know that, but still...." Viona glanced at Frans who looked very relaxed and really enjoyed the trip.

"Don't worry, I'll always be by your side, honey." Frans kissed Viona's head passionately, no matter how many people noticed. Maybe people think they are a husband and wife who are going on a honeymoon, even though they are just about to propose.

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