
Luna's attitude change

Ethan continued to smile with relief looking at Luna who was still crying beside her babies. Sometimes he reached out to wipe his wife's tears.

"Do they have names?" Luna whispered.

"Yes, Dear," replied Ethan while rubbing Keyra's head. "I gave her name 'Keyra Del Luna Darric Angelo' and her twin named 'Keenan Darric Angelo'. I hope you like the name," he continued while looking at Luna, who had only focused on the baby.

"Why Keyra Del Luna while Keenan doesn't have anything extra name in the middle?" asked Luna with a look of disapproval.

"I remembered you liked Lana Del Rey. So I used Del's name and yours as her name. I think that's good." Ethan explained in a huff. He started to see the difference in Luna's attitude.

"Yeah that's good but why don't you give Keenan an additional name like Keyra?" asked Luna with a frown.

"I don't know what else to put in the middle. I wasn't concentrating at the time," Ethan replied, bending his face.

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